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Disruption of Chris Packhams work

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23 hours ago, Dibble said:

Is Chris Packham Ltd(06180055) paid by the BBC for the services of Chris Packham playing the role of Chris Packham on Springwatch etc.

Actually, those broadcasts featuring Chris Packham are paid for by you and I.   The BBC is simply the means by which its directors can arrange to transfer taxpayer's money into the pockets of their chosen friends.

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Ugh I despair. It says something about the state of society when causes or campaigns have to search for a "celebrity" of some kind to act as a spokesperson for them. By rights campaigns should be won on the strength and solidity of their evidence backed arguments rather on which one is endorsed by the most popular and well known pet celebrity. It's like X Factor or The Voice gets serious ....and it's bloody awful and more than a little shallow.

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3 hours ago, Miserableolgit said:

Ugh I despair. It says something about the state of society when causes or campaigns have to search for a "celebrity" of some kind to act as a spokesperson for them. By rights campaigns should be won on the strength and solidity of their evidence backed arguments rather on which one is endorsed by the most popular and well known pet celebrity. It's like X Factor or The Voice gets serious ....and it's bloody awful and more than a little shallow.

I agree with you entirely, but have you heard anyone stating our evidence based arguments on TV ? .

It does not have to be a celebrity, though they do appeal more to the  public, but somebody please.

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Just now, twenty said:

I agree with you entirely, but have you heard anyone stating our evidence based arguments on TV ? .

It does not have to be a celebrity, though they do appeal more to the  public, but somebody please.

The media wont listen, because its not fake or gossip enough.. Packham on GMB was purely a publicity stunt for him to get more followers and retw4ts on social media... More faceache followers etc. He doesn't care about the conservation, if he did then he'd be out there legally trapping corvids. 

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3 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

The media wont listen, because its not fake or gossip enough.. Packham on GMB was purely a publicity stunt for him to get more followers and retw4ts on social media... More faceache followers etc. He doesn't care about the conservation, if he did then he'd be out there legally trapping corvids. 

I know, you are spot on, but it is frustrating isn't it, just listening to one side of the debate, and not being allowed a voice.

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Elephants must be culled says TV wildlife star

WILDLIFE presenter Chris Packham sparked anger last night among conservationists by claiming there are too many animals on the planet – and that they should be killed.

PUBLISHED: 00:00, Tue, Sep 27, 2011

Chris Packham s views on elephants coincide with the launch of AutumnwatchChris Packham’s views on elephants coincide with the launch of Autumnwatch

The controversial BBC star turned his guns on deer and even elephants by calling for culls to control their numbers.

He then risked further ­trouble and alienating Britain’s six million cat owners by demanding pets be kept indoors at night to help slash the number of birds killed by the garden predators.

Packham made his comments during an interview with Radio Times to herald the ­latest series of BBC2’s Autumn­watch, which he will co-host with Michaela Strachan.

He said: “The deer population in the UK, many would argue, is way too great. We have to cull deer because there are no natural predators and that means killing things. We have to cull elephants in Africa.”

He added: “People come to shoot near where I live and they ask me where the deer are and I tell them ‘The deer are over there, go and blast!’ Because, frankly, I can see the benefits.”

The deer population in the UK, many would argue, is way too great

Chris Packham

On cats he said that he cleans up after his dogs and if ­necessary keeps them on a lead, ­adding: “As a conservationist all I want to do is ask people who keep cats to move on in the way that they keep them.

“Over 200 million animals are killed each year by domestic cats. If you keep them in at night it reduces that figure by 50 per cent.”

Putting an electronic bleeper on them, he said, reduces daytime bird predation by 45 per cent. And neutering cats ­prevented “a surfeit”.

“I love cats,” he said. “They are beautiful, a wonderful predator. But what’s the point of feeding birds if you’re feeding them to your cat?”

But conservationists disagreed – particularly over deer and elephants.

Andrew Tyler of Animal Aid, which has worked closely with Mr Packham, accused him of “intolerance”. He said: “He promotes the slaughter of deer because he knows that they are literally an easy target.

“There is enormous hypocrisy, exaggeration and sloppy thinking in relation to deer numbers. Sheep often do far more damage to natural landscapes than deer.

