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A question for the self employed... customer won't pay...


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Lots of hassle

I usually just ask if there's a reason for not paying the bills

And take it from the reply

If they have a good reason no problem although they should have said rather than ignoring it


Don't bother with small claims personally I just sell the dept to a really horrible pair of brothers who have a dept collection business

I'll settle for a small % as long as they don't get away with it

All the best


How does that work then? Is that all legal?


I imagine most people are trying it on and if hassled enough will pay up.

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How does that work then? Is that all legal?


I imagine most people are trying it on and if hassled enough will pay up.

There are those who really don't care, its sociopathic behaviour, it often starts in late middle age and it is a mental condition. These are the Mr Angry's who start feuds with the neighbours over hedges etc, complain endlessly about trivial things, build 12' fences round their property or refuse to pay their bills.


There are programmes like Neighbours from Hell or whatever about them. It is a mental illness but the police and councils don't recognise the signs and try to mediate which is never going to work. Probably makes them worse. It can be one of the early warning signs of dementia, its about them starting to feel insecure about themselves and rebelling/ getting stroppy to compensate . Say things in a way they never would have previously.

Edited by Vince Green
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How does that work then? Is that all legal?


I imagine most people are trying it on and if hassled enough will pay up.

As long as you have the proper invoicing and or a bounced cheque

There happy to buy for a % of the value


As to legal?

Don't think it's really legal not to pay for work done

And tbh they've had enough chances by the time I go down this route

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As long as you have the proper invoicing and or a bounced cheque

There happy to buy for a % of the value


As to legal?

Don't think it's really legal not to pay for work done

And tbh they've had enough chances by the time I go down this route

And when one of the sociopathic nutjobs looses their marbles on your behalf and puts granny through the window whilst psychologically affecting their three year old child for the rest of their lives by punching poor old mummy who answers the door in the face several times in front of them for a few hundred quid....... The trouble with selling the debts on to morons is that you then become indirectly responsible for their behaviour, I used to have friends who did this many years ago and they didn't care who they hurt or what they damaged once they owned the debt.

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i know this is not not the best method, but it worked for me. i had been asked to find an electrical fault on sockets that were in a new build extension on a shop which was used for his freezers and obviously he was loosing stock.

i said i could not give a definite price on the job until i have found the nature of the fault as it could only be a minor repair ( fault finding took me 3hrs) .


as it turned out there was a fault in a cable which was buried in the newly plastered wall, so i suggested part rewire surface cables in trunking otherwise wall has to be chopped out and then plasterer to be called in.

he accepted and i gave a price based on two days work (including fault finding hours).


i returned following day with a mate ( big fellow x doorman lol) we completed job in a day, when come to get cash bloke would not pay as it took me 1 day not two i said 'yeh but that was based on me working alone'.

this chap was not having it so out come the hammers and we moved to remove what we had just put in, (power still on, more damage when it goes bang!). just has my mate was to swing chap grabbed his arm and said 'i pay i pay you not business man'


he paid, tools went back in van then the cheeky beggar said ' you looked a heaters above doors, not working'. i said yeh £40 up front, got the cash tools still in the van i got up to heaters turned them on, nothing dead as a dow dow.

got down said to owner 'yep they are knackered'.

he said 'you fix' i said 'no i looked at fans liked you asked.. for £40, now i am going... saying me business man yeh!) :lol::lol:


best part about it since i had left i found out this chap owned big shop wholesalers, he was minted

Edited by djgeoff
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And when one of the sociopathic nutjobs looses their marbles on your behalf and puts granny through the window whilst psychologically affecting their three year old child for the rest of their lives by punching poor old mummy who answers the door in the face several times in front of them for a few hundred quid....... The trouble with selling the debts on to morons is that you then become indirectly responsible for their behaviour, I used to have friends who did this many years ago and they didn't care who they hurt or what they damaged once they owned the debt.

