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Headless chickens


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Evening all ,


my neighbour and I both keep hens over a few days my neighbour has lost three chickens , only the head had been eaten 1 hen each day 

my birds haven't been hit yet but they have been acting strangely , mainly hiding under cover or all huddled up in the hen house 

I'm thinking bird of prey ? Your thoughts . 

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9 minutes ago, RockySpears said:

Is the reason that only the head goes is because the fox gets overexcited at the food abundance, it kills all it can, but can only eat so much?

  Sure I read that somewhere, "or did I dream it?",



Hey buddy, 

hmm im not sure it had the opportunity to kill a dozen hens but only killed one on each visit and left the body but ate the head ? Seems odd 

I might try to get a trail cam because not knowing is bad for my head 

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