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They don't butcher pigs like this anymore up our high street. Jack Hargreaves


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I watch them fairly regularly as they come onto you tube. I did have every episode of out of town and old country on VHS sadly now long gone.Absoluely brilliant television and presented by a true countryman.The original HOW is also on now that's good viewing too.

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1 hour ago, wisdom said:

I watch them fairly regularly as they come onto you tube. I did have every episode of out of town and old country on VHS sadly now long gone.Absoluely brilliant television and presented by a true countryman.The original HOW is also on now that's good viewing too.

Hello, You can still find VHS machines for sale

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50 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, You can still find VHS machines for sale

The problem is that the tapes get jammed up and the output is fairly ropeÿ.  Cds and blue ray all old hat now.  Charity shops won't  take them now.  All on chip or online.  Life in general is getting more like the film 1984 where people get up drive to work then come home and go in their houses and watch rubbish on the TV, then bed.   There are about four periods of road traffic a day, going to work,  coming back home and going and coming home from school. Other than that the roads are fairly empty. Anyone who goes shooting is either evil or a nutter or dangerous.

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I watch them fairly regularly as they come onto you tube. I did have every episode of out of town and old country on VHS sadly now long gone.Absoluely brilliant television and presented by a true countryman.The original HOW is also on now that's good viewing too.

I know people say it's rose tinted glasses but to be honest life was a lot simpler then yes we have central heating,double glazing,etc,etc,now but I was a young one when it was on.It taught me a lot and with progress we have lost so much of the countryside and its ways.

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I had a weekend job in a local supermarket back in the seventies.
We used to take in a lorry load of whole pigs and butcher them in store.
Once I was taking one off the back of the lorry when a wasp landed on it right in front of my nose.
I jumped back and the pig landed on the ground.
I bent down to pick it up and my trousers ripped from the bottom of the zip right up to the belt at the back.
I was glad of the white overall that day...

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The other night I watched another video of Jack showing how long netting was done.   He came over as a countryman of vast experience and knowledge,   but further reading up about Jack was a bit disappointing.  Most if not all of the programs proportion to show Jack in his garden shed sitting at a writing bureau... BUT, in reality this was a studio set up to make it look like a garden shed.  His life was not based from farming stock but more academia and war time army service then work with the ministry of agriculture and TV production with Jack being a director of Southern ITV then being on kids tv with Fred Dinnage in a series called HOW. This morphed into house party and then into various itineration into ,,, kind of stories about idylic country life. Some of which might have been how it May have been.  Jack's real life was not really how it was portrayed in out of town.  He had been through a series of marriages and an amount of children.  In one video he was driving along in a Suzuki jeep.  I paused the clip and took a note of the Reg.  I checked the reg number against the Gov tax check to see if someone still had it on the road.  Nothing came up.  I remember that the programs used to be good when it was about shooting and hunting but the programs went downhill when they turned to fly tieing,  basket making, grinding corn for flower and making bread, stuff about horse harnesses.  Semi interesting but not very interesting to me and all of it sort of diminished to the end.  All I know is that the New Forrest ain't the same now as it was back in the 60s & 70s.  Jack wouldn't be tootling along at about 40 in his Suzuki nowadays. 

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On 26/10/2024 at 22:18, Minky said:

The other night I watched another video of Jack showing how long netting was done.   He came over as a countryman of vast experience and knowledge,   but further reading up about Jack was a bit disappointing.  Most if not all of the programs proportion to show Jack in his garden shed sitting at a writing bureau... BUT, in reality this was a studio set up to make it look like a garden shed.  His life was not based from farming stock but more academia and war time army service then work with the ministry of agriculture and TV production with Jack being a director of Southern ITV then being on kids tv with Fred Dinnage in a series called HOW. This morphed into house party and then into various itineration into ,,, kind of stories about idylic country life. Some of which might have been how it May have been.  Jack's real life was not really how it was portrayed in out of town.  He had been through a series of marriages and an amount of children.  In one video he was driving along in a Suzuki jeep.  I paused the clip and took a note of the Reg.  I checked the reg number against the Gov tax check to see if someone still had it on the road.  Nothing came up.  I remember that the programs used to be good when it was about shooting and hunting but the programs went downhill when they turned to fly tieing,  basket making, grinding corn for flower and making bread, stuff about horse harnesses.  Semi interesting but not very interesting to me and all of it sort of diminished to the end.  All I know is that the New Forrest ain't the same now as it was back in the 60s & 70s.  Jack wouldn't be tootling along at about 40 in his Suzuki nowadays. 

He never seemed or sounded like a countryman to me. Didn’t rate the chap.

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On 21/10/2024 at 17:34, Jega said:

I can well remember watching pigs being butchered on the allotments near where we lived .

They used a tripod sort of frame , very common in those days as lots of people kept a pig or two on their allotment .

7 pound hammer and a pick, ****** if you missed first strike.

then hot water and scraping yard or two of chicklings for our help usually skipping school to do it. And the bladder for a football.

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What year did people stop keeping a pig at home.  I'm  not old enough to have seen this.  What stopped the practice.   I used to like watching Jacks programs when they were about hunting and shooting but when they were about making baskets and tying flies ect I had no interest at all. It never occurred to me that his shed was a studio set and everything would go damp and mildew. Still I was young and stupid then. 

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2 hours ago, Minky said:

What year did people stop keeping a pig at home.  I'm  not old enough to have seen this.  What stopped the practice.   I used to like watching Jacks programs when they were about hunting and shooting but when they were about making baskets and tying flies ect I had no interest at all. It never occurred to me that his shed was a studio set and everything would go damp and mildew. Still I was young and stupid then. 

It stopped around 1967 due to the outbreak of foot and mouth.

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