Simple solution is


Pay your bills


However best to do what you're comfortable with didn't say it works for everyone


We all have a different kind of client base

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Simple solution is


Pay your bills


However best to do what you're comfortable with didn't say it works for everyone


We all have a different kind of client base

I'm 100% behind you on this one.


If you have a genuine reason that's different.

I've struggled like most in the past and a phone call explaining the issue is easy and most accept it.

We were took for 80k inc costs so it caused us problems paying.

We've just had a £7000 glass bill turn into £14000 :/

You can't change the price after . We've argued and it's sorted .

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I'm 100% behind you on this one.


If you have a genuine reason that's different.

I've struggled like most in the past and a phone call explaining the issue is easy and most accept it.

We were took for 80k inc costs so it caused us problems paying.

We've just had a £7000 glass bill turn into £14000 :/

You can't change the price after . We've argued and it's sorted .

Glad you're sorted

It's a nightmare for both sides really


Especially when things are tight

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Glad you're sorted

It's a nightmare for both sides really


Especially when things are tight

The 80k never came tho. The guy went bump for £2m on purpose . Still got his Ferrari tho and his £2m house.

Started back up the next day and has 4 companies he moves the assets round.

You approach him and he will have your family in a box.

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i worked in debt recovery for a while , and it can be quite an unpleasant business. ive walked away from debtors and given them money from my own pocket as theyve had nothing to eat (those are the ones that cant pay) , ive also been xxxxxxx vile to other debtors , and ive haunted them until theyve paid up, if they had the money , id get it. (those were the ones that wont pay).


i quite often watch the debt recovery programmes on tv , i feel no pity for the debtors that wont pay , and i cheer for the guys in black.


why do people expect to be given money or credit or goods , and then expect to be able to walk away without paying back what they owe ?. ive been desparately skint at times in my life , i didnt borrow money , i just went without things and worked hard to earn money until i was straight again.


i dont do borrowing , yet i still manage to get everything that me and my family want and need , their is no magic trick to it , just save your money and wait unti you can afford the things that you want or need , and if you cant afford to save up to pay for something , then you certainly cant afford to pay for it after youve borrowed money and interest has been added.

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Unfortunately there are many many stupid people who are easily lured into buying things they can't afford and.then there are wronguns who believe the world.owes them a living, my younger brother fits both those categories at the same time and I have nothing but pity for anyone who rents him their home as he is 100% guaranteed to destroy it with his family then run away owing thousands in rent and leaving debts for every catalogue and bill there is, the mystery is how he still gets away with it after all this time

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I have been a self employed decorator for the last twenty years before that worked for companys,my attitude was and still is i dont trust anyone,i would have said the day before a was due to finish i will be done tomorow so i will need paying,if they are a bit off you will know you may have a problem,life is a learning curve,there are people who will try and stuff you i would get a gut feeling about certain people,if so i would walk away,i got done fifteen hundred quid on a job once,swore it would not happen again,down side is if they refuse to pay,the odds are stacked against you,good luck mate hope you get your money.

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It's a minefield, as a customer I would be very wary of a tradesman who asked for money upfront as everything you read states that any tradesman should have trade accounts and only a cowboy would ask for money in advance, but I can see how as a tradesman it could be dodgy trusting a stranger and investing a few grand in materials and work and then hoping they pay you

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i worked in debt recovery for a while , and it can be quite an unpleasant business. ive walked away from debtors and given them money from my own pocket as theyve had nothing to eat (those are the ones that cant pay) , ive also been xxxxxxx vile to other debtors , and ive haunted them until theyve paid up, if they had the money , id get it. (those were the ones that wont pay).


i quite often watch the debt recovery programmes on tv , i feel no pity for the debtors that wont pay , and i cheer for the guys in black.


why do people expect to be given money or credit or goods , and then expect to be able to walk away without paying back what they owe ?. ive been desparately skint at times in my life , i didnt borrow money , i just went without things and worked hard to earn money until i was straight again.


i dont do borrowing , yet i still manage to get everything that me and my family want and need , their is no magic trick to it , just save your money and wait unti you can afford the things that you want or need , and if you cant afford to save up to pay for something , then you certainly cant afford to pay for it after youve borrowed money and interest has been added.

