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Well that's a bad one close to home


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My half brother, who is only 22 months older than me passed away the other day. We were estranged but apparently he didn't do well in life.

I have been informed he had Diabetes. had 2 strokes, then in hospital caught Covid and ended up on life support for a spell and came through that. He apparently discharged himself from the hospital last week so he could look after his dog. They think he died on Saturday Morning - police had to break in Monday evening. Apparently the house he was in was in the realms of them you have seen on the news lately. 

Although I haven't seen him for about 28 years and we never lived together I still find myself getting upset by it. He was 56


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If the bond is there then it’s a loss, no matter how distant. 
The father of my ex was hopeless as a Dad, absolutely feckless, but when he died she felt the loss. I think much of it is the sadness brought through realising how much better it could have been. 
You have my sincere condolences. 

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10 hours ago, Minky said:

He had choices.  What's happened to the poor dog.?

That is really playing on me - I heard on Tuesday that it was going to the Dogs Trust in Liverpool (Huyton) but I have had a look on the site and there is nothing there matching the description.

I may try and contact the police to find out. We are unable to take it as we have two at the moment with one not too good (nearly 15) and is costing us a bomb in vet fees and after last night - carpet cleaners - and we don't want to bring in another one at this time  - buuuuut if it was a must we would

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It's a dificult situation when a dog is coming to the end of the line.  I've got that with an elderly spaniel.  Several people have said to me to put her down but we get round the odd accident and the finicky fussy non eating but Every morning she greets me with a wagging tail and we have had many years of good hunting partnership behind us.  She isn't in pain but I know the inevitable is coming and when I  know the time is right I will do my duty.  A lot of these homes don't  keep them long before they knock them on the head.  Old and difficult ones that they can't afford to feed for long are dispatched. they keep advertising for people to adopt a dog that was bought as a toy during the pandemic and are now being dumped.

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