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Staphen Fry accused of blasphemy


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Aside from the subject matter, how does one measure a degree of offence, and at what point does it become a matter for the law?


When i was young I was taught "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me", still holds true as far as I'm concerned.


It seems people are falling over themselves to be offended by something nowadays.


Perhaps if everyone was just thicker skinned there would be fewer problems.

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oh I agree with you. It doesn't bother me what he (and you, it seems!) thinks about God, I'm happy to ignore his comments on religion. It's the double standard that vexes me. It's the maddening part of society's incessant liberalism - free speech is drowned out by a rabble roused fear of upsetting someone (which is how Oxford Uni got into trouble over their absurd 'micro-racism'). Fry should be allowed to say what he wants (he could have said it all more diplomatically), just as Christians should say what they want, so should Muslims, EDL and Labout supporters. The legal, criminal line should only be where it is a threat of or an incitement to violence. If Fry had actively declared war on theists and had tried to burn churches and mosques to the ground, I could understand it, but he hasn't. It's just the lefty ire isn't evenly distributed. If they could just shut up about it all, I'd be happy!

Good points.It's the double standards which vex me also; the worlds oldest and obscenely wealthy organisation, preaching to others how they should live their lives and care for others. Perhaps the archbishop of wherever could throw open the doors to st pauls to provide shelter for all those poor homeless souls he claims to care so much about in the name of christian charity, and all those others could stop preaching abstinence while sodomising young boys, and I'll perhaps stop making sweeping generalisations.
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The blasphemy law was brought in as a final act of a dying government (the ones who bankrupted the country and required the bailout).


To date, no one has ever been prosecuted by it.


I'm assuming here, someone made a complaint to the police and then sent letters to the press. There are a lot of journos out there who will print what the church ask them to write :(

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There's a bit of difference between someone's sexuality and their religious beliefs.

Religion is usually introduced by ones parents and peers and is totally voluntary in its participation. Choosing to believe something is exactly that, a choice.

Sexuality is what your born with.

If you like girls, you like girls.

If you like boys, you like boys.

Edited by manthing
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I think anyone who seriously thinks that god exists is slightly bizarre.

I'm currently working on houses owned by the church - Evangelical church to be precise.


I can confirm your thoughts are correct, nice people, but absolutely bonkers.

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Did anyone on here used to listen to the debates of Christopher hitchens? Peter's brother who died a few years back.


YouTube him, he covered many topics.


Christopher Hitchens is a legend. I often wonder what he would make of the current state of the UK / world,

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Guest stevo

I have just seen the interview and read the reports of such.

My feelings are I could not give a dam about his beliefs. Whatever makes people sleep better at night is fine by me. After all this is an intelligent man. he knew that his words would offend yet he still chose to speak his mind and that's his right however sometimes speaking your mind will have potential for repercussions.

If a Muslim was to spout off on itv all hell would break loose and there would be complaints and stern letters to MPs flying all over the place.


Stephen if you want to gobb off in a country that if founded on religion. Don't expect a pat on the back. You have the brain cells to know better !

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I have just seen the interview and read the reports of such.

My feelings are I could not give a dam about his beliefs. Whatever makes people sleep better at night is fine by me. After all this is an intelligent man. he knew that his words would offend yet he still chose to speak his mind and that's his right however sometimes speaking your mind will have potential for repercussions.

If a Muslim was to spout off on itv all hell would break loose and there would be complaints and stern letters to MPs flying all over the place.


Stephen if you want to gobb off in a country that if founded on religion. Don't expect a pat on the back. You have the brain cells to know better !

Not quite correct I feel- more likely if a Muslim said it the effect would be less than the response to Fry, However if the comments were made about Islam both the Mullahs would be calling a fatwa and the pc brigade fa professional being offended would be all over the press.

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Guest stevo

Not quite correct I feel- more likely if a Muslim said it the effect would be less than the response to Fry, However if the comments were made about Islam both the Mullahs would be calling a fatwa and the pc brigade fa professional being offended would be all over the press.

You know what I'm trying to say 👍

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I have just seen the interview and read the reports of such.

My feelings are I could not give a dam about his beliefs. Whatever makes people sleep better at night is fine by me. After all this is an intelligent man. he knew that his words would offend yet he still chose to speak his mind and that's his right however sometimes speaking your mind will have potential for repercussions.

If a Muslim was to spout off on itv all hell would break loose and there would be complaints and stern letters to MPs flying all over the place.

Stephen if you want to gobb off in a country that if founded on religion. Don't expect a pat on the back. You have the brain cells to know better !

I don't think he does expect a pat on on the back? And he didn't spout off on the subject without prompting. He was asked a provocative question during a TV interview and he just gave an honest answer.

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I think I recall this correctly. From Professor Martin Rees's book 'Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that shape the Universe' the number of particles in the Universe is 1079, the mathematical chance of life existing in the Universe is 1 in 10120.

If you can understand the scale of these numbers and the difference between them then it has the capacity to make you think as it has some in Professor Rees's world.


On the Fry front we must consider the unofficial existence of discrimination or identity Top Trumps. I think top of the pile now is gender identity.

Edited by yod dropper
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There's a bit of difference between someone's sexuality and their religious beliefs.

Religion is usually introduced by ones parents and peers and is totally voluntary in its participation. Choosing to believe something is exactly that, a choice.

Sexuality is what your born with.

If you like girls, you like girls.

If you like boys, you like boys.


Not sure about the sexuality theory, if gay is genetic why were gay people born from non gay parents?


Its a choice, or something in the character, too many for nature to have decided.

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I would say no more bizarre than someone who feels the need to list, under each post he makes, every pigeon he has killed during his shooting career.

I take it that you were offended by my post.

Christians believe that God is responsible for everything that happens. In that case, he/she is responsible for aids, cancer and terrorism, just for starters. If people want to worship/believe in that, fair enough.


By the way, I don't list anything under each post I make. Also, those bags are only the biggest (over 70) that I shoot. It would be a pain to include every pigeon I shoot.

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I take it that you were offended by my post.

Christians believe that God is responsible for everything that happens. In that case, he/she is responsible for aids, cancer and terrorism, just for starters. If people want to worship/believe in that, fair enough.


By the way, I don't list anything under each post I make. Also, those bags are only the biggest (over 70) that I shoot. It would be a pain to include every pigeon I shoot.


I think you would find the Christians believe in Christ and some even try to live by the things he is alleged to have said like "treat others as you would like to be treated"(paraphrase) and stuff like that, its not cool nowadays where its more "do whatever you want and dont get caught"

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