Well said, exactly how I look on it. I have never borrowed I just buy stuff I can afford when I can afford it. I partly blame the national lottery which has made a society of people with ludicrous aspirations but want it the easy way, same as many benefits on offer.


Like you I have had occasions were I had nothing but onwards and upwards mentality prevails

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On the borrow side I've just borrowed another £90k.

For my business to grow and succeed I've had to invest. 2 new vans and new machines.

They were starting to cost in repairs so we thought sod it.

The new van is carrying 3 times what the truck did so is paying off already.

The new kit has started another side of the business but I will say that it's not a debt as it's being paid off ;)

I've no personal credit except my sofa as it's interest free £40 a month lol. I had the money but I was better off spending it on other things like a bathroom.

Oh and I have a mortgage but that's life .


I don't know how people afford to buy stuff off us like kitchens at £3-40k but I'm glad they do as it's money up front.

Edited by team tractor
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It's as much about being clever with how you spend as anything else, everyone I k ow seems to pay about £1000 a year for sky and 7-800 a year for their phone contract,then they get car insurance from an expensiveplaceand pay monthly which ups the cost even more, it's a vicious circle perpetuated by people's laziness and inability to spend a few hours researching things before they part with their money, my only debt is £80k left on my mortgage and if we don't have the money for it we don't buy it

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It's as much about being clever with how you spend as anything else, everyone I k ow seems to pay about £1000 a year for sky and 7-800 a year for their phone contract,then they get car insurance from an expensiveplaceand pay monthly which ups the cost even more, it's a vicious circle perpetuated by people's laziness and inability to spend a few hours researching things before they part with their money, my only debt is £80k left on my mortgage and if we don't have the money for it we don't buy it

It's not a debt tho ;) if it's being paid off it's just a loan :)

We have Internet, no sky and a works phone . The mrs is sim only and I pay my house insurance etc up front if I can.

I know not all can tho but I don't drink or smoke .

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It's a minefield, as a customer I would be very wary of a tradesman who asked for money upfront as everything you read states that any tradesman should have trade accounts and only a cowboy would ask for money in advance, but I can see how as a tradesman it could be dodgy trusting a stranger and investing a few grand in materials and work and then hoping they pay you

I had trade accounts , and asked for deposit and was no cowboy

are mortgage people cowboys or sales people

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It's a minefield, as a customer I would be very wary of a tradesman who asked for money upfront as everything you read states that any tradesman should have trade accounts and only a cowboy would ask for money in advance, but I can see how as a tradesman it could be dodgy trusting a stranger and investing a few grand in materials and work and then hoping they pay you

We have 100% up front in kitchens then 90% labour before my tools leave the van .

Joinery is 50% + vat

Big jobs are £10k instalments .


We are currently 4 months booked .


Some tradesmen I wouldn't let in my house but we are lucky with 45 years trading behind us so people trust us around here

I had trade accounts , and asked for deposit and was no cowboy

are mortgage people cowboys or sales people

I think he's on about from both sides ;)
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So how does that work then tractor, if kitchen is £10k then full cost up front plus the labour costs? Not meaning to sound rude just not heard of paying almost full price for a job before anything has even been done.

It's standard practice around here.

We can't cope now with the work and I'll admit that only once did someone say no.

Labour costs are on the day we turn up. They hold 10% until the end but a standard fit is only £2k

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Guess that's where your reputation comes in then, wouldn't want to hand over a large sum then end up shafted.

I see both sides of the argument but I'm lucky with work.

We actually only want the sale so wish it would put people off lol.

We only fit around 50% of what we sell but we recommend our fitters and then it's up to them on terms.

We sell lots of tops which we cut the joints for them.

We also try to make kits as such so it's easy for diy

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