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Street selling


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Is is legal/illegal for a street seller to obstruct people to promote/sell their product.I was sat in a cafe window (people watching) a while having a cuppa watched theses two young guys on a Talktalk stall perposly obstructing people walking past their stall.They seemed to be targeting old or middle aged individuals or the occasional younger person (as long as they weren't male and built like a pit bull).Also If someone side stepped them or looked like they said "no thanks or not interested" they appeared to make some kind of comment.

I'm sure I've read somewhere that street sellers be it charity or the likes of the AA,energy suppliers etc are not allowed to obstruct and that includes shoving a leaflet in your face.Maybe some PW member who does charity promotion or street selling for an organisation could clarify.

I just feel that people going about their business should not be hassled by these obstructive tactics.

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Found it

Collections must not in any way be conducted in a manner that would cause inconvenience to pedestrians or passers by.

 Collectors must not obstruct the highway or in any way cause a hindrance or obstruction.

The Collectors must remain within the location as defined in the Permit and must remain stationary.

Edited by Davyo
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5 Dealing with the public

a At all times you must make sure that your trading does not cause an

inconvenience, danger or obstruction to members of the public or

neighbouring premises.

b You must make sure that you and your assistants treat the public,

other traders and us fairly and reasonably, and not use behaviour

which could reasonably be seen as abusive or intimidating.

c You and your assistants must not commit any acts of harassment

against any person. Harassment includes (but it is not limited to)

violence or threats of violence, abusive or insulting words or

behaviour, and damage or threats of damage to property belonging

to another person.



The trader must hold a Street Licence and comply with the above. All just a bit vague.

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It's the women with too much make up tight clothes who smile sweetly make lots of eye contact thinking they will get a sale that get my goat. Nothing puts me off more aproduct or service than its sellers promotions teams trying too hard.


When I have akreadypolitly said no and they still go on I end up getting royally peed off with them.


Blocking people is tantamount to bullying

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I get chugged by people trying to sell me Sky. Tell them it's rubbish and I can't wait to leave. They can't get shot of me quick enough.

My pet hate is RSPCA chuggers calling out "excuse me Sir, do you like animals". I swiftly and with extreme rudeness tell them my thoughts.

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I get chugged by people trying to sell me Sky. Tell them it's rubbish and I can't wait to leave. They can't get shot of me quick enough.

My pet hate is RSPCA chuggers calling out "excuse me Sir, do you like animals". I swiftly and with extreme rudeness tell them my thoughts.

Standard answer to all RSPCA types, "preserve wildlife, pickle a squirrel!"

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I used to do it. It's a numbers game, speak to 100 people or speak to 1000 and your chances go right up.


It's not great this time of year but it was a well paid job for many of the blokes. Some of them really did push the line though.


The above quotes seem to be in relation to collectors, these are often sales people.

As they are not selling a physical product but a service they often do not need a street licence.

They also often just rock up and don't have permission off the local authority, who can ask them to move on.


With cut backs and the sacking of many town centre 'wardens' etc there often isn't anyone to move them on.

They can also go on private property / shop fronts not owned by the council and can't then be moved on.


It's a bit of a grey area. I found people making eye contact a lot often get asked etc. I just keep walking and politely say no thanks. It's similar to those annoying phone calls but in person.

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I had the move your gas and electric to us,


I was all ready to sign up, he was pleased with himself until I asked how the gas was being delivered, will it come in cannisters or will you run a long pipe 5 miles to the mains..............................

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I had a beggar accost me on sunday wanting 90p, I told him no, like I tell everybody, he was young, and fit and masquerading as a down and out, and had the nerve, and lack of shame to beg.


He went to a woman on her own, afterwards, and she gave him the same short shrift, too many of these ponces wherever you go, with their nice clothes and i phones begging for this and that.

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