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Anyone read this 'Natural England Guide' to control of pest species

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Just been browsing this guide, they are suggesting we all go out and fire shots to scare away birds, dont know where they are all going to go! also if they favour a roosting tree then cut it down so they ****** off somewhere else, and farmers should only plant crops that are less vulnerable to attack, plant only near large human population to disturb feeding birds, so no winter rape!! as you will just encourage pigeons, all farmers are to use non lethal means like bangers , gas cannons etc, but no one has considered where all these frightened birds will move to once disturbed, perhaps they will choose your garden instead, lots of nice tasty veg growing on allotments and gardens at the moment,  

Wildlife Management Advice Note Legal measures to resolve conflict with wild birds WML-GU01 April 2019

How can the health and safety of our beautiful countryside be managed and controlled by such short sighted people lacking in even the most basic knowledge of bird behaviour and control. god help us.

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As we all know banger ropes  and gas guns will only scare pigeons and crows, sky larks, black birds and lapwings etc will all have read the NE advice and know that they are ok, how about farmers just plant crops that neither  humans or animals eat that way it wouldn't matter what happens to the crops!


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Surely missing the 1st couple off birds with both barrels will count as warning shots??? :whistling:


Cutting down sitting/roosting trees has to be the most ridiculous advice ever, at a time when many of the UK's trees are under serious disease risk ( ash dieback, or in larch and sudden death in oak as well as elm previously) and they want u to cut healthy trees down???????!


Just bonkers, which in itself may have legal implications ( bat roosts, TPOs or felling licences)

If that's the best they can come up with were in big trouble, definitely written  by a city person with absolutely no understanding of environment

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14 hours ago, lakeside1000 said:

Wildlife Management Advice Note

Did make me laugh, clearly lifted from a number of different urban and rural pest control manuals and regurgitated without considering the specifics and definately ignoring the environmental issues it raises, not to foget need for planning permission, EN, NH, and felling licences for several options

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Last week there was up roar on the Jeremy wine show because someone was using non lethal deterrents to keep pigeons away from a property.

The advice from ne does make you wonder what planet they come from, or may be its just because they are a government organisation that they don't realise in the real world there is only so much that you can do, how is a farmer meant to be in one field running around flapping his arms scaring of pigeon from his spring drilling and at the same time be somewhere else chasing crows off his lambs or bird proof his building but only to stop some birds.

The advice was written by idiots

There are to many people making up rules and regulations with no though on how it will impact other rules and regulations let alone the people that have to abide by them. Cut down the roosting sites pigeons use but only if you can do it without removing hedges or trees, use gas guns or bangers to keep pigeons away from crops but only if they can't be heard by people.

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2 hours ago, scotslad said:

Surely missing the 1st couple off birds with both barrels will count as warning shots??? :whistling:


Cutting down sitting/roosting trees has to be the most ridiculous advice ever, at a time when many of the UK's trees are under serious disease risk ( ash dieback, or in larch and sudden death in oak as well as elm previously) and they want u to cut healthy trees down???????!


Just bonkers, which in itself may have legal implications ( bat roosts, TPOs or felling licences)

If that's the best they can come up with were in big trouble, definitely written  by a city person with absolutely no understanding of environment

This is the best approach and having done it once it need never be done again. You could put up a notice saying lethal force will be used against you if you fly into this field and start feasting. At least that way they have no excuse. 


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8 minutes ago, oowee said:

This is the best approach and having done it once it need never be done again. You could put up a notice saying lethal force will be used against you if you fly into this field and start feasting. At least that way they have no excuse. 



Aye and remember to photograph or video it for evidence.


It is a joke

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NE are contradicting themselves, as usual.....they are insisting Wildfowlers cause disturbance to protected and at risk species by being present and maybe letting off the occasional shot when Wildfowling! They then misuse their regulatory powers to invoke the "precautionary principle" to enforce their unscientific determination....... because it suits their agenda!.......contrarily they appear to have determined that using bangers, human disturbance, gas guns etc etc is ok because it only disturbs the target birds.........They are a bunch of hypocritical masturbaters, who bully, lie, mislead, indeed say anything and constantly contradict themselves.....if it fits their anti shooting agenda.

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5 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Blimey what a **** poor attempt to show they understand how the countryside and farming work!

I wonder how much they paid to have that written?

hqdefault (1).jpg

Not much by the sound of it. BASC are saying the new licence is not fit for purpose from a legal stand point. 

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4 minutes ago, oowee said:

Not much by the sound of it. BASC are saying the new licence is not fit for purpose from a legal stand point. 

Well it would be nice to hope that if that is how BASC feel about it they get a Barrister and pursue it to get a better outcome.

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8 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Good point, I look forward to a new PROPERLY FUNDED campaign to challenge Natural England on the abysmal performance.

Yes please :good:

I am a big supporter of BASC but when a whiff of anything like this, or doctors approvals, comes along they should be all over it like a rash. Not relying on fred and sally from the back office but getting specialists in to champion the cause, provide the resources and put them in house at NE if required to do the job with them. 

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39 minutes ago, oowee said:

Yes please :good:

I am a big supporter of BASC but when a whiff of anything like this, or doctors approvals, comes along they should be all over it like a rash. Not relying on fred and sally from the back office but getting specialists in to champion the cause, provide the resources and put them in house at NE if required to do the job with them. 

Abso-bloomin-lutely , perhaps we need to organise a march into london with our camo jackets flowing in the wind, just wait till tomorrow when the wood pigeon licence is to be published, what a laugh, 

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1 hour ago, oowee said:

Yes please :good:

I am a big supporter of BASC but when a whiff of anything like this, or doctors approvals, comes along they should be all over it like a rash. Not relying on fred and sally from the back office but getting specialists in to champion the cause, provide the resources and put them in house at NE if required to do the job with them. 

you would think basc already had all the specialists they'd need given its what their there for??

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Naturally I have been following the huge amount of discussion and debate resulting from NE's shenanigans, commenting here and there, sharing this or that comment, article, announcement from our representative bodies and generally trying to take in the sheer immensity of the ongoing General Licence  fiasco. One thing though, I am constantly struck by how very British the response has been. Newspapers are reporting it, people are debating it in pubs, clubs, various online forums and social media groups are heaving with people trying to understand and make sense of it all, some sanguine, some seething and most scratching their heads wondering how it ever came to this state of affairs.

A very British response.

If this were France muck spreaders would have been emptied over the NE HQ and other proactive demonstrations of displeasure would be well under way by now. But we are British, we moan, we grumble and we can get quite cross, we write strongly worded emails and letters to our MP's and representative bodies but in the end we are likely to accept those edicts "authority" cares to dish out, no matter how damaging, unbelievable and ludicrous they might be.

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1 hour ago, lakeside1000 said:

Abso-bloomin-lutely , perhaps we need to organise a march into london with our camo jackets flowing in the wind, just wait till tomorrow when the wood pigeon licence is to be published, what a laugh, 



we all cant wait for that.

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