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Can you trust Corbyns Marxist party with our gun laws?

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I'm not into politics and don't vote,so as stated many times on here I'm not allowed and opinion on politics(no freedom of speech apparently). But id like to ask one question (before i get told i can't)is everyone more bothered about gun law than the Future of the country?

If you could have a party that could guarentee the perfect outcome but guns would have too go.Would you sacrifice your sport to live in a perfect economy?[/quote


Pointless question.

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I'm not into politics and don't vote,so as stated many times on here I'm not allowed and opinion on politics(no freedom of speech apparently). But id like to ask one question (before i get told i can't)is everyone more bothered about gun law than the Future of the country?

If you could have a party that could guarentee the perfect outcome but guns would have too go.Would you sacrifice your sport to live in a perfect economy?[/quote


Pointless question.


Question answered in good old PW fashion,I asked the question because everyone seems to be focusing on voting for any party that's not going to implement tougher gun laws or bans.But you reply sums it up thanks and answers my question fully.

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It doesn't matter who you vote for; each and every party will do what they have to regarding firearms laws in order to survive. Even our shooting organisations have been known to do what is best for the organisation in order to survive, so don't be fooled into thinking any one particular party is any kind of guarantee.

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How is he doing so well now? Is everyone thick? May should just make up a load of figures, £1000 to everyone that votes conservative, then deal with the fallout after she's won. Same as JC is doing really.


I'm starting to worry now, time to change all your cash to dollars and hide it in your pillow.


Then keep your guns handy for when abbot erases all terrosist and criminal DNA from record, open the borders, and support terrorist organizations.


And brexit? He wants to play a game of poker, but show everyone his cards before he plays.


Worried :(

I work on minimum wage but a labour canvasser has promised me a £400 a month pay rise, regardless of the fact that the company can't afford it.

My mate who lives on benefits has been promised an end to living in poverty and struggling by increasing his money.

Just a few reasons why he may be doing well.

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Corbyn would promise to cut your grass and clean your toilet if it got him elected unfortunately a lot of people aren,t seeing past the freebies to who will actually pay for it all.As you say your firm couldnt afford the pay rise Liebour promise you and that,s the big issue .

My French company would shift production to Poland so fast your head would spin bye bye 550 jobs and the corperation tax they pay.

So 550 claiming benefits and not paying tax or national insurance whoops mr Jezza maths not working out

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As you say your firm couldnt afford the pay rise Liebour promise you and that,s the big issue .



We've recently lost 2 staff as the company could no longer afford them, a big rise in wages would definitely put other jobs at risk.

But at least jezza has promised a million jobs, if I lose mine I'll ask for one of those.

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I'm not into politics and don't vote,so as stated many times on here I'm not allowed and opinion on politics(no freedom of speech apparently). But id like to ask one question (before i get told i can't)is everyone more bothered about gun law than the Future of the country?

If you could have a party that could guarentee the perfect outcome but guns would have too go.Would you sacrifice your sport to live in a perfect economy?

No, what would be the good of a perfect economy if you can't take part in your chosen sport plus it would make my job difficult so wouldn't be such a perfect economy anyway

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Minimum wage is a false positive, everyone rises to the lowest pay. If i employed two people, one on £12 and one on the current min wage, the lower paid staff would slowly get to £10, but then i have no legal obligation to give my £12 per hr staff member a raise until it becomes 13£ my mum is a massive example of this, she was paid over the minimum wage when ot first came in to play, she never got a raise after it came in, and watched whilst others around her caught her up.

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Shooting is between a rock and a hard place in this election. Corybin is a veggi so is likely to be against killing game birds , but think back to when T May was talking at the police federation a few years ago when she stated that there was no valid reason for guns to be held in public hands. The next govenment could be a make or break one for us. T May might be the lesser of two evils , but the with Tory track record ( almost all anti shooting laws with one exception in the last 60 years have come under Tory not Labour govenments) on shooting restrictions I would not trust ether party.

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I'm not into politics and don't vote,so as stated many times on here I'm not allowed and opinion on politics(no freedom of speech apparently). But id like to ask one question (before i get told i can't)is everyone more bothered about gun law than the Future of the country?

If you could have a party that could guarentee the perfect outcome but guns would have too go.Would you sacrifice your sport to live in a perfect economy?[/quote


Pointless question.


I would be happy with that.


In said economy i assume i would earn enough for a foreign shooting trip every few weeks though...

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The question should be "can you trust any politician with anything or trust anything they say" I realise that corbyn is very marmite but at least he comes across as being an honest man with integrity, you certainly can't say that about Cameron or May who seem to treat changing their minds along with the goalposts as some Sort of gameplan

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Quiet you, we're making stuff up about what happens when the communists take over. Can't have people saying things like that!


The sad state of affairs is that the only reason things wouldn't get worse under the Maybot is because the "right" people (read upper echelons of society) have key influences in the party.

Spoon who brought in the 1953 protection of birds act, the countryside and wildlife act 1983, Countryside and Wildlife act late 80s. Gun control after Dunblain all Tory restrictions. The only law the labour have brought in is a ban on hand guns which does not effect live or clay shooting. Corybin is a veggie so has to have anti shooting leanings. The 2 main parties are not to be trusted. It might be surprising that a lib Dem , Norman Lamb a non shooter has done a lot for shooting including overturning an EN shooting ban on the Norfolk Coast, when the local Tory MP did nothing.


This is not going to be poplar on here , but the EU is pretty supportive over shooting a few antis of course , but hunting is very strong in most EU countries and their laws on guns are a lot more open than in the UK.

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It was the Tories who banned SA rifles following Hungerford and brought about the totally unjustifiable S1 shotguns. It was Michael Howard as Home Secretary who said he saw no legitimate use for SA rifles in the UK before giving the ok to arm UK police forces with SA carbines. It was the Tories who banned CF handguns and Labour who extended that ban to RF following Dunblane.

It was the Liberals under Lloyd George who took away the right of an Englishman to bear arms.

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