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Cheatin' in a walleye comp!


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They didn't get any prize money on this occasion. Their fish were visibly smaller than some of the others in the competition, but weighed in heavier, hence the suspicion they were cheating. The feeling is that they must have done this before as their win rate was far too high, as much skill as it takes to catch a fish, there is always an element of luck, and these guys were far too lucky. They will likely be arrested at some point and charged with fraud or something similar.

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12 minutes ago, Prospero said:

They didn't get any prize money on this occasion. Their fish were visibly smaller than some of the others in the competition, but weighed in heavier, hence the suspicion they were cheating. The feeling is that they must have done this before as their win rate was far too high, as much skill as it takes to catch a fish, there is always an element of luck, and these guys were far too lucky. They will likely be arrested at some point and charged with fraud or something similar.

Thanks, maybe a ban for life on future competitions as well ?

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This reminded me of a similar story many years ago when the Coypu Rat was getting out of hand in East Anglia , at the time there were some big ones about but none of the trappers had caught one that went two stone in ole money , each year they had a little competition between themselves to see who had got the biggest , one year word got about that ole Charlie , or that's what we will call him had trapped one that had topped the scales at just over the two stone , this they had to see so they arranged a meeting at one of the local pubs and ole Charlie turned up with this dead Coypu in the back of his van , he then put a bit of string around it's neck and hung it up on the scales and sure enough it went slightly over two stone , anyhow when the trappers skinned the Coypus for the pelts they used to hang the rat up by its tail so one of the ole trappers said , come on Charlie let see if its any heavier if we hang it up by the tail , so the bit of string was taken off the neck and put around the tail , it was then hung up again and the weight was still the same , well I never said one of the ole boys , he then grabbed the rat by the back legs and gave it a shake and out popped a couple of round flints , everyone burst out laughing as they knew they had been sucked in , no harm was done and a round of drinks were on Charlie .

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41 minutes ago, NoBodyImportant said:

This is huge news over hear, Ranger already pulled their sponsorships 

Is there going to be any investigation into previous events, not that they could actually prove anything, I guess. I can't think that this was their first time cheating! By the video above, I'm impressed with the organisers that the pair were able to get home in one piece.

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3 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

Is there going to be any investigation into previous events, not that they could actually prove anything, I guess. I can't think that this was their first time cheating! By the video above, I'm impressed with the organisers that the pair were able to get home in one piece.


3 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

Is there going to be any investigation into previous events, not that they could actually prove anything, I guess. I can't think that this was their first time cheating! By the video above, I'm impressed with the organisers that the pair were able to get home in one piece.

Honestly I believe all previous titles will be forfeited.  But the big money pots they will probably keep as there isn’t any proof.  Most fishing tournaments are live release so the fish aren’t cut open.  But they are ruined.  They will never be sponsored again

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This also reminded me of a local angling shop owner in Herne Bay, Ron Edwards (long gone but the shop still bears his name) known locally as the `pouting basher` as he used to win many boat competitions on weight alone with just pouting. Anyway, on one of the boat competitions it was for the heaviest cod. At the weigh-in the cod were laid out ready to be weighed and the `steward` went to pick up the fish by the tail. "No you should always pick them up by the gills" insisted Ron. However, someone got a bit suspicious of Ron`s insistence of picking them by the gills so when it came to Ron`s fish they were purposely picked up by the tail and lo & behold, they were full of pebbles !! Obviously he was instantly disqualified.

He wasn`t a particularly nice or sporting person but nevertheless featured on several of Jack Hargreaves Out of Town programmes. I`m sure that Jack was totally unaware of what a cheat he really was. Jack used to give out the prizes at the Southern Television open boat competition often taking place off Herne Bay and I remember he stopped  the prize giving and wandered over noticing that my son and daughter were admiring the catch. He then spent a fair time explaining to my kids why the thornback ray was so called. They of course, were in awe of him, having had to watch his programmes every Friday.

Another unsporting action by Ron Edwards, again at an open boat competition. Ron used to carry a pair of binoculars and scan the boats to see who was into the fish. On one occasion he did no more than motor uptide of my pal`s boat where he could see that he was catching well and dropped anchor such that his boat finished almost touching, but slightly down tide of my pal`s. Fortunately for my pal, but not for Ron, the latter`s anchor line was just in reach of my pal`s gaff, so he did not more that haul it in and cut Ron`s anchor line, thus preventing him from any further anchoring up. I don`t think that he tried that one again :no:.


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4 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

This also reminded me of a local angling shop owner in Herne Bay, Ron Edwards (long gone but the shop still bears his name) known locally as the `pouting basher` as he used to win many boat competitions on weight alone with just pouting. Anyway, on one of the boat competitions it was for the heaviest cod. At the weigh-in the cod were laid out ready to be weighed and the `steward` went to pick up the fish by the tail. "No you should always pick them up by the gills" insisted Ron. However, someone got a bit suspicious of Ron`s insistence of picking them by the gills so when it came to Ron`s fish they were purposely picked up by the tail and lo & behold, they were full of pebbles !! Obviously he was instantly disqualified.

He wasn`t a particularly nice or sporting person but nevertheless featured on several of Jack Hargreaves Out of Town programmes. I`m sure that Jack was totally unaware of what a cheat he really was. Jack used to give out the prizes at the Southern Television open boat competition often taking place off Herne Bay and I remember he stopped  the prize giving and wandered over noticing that my son and daughter were admiring the catch. He then spent a fair time explaining to my kids why the thornback ray was so called. They of course, were in awe of him, having had to watch his programmes every Friday.

Another unsporting action by Ron Edwards, again at an open boat competition. Ron used to carry a pair of binoculars and scan the boats to see who was into the fish. On one occasion he did no more than motor uptide of my pal`s boat where he could see that he was catching well and dropped anchor such that his boat finished almost touching, but slightly down tide of my pal`s. Fortunately for my pal, but not for Ron, the latter`s anchor line was just in reach of my pal`s gaff, so he did not more that haul it in and cut Ron`s anchor line, thus preventing him from any further anchoring up. I don`t think that he tried that one again :no:.


lovely stories ............:lol:............loved watching out of town

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On 13/10/2022 at 14:04, NoBodyImportant said:

Ranger got a court order to seize the boat they got via sponsorship 

Amazing. That's the last time they'll cheat in a comp. No one's going to let them compete now. I doubt they'll be able to prove anything from previous fishing competitions, but at least they're gonna go down for this one. Any idea what the likely sentence will be? I'm guessing custodial if it's grand theft

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On 13/10/2022 at 16:04, NoBodyImportant said:

Ranger got a court order to seize the boat they got via sponsorship 

That’s one thing good with the American legal system, they don’t mess about. 

I hope these guys get the book thrown at them. 

I think someone said in the video they’d already taken $100,000 and a boat that year in (cheated) prizes. 

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17 hours ago, chrisjpainter said:

Amazing. That's the last time they'll cheat in a comp. No one's going to let them compete now. I doubt they'll be able to prove anything from previous fishing competitions, but at least they're gonna go down for this one. Any idea what the likely sentence will be? I'm guessing custodial if it's grand theft

  In that state attempted theft of over $1000 is felony so it over one year in prison.  Felony you lose the right to own weapons for life.  They will probably pled down to misdemeanor and surrender their hunting/ fishing license.  Probably do 30 days and community service.  But they lost their career for sure. 

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