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A nice end to the day.


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Today, under strong instruction, I had a day decorating the house. When I say decorating I really mean dealing with skirting boards, getting into difficult corners, round the wc, and sanding down, vacuuming then painting with the dreaded eggshell. This was not my idea of heaven.


My reward for all of this was a late afternoon walk in some sunshine.





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You sound like a man of many skills Mr JDog both with a paint brush and a camera , you caught the moment of sunset exactly right , Thanks for sharing .


I don't know weather you were out at the same time a couple of nights ago when the sky looked as if it was on fire , really was something else , there were some photos on the Anglia news from around the county so I would have thought it was the same around your way.

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That is good. When I try that direct into the sun everything is like flared up or there are ghost images on the picture.




Flare is the sign of a dirty lens. When you take a photo into the light you need to ensure that the lens is perfectly clean. Even then you might get ghost images from the image reflecting within the various number of pieces of glass that make up the lens. Coated lenses reduce the chances of this but you don't usually get them of any quality on cheap cameras or i-phones.

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