“Equally, blaming deer for impacting negatively on populations of, say, birds, dormice and bank voles is a poor substitute for redressing the continuing devastation caused by human ‘development’. Chris should know better than to provoke more intolerance of already vulnerable animals.”

Will Travers, of the Born Free Foundation, slammed elephant culls as “a short-term fix, not a long-term solution”.

Mr Travers said: “Culling is not only objectionable, but completely unnecessary and illogical given the number of alternatives available.”

He accepted that in parts of Africa numbers can cause a problem. But in the past 30 years Africa’s elephant population has slumped by 60 per cent – from 1.3 million in 1979 to 450,000. Mr Travers said that for small elephant populations contraception worked well.

And earlier this month South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana removed border fences to create a protected area the size of Sweden through which elephants can wander on ancestral lands.

He said: “If you confine them in small areas they can come into conflict with humans but if you have a large area they can live within their natural cycle.”

Mr Travers also warned that culls can lead to pressure for the ivory trade to be reopened which in turn fuels poaching.

Mr Packham found more support from the Cats Protection charity which backs neutering to reduce the number of unwanted cats and keeping them in at night when there is a raised risk of road accidents.

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Look, the simplest way to debunk Chris and his inane rantings is to simply point out that he has no peer reviewed papers, no qualification to comment, no masters, no phd, no doctorate in any of the subjects he feels so qualified to contribute to. He is, in simple terms, a cut price, bargain basement, self appointed naturalist and expert. The only thing that keeps him remotely in the public eye is that some menopausal and post-menopausal women find him attractive, edgy and roguish and believe his every word without question.

There are likely some men that fall into that category too.

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A report in the Telegraph (less fake news in there) says that Gove is not a happy bear and is making enquiries and plans to take the licensing side of things from Natural England and put it back with DEFRA with the instruction to sort it out and quick.  He has put in an internal enquiry to find who instigated the whole fiasco.    He is not a happy bear because ????  Well in the next few months there is likely to be a change of Prime Minister isn't there?  He doesn't want this issue to mess up his run for the job.  History tells he is a very devious person.

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57 minutes ago, mick miller said:

Look, the simplest way to debunk Chris and his inane rantings is to simply point out that he has no peer reviewed papers, no qualification to comment, no masters, no phd, no doctorate in any of the subjects he feels so qualified to contribute to. He is, in simple terms, a cut price, bargain basement, self appointed naturalist and expert. The only thing that keeps him remotely in the public eye is that some menopausal and post-menopausal women find him attractive, edgy and roguish and believe his every word without question.

There are likely some men that fall into that category too.

😂😂 And lets not forget, his completely  alternative imagination for factual statements!!

Edited by turbo33
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2 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

They are ALL Lapwings!


Really Chris............................Desperate stakes, desperate measures. I think he really needs some sympathy for his alternative world!!


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Packham and his tadpole (sent by some 'well-wisher') are still attracting insane bids on ebay - look it/them up. If the auction runs its course, Wild Justice will get a monstrous freebie of several £k. I have protested to ebay (there is a 'report' button by each item) about its adult/pornographic nature i.e. it should be removed, but it has not worked this time, though it did for someone else a few days ago and the offensive item was deleted for a day or two. It would be a good idea if others could take up the baton and report it. Doesn't take long, and a welter of complaints might succeed, where my apparently isolated one has failed. The man is sick enough to profit from anything.

Edited by Cumbrian
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I Know Cumbrian, I have reported it........

See this tweet of his!!!

I know it’s late but just to say that EBay are coming under enormous pressure from all the ‘usual suspects’ to remove this listing but they are holding it firm and keeping it up so please bid to teach a woodcock a lesson and help @WildJustice_org https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chris-Packhams-Two-Headed-Tadpole-Excellent-condition/382929664917 

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1 hour ago, turbo33 said:

I Know Cumbrian, I have reported it........

See this tweet of his!!!

I know it’s late but just to say that EBay are coming under enormous pressure from all the ‘usual suspects’ to remove this listing but they are holding it firm and keeping it up so please bid to teach a woodcock a lesson and help @WildJustice_org https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chris-Packhams-Two-Headed-Tadpole-Excellent-condition/382929664917 


Well done. Perhaps it was you who succeeded the first time.

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