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Trump...will he survive?


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I'm not sure that anyone knows exactly why DT ran for presidency or indeed what his agenda is.


It is entirely possible that he entered the race 'just for fun' and, in common with virtually every 'thinking adult' had no expectation of winning. However, as his campaign gained momentum and his team began to identify large sections of disaffected voters who could be easily manipulated, he started winning states and before he knew it his campaign was snowballing.


Let's face it, HC wasn't exactly strong opposition was she - not with all the skeletons in her closet and the dribbles down Monica Lewinsky's chin!


His narcissistic vanity combined with boundless wealth and a whole bunch of high level right wing cheerleaders was a heady mix difficult to stop.


Only in America! (or maybe not!)


Narcissists do not consider their families, they don't even consider themselves really (not in the same way that 'normal' people do) all they value is whatever really floats their boat - be it fame, infamy, fear, pride, power, immortality, ego etc, etc - whatever the driving force might be!


For a narcissist, it doesn't need to make sense it just needs to bring satisfaction - whichever way that may manifest itself!

Edited by Okrang
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Again you have the media influence... this morning I see a huge thing in the left wing media in the USA about the sacking of all the Attorneys, particularly one in New York. Regan did the same when he came into power but I don't seem to remember such a back lash from the media. Mind Regan was also painted by the media as a bit of an idiot but now most in the USA think of him as one of their best.

Most of the population believe everything they read in the newspapers or hear on TV and lets face it that information is what most of you are basing your views on ...true??

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In Reagans very early days, he warned air traffic controllers that as they were public employees, if they went on strike as they planned, he would sack the lot, they went on strike and he got rid of the lot, people said he was crazy, but his contingency plans worked and he laid down an early marker in his presidency that you don't take the mickey.


Read up on how it happened, its a good read.

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don't do politics never have , don't vote in Britain but I do know one thing he has large nuts , the thing I see in America they all like the film stars or rich people for presidents end of the day he won good luck to him :good: , pity other leaders don't have the nuts to follow him in some decisions

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America's second largest city just voted for it's mayor. Despite all the ridiculous social media outrage with people vowing to change things, the turn out at the polls was an apathetic 11%. One fervent anti Trump protester who promised to fight for change admitted not voting as "real life got in the way"

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One thing worth thinking about is if something was to happen to President Trump there would not be another election the vice president Mike Pence would take his place as happened when Kennedy was shot and who knows what he would be like. I think that the CIA are good at keeping there president safe so it would not be simple to shoot him as people think if it was why would so many bad people still be alive.

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One thing worth thinking about is if something was to happen to President Trump there would not be another election the vice president Mike Pence would take his place as happened when Kennedy was shot and who knows what he would be like. I think that the CIA are good at keeping there president safe so it would not be simple to shoot him as people think if it was why would so many bad people still be alive.

I believe it is the Secret Service who keep the President alive - they work for the Treasury, not the CIA.

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I think that you are correct in that in a country with so many guns and so many bad people whoever it is that keeps them alive must be doing a good job.

...some of the Secret Service reports about how they were treated by the Clintons, & the Obamas especially, it's a surprise one of the Secret Service themselves never stepped up to do the job!

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Many of the comments on here are utterly predictable, and just how the media planned it. Maybe he ran for office for a myriad of reasons, love of country, personal ambition, a challenge to improve things, he skirted with the idea for 30 years, it wasn't an overnight idea.



If you watch a few of the vids on utube about him he had the same ideas 30yrs ago that got him into office now...

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