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How many Grey Squirrels are killed in 2019


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There was a heavy frost this morning and although it was a beautiful sunny day,  I didn’t spot any greys at a local beauty spot until 8.15 and which were breakfasting on fallen sweet chestnut. 2 quickly shot with the Daystate and then I had to go as the public were beginning to appear. One adult female and a juvenile male.

Total 1545


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On 07/10/2019 at 20:50, Sciurus said:

15 protestors - that must be a record turnout  for UR Ban squirrels!

Soon  I suspect they will  no longer be licenced to release greys 😀

On a different note, In August, I was walking round the park in Chester. There were greys everywhere, then, I saw the Do not feed the squirrels signs, which warned that greys were so used to being hand fed that they were now jumping onto pushchairs and proms looking for food and that there were concerns that a child would be bitten or scratched.

Always the way when "the stupid" continually break down the fear barrier that exists with wild creatures?

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Just three this morning in a quick hour and a half.  The one was probably the largest I have ever shot, a monster buck. 

They do seem to be coming to the feeders more now and these three came at the gallop, no hesitation and appeared hungry, gobbling the wheat as fast as they could chew it.


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22 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

Yes, saw two this morning and they where zipping about at a zillion mph and did not stop.  Looking at last years returns I started to get into numbers again mid November...fingers crossed.

I have everything crossed. My lone one was for today.

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Mice, My thermal doesn’t work on my iPad, so I can only see the one on the trunk on the bottom photo!

I turned out to my local park this morning. On Monday there were tourists, joggers and dog walkers everywhere, so I couldn’t get the air rifle out,  but today they were having a lie in (apart from a Korean couple, who were very interested in the strange man in camouflage, with a thermal imager and a suspiciously long rucksack on his back!). Anyway, they eventually lost interest and a juvenile on the side of a trunk was soon in the bag. I later spotted adult who immediately ran up a tall oak. Luckily, I was in a dip, so it was a matter of waiting until the thermal picked up the glow of him peeking out of the fork of the trunk, I knew where he was but couldn’t spot him through the scope, eventually I could just make out an eye and an ear, but that was enough and the 177 Daystate poleaxed him at thirty yards. I was very pleased, The hours of practice had paid off.

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Two this morning.....maybe three but one I had to shoot high frontal chest as it's head was hidden and it was about to go. Rolled it over but it got up and scampered into the undergrowth. Not recovered so cannot count it really. The two where head shots right on the button.  Nice to have the AA S200 back in good order again.


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