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Can someone explain to me ..why Gibralter is just so important to Spain..........Gib is nothing but a rock in the Med'...most of the income people earn is from folk from Gib working in Spain...

I can understand the military side of it ...during the first and 2nd world war...controlling access to the |Med.............but why Spain wants it so bad i cant understand......Gib is not a great manufacturing country...it dosnt have any resorces of its own....OK ...it has a bit of holiday trade............

can anyone explain "why" ?

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Have you ever heard of Cetua


Or Melilla


Two Spanish cities in Africa there situation is remarkably similar to Gib.

And the Canary Isles are just like a sunnier Falklands with goats instead of sheep.

No idea why Uk politicians never mention this when Gibralter is brought up.

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Gibralter is British!  Ceded to Britain under the Treaty of Urecht in 1713..... Spanish tried to take it back  several times in the next 75 years.  If Britain had not  occupied the Rock, our history would be very different!  Before anyone starts  criticising Britain, they should look at it,s entire history. It belonged to the Moors before Spain.  It was vital to our success in 2 World Wars! The people there have had 2 Referendums in the last 50 years, and each time have voted to stay British by 95% plus majorities! It controls entry into, or out of the Med,  invaluable in wartime. 

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37 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

Gibralter is British!  Ceded to Britain under the Treaty of Urecht in 1713..... Spanish tried to take it back  several times in the next 75 years.  If Britain had not  occupied the Rock, our history would be very different!  Before anyone starts  criticising Britain, they should look at it,s entire history. It belonged to the Moors before Spain.  It was vital to our success in 2 World Wars! The people there have had 2 Referendums in the last 50 years, and each time have voted to stay British by 95% plus majorities! It controls entry into, or out of the Med,  invaluable in wartime. 

wooowww....keep your nickers on...:lol:..........we all agree with what you say.......................

what i want to know is....WHY DO SPAIN WANT IT SO BAD.....Spain is a broken economy and it would be a drain on their scant resorce's...........The 3rd world war (when it happens) Gib will have no effect on the outcome whatsoever.............

why are spain so keen on getting hold of it ................just tell me someone >>

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54 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

Gibralter is British!  Ceded to Britain under the Treaty of Urecht in 1713..... Spanish tried to take it back  several times in the next 75 years.  If Britain had not  occupied the Rock, our history would be very different!  Before anyone starts  criticising Britain, they should look at it,s entire history. It belonged to the Moors before Spain.  It was vital to our success in 2 World Wars! The people there have had 2 Referendums in the last 50 years, and each time have voted to stay British by 95% plus majorities! It controls entry into, or out of the Med,  invaluable in wartime. 

Only 95%,surprised they didnt cry for a third referendum,😪

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I always thought it was a diversion tactic.

Elections and economy going bad in Argentina - sabre rattle "The Malvinas".

Problems in Scotland - sabre rattle "Independence".

Spain - going down the pan - sabre rattle "Gibraltar".

None of these are realistic, but divert the masses from the incompetence of their Government.


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13 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

I always thought it was a diversion tactic.

Elections and economy going bad in Argentina - sabre rattle "The Malvinas".

Problems in Scotland - sabre rattle "Independence".

Spain - going down the pan - sabre rattle "Gibraltar".

None of these are realistic, but divert the masses from the incompetence of their Government.



More ammo to make Brexit as hard as possible.

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A fully equipped naval base, freight terminal , dry docks, marina.

A fully equipped international airport/ military airbase, barracks.

Gibraltar's economy is based largely on tourism, online gambling, financial services and cargo ship refuelling, all very lucrative incomes for a hungry Spanish government.

30000 tax payers, some very well off.

Theres also the national pride and prestige of removing this thorn out of the side of  Spanish history.

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1 hour ago, Harnser said:

Gib does have a strategic value as all shipping above and below surface is monitored 24 /7 in and out of the med . Not that it would help the Spaniards who are not exactly a military nation . They never forgave us for sinking The armada.


Is probably the right answer?

It will be of tremendous importance to the members of the United European State, once we are out of the frame it would soon be utilised by the alliance to dominate the seaway?

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17 minutes ago, old man said:

Is probably the right answer?

It will be of tremendous importance to the members of the United European State, once we are out of the frame it would soon be utilised by the alliance to dominate the seaway?

So the EU/spain............will try and use it as a Toll Gate for none EU countries ?

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43 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

A fully equipped naval base, freight terminal , dry docks, marina.

A fully equipped international airport/ military airbase, barracks.

Gibraltar's economy is based largely on tourism, online gambling, financial services and cargo ship refuelling, all very lucrative incomes for a hungry Spanish government.

30000 tax payers, some very well off.

Theres also the national pride and prestige of removing this thorn out of the side of  Spanish history.

Rewriting history is a communist trait!

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7 hours ago, ditchman said:

wooowww....keep your nickers on...:lol:..........we all agree with what you say.......................

what i want to know is....WHY DO SPAIN WANT IT SO BAD.....Spain is a broken economy and it would be a drain on their scant resorce's...........The 3rd world war (when it happens) Gib will have no effect on the outcome whatsoever.............

why are spain so keen on getting hold of it ................just tell me someone >>

Why did Argentina want the Falklands?  Easy, when the government is  in trouble, they turn the public,s attention to "emotional" things, like Spanish claims to Gibralter, and the Argies to the Falklands!

5 hours ago, Harnser said:

Gib does have a strategic value as all shipping above and below surface is monitored 24 /7 in and out of the med . Not that it would help the Spaniards who are not exactly a military nation . They never forgave us for sinking The armada.



5 hours ago, Gordon R said:

I always thought it was a diversion tactic.

Elections and economy going bad in Argentina - sabre rattle "The Malvinas".

Problems in Scotland - sabre rattle "Independence".

Spain - going down the pan - sabre rattle "Gibraltar".

None of these are realistic, but divert the masses from the incompetence of their Government.


Correct Gordon!

4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

A fully equipped naval base, freight terminal , dry docks, marina.

A fully equipped international airport/ military airbase, barracks.

Gibraltar's economy is based largely on tourism, online gambling, financial services and cargo ship refuelling, all very lucrative incomes for a hungry Spanish government.

30000 tax payers, some very well off.

Theres also the national pride and prestige of removing this thorn out of the side of  Spanish history.

A thorn that was self inflicted!

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15 hours ago, old man said:

Seems like they are really getting into a spin, hope they disappear up their own euro zone.

Cause we took it off them?

We took the Phillipines off them once too, 60 years after Gib.

We handed it back after 2 years for a cash deal, guess what ? They never paid it .

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