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BASC reports Lush to advertising watchdog

Debbie BASC

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BASC reports Lush to advertising watchdog

Oct 11, 2018

BASC is complaining to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) about the content of an anti-shooting film released by cosmetics company Lush.

The short film – hosted by LushTimesEN – makes a number of allegations about pheasant shooting which BASC believes breach the ASA’s strict codes on misleading communications.

In particular, BASC is challenging the claim that pheasants released on shoots “spread disease, eat native wildlife and create lead shot pollution”.

In complaining to the ASA, BASC is also asking Lush to substantiate its assertion that “Most….pheasants die of starvation, road-accidents or are eaten by predators”.

Glynn Evans, BASC’s head of game and deer management, said: “The emotive rhetoric in this film is so misleading that it simply can’t be allowed to go unchallenged.

“It is, of course, not the first time that Lush has campaigned against shooting and we are usually happy to respond directly and constructively on behalf of shooting to set the record straight.

“In this case, the film is so wrong that we feel the only option is to ask another authority to rule on the content.

“Lush, as a high street retailer, has a responsibility to ensure information it releases, in whatever format, is accurate and bears scrutiny.

“Lush obviously has a strong following among consumers and we believe that such films, while designed to satisfy a campaign agenda, are also being used by Lush to prop up its commercial interests. In effect, it is a de facto advert for Lush.

“It is important, therefore, that inaccuracies are challenged appropriately so that they are not allowed to be presented as facts. In this case, we are asking the Advertising Standards Authority to take a position.”

BASC is presenting a complaint to the ASA and is also asking individual shooters to do likewise. The ASA has previously adjudicated against Lush.

BASC chairman Peter Glenser QC said: “Game shooting and shoot management are covered by a wide range of rules and regulations including statutory codes to cover game rearing. The reality of pheasant shooting is far removed from the picture presented by this film.

“The aim of any shoot manager or gamekeeper is to produce healthy birds fully adapted and living freely in the wild. The conservation benefits of shooting and its role in enhancing biodiversity are well documented. These are the points BASC will be presenting in its evidence to the ASA.”

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Never heard of LUSH until this post by Debbie BASC, seems they are quite happy to print/promote all sort of inaccuracies and lies to further their attack on shooting, well spotted BASC and good on you for making the challenge to this rubbish, lets hope the outcome is in our favour.


Links to LUSH and the article…https://beta.lush.com/en/article/englands-green-and-pheasant-land

LUSH on Twitter...https://twitter.com/lushtimesen?lang=en
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Another case of FAKE NEWS by Lush of course. I had never heard of them either.  Time to look into how their products are manufactured maybe.

I have friends who decry BASC but I know lots of good work goes on without people knowing.  Important as in this case to get the word out.

Edited by Walker570
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I still cant get my head around peoples attitudes towards the shooting community. 

Saying we woild poison poor people, saying we are all high flying snobs with more money than sense, I read this whilst sat on the bus this morning on my way to work. Not sat in my rolls with heated seats and a driver. Im an average joe, working for a living and have a hobby that involves so much more than just killing things. 

Edited by ShootingEgg
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34 minutes ago, Scully said:

I've tried clicking on the vid' on the BASC website, and been on the Lush website but can't find a link to the ad' in question. Does anyone have a link; I can't send a comment to them without knowing the full content. 

I think this is it


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