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BNP names on web

jonno 357

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That list has gone round the web like wildfire today, people have even made excel spreadsheet versions.


I suspect that if someone is on that list then their employer finding out they are a member of the BNP will be the least of their worries. There'll be a few sleepless people tonight.


This genie won't be going back into the bottle.

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Neither are immigration officers and i wonder how many of them are on the list?



Deny all knowledge and say it was someone impersonating you and trying to get you into trouble?


Pretty shabby data security on the part of the BNP. Makes a joke of the civil injunction they obtained.


Mind you, it's one data leak after another these days.




Mind you, anyone who has had a brush with the law and any of the names on the list who are plod etc will be straight off to the Court of Appeal and the IPCC. More tax payers money down the swanny.

Edited by Mungler
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aT LEAST THE HAVE THE MINERALS TO STAND and say what they beleve in.Which is better than the other %90 of anglosaxon brittons are only thinking

Dirty Harry its a pitty they dont sack coppers for being liyers thiefs and genually bent as 9 bob notes but will sack them for there political vews something wrong there me thinks

Edited by winchester
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winchester , with this opinion of coppers im thinking you must have been in my street recently , been having problems for ages with people parking infront of and over hanging my drive , ive lived in the same street on and off for around 37 years and over the last few months weve had some new people move in nothing wrong with that , but its these people that keep parking like t**ts , so when i rang the cops to get somthing done they came around and looked at the cars and said they would get it sorted ( tickets etc ) nothing changed and i was wondering why untill i found out that 4 out of the 6 new lot are coppers . should have made me think when i noticed all the do nut wrappers in their cars.

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A suggestion made to Nick Griffin last night on C4 News was that the BNP deliberately leaked the names to gain publicity for the party. He denied it, of course, but his claim that the leak is a good thing, because it shows the breath of support beyond knuckle-dragging skinheads, doesn't help his credibility...

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Very difficult one. At the end of the day the BNP are a legal political party and, as such, membership should be open to everybody, including police officers. Perhaps this situation shows how impossible it is to have a true democracy. Our democracy allows the formation of a political party like the BNP, who are arguably enemies of the very democracy that allows their existence :hmm:


I can see all sorts of problems with police officers being members, but I'm still not comfortable with them being told they can't support this party :good:


I'm always suspicious of these leaks anyway. I wouldn't put it past the BNP to leak it themselves, just to emphasise the point that they're not all boneheads, which is the thing that is holding them back more than anything else. I believe that, if they didn't appear to be just a bunch of nazi yobs, they would enjoy a massive increase in support in this country, especially in times like these, where many peoples views tend to start getting a bit more extreme.


Edit - sorry Flashman, just read your post above properly. Wouldn't surprise me at all

Edited by Chard
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Very difficult one. At the end of the day the BNP are a legal political party and, as such, membership should be open to everybody, including police officers. Perhaps this situation shows how impossible it is to have a true democracy. Our democracy allows the formation of a political party like the BNP, who are arguably enemies of the very democracy that allows their existence :hmm:


I can see all sorts of problems with police officers being members, but I'm still not comfortable with them being told they can't support this party :good:


Great post Chard :good: .


IMHO the BNP are a bunch of scummers, but my spider sense tingles rather badly at people being told that they cannot support a political party whilst holding certain jobs, by a supposedly democratic system of government.



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Well said Chard.

Also well said Zapp.

Both of you are well said.

It does seem strange that although we are in a supposed democracy, one of the key tenets is being abused in that our freedom of expression is being denied us.

This goverment sanctioned ruling that you can believe in what you want but only if we like it is I feel one step too far. I am not a member of the BNP nor would I ever be but I would defend anyones right to their political beliefs.


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You can hold any political beliefs you want, but you can't then have a job which requires you hold opposite beliefs.


How can you be motivated to do a good job when you are acting against what you believe?


E.g. if you do not believe in God can you have a job as a priest?


if you believe that badgers are pests that should be shot, could you then work for a save the badger charity trying to catch people who are doing the same?


can you work as a doctor trying to prolong the life of the elderly if you believe in euthanasia?


would you hire a childmider who though that beating children was a good idea?


Can you hold a job e.g. a police officer, where you have to respect everyone's rights as equal when in fact you believe that some people have fewer rights than others ?


They should not have joined the police service in the the first place, they have put themselves into this position. I'm sure the BNP police officers and their sympathisers can argue the case very eloquently for why it's a good idea to have racist police officers and why their rights to do what the hell they want come first.


You can't have your cake and eat it.

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A police officers job is to uphold the law. Full stop. Their political beliefs dont matter unless they affect the police officers ability to carry out his job in a manner that is acceptable to his employer and not detrimental to the public.

I really dont like haslet. its horrible stuff, vile but I can stroll round Morrisons without feeling the need to smash the glass deli counter with a baguette, pull out the haslet and stamp on it.

I have control but I have beliefs


If you are a member of a far left group you can be a police officer. Even anarchists can become police officers and their influence can be equally as damaging as the far right.


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...unless they affect the police officers ability to carry out his job in a manner that is acceptable to his employer and not detrimental to the public....


That's the material point. Your beliefs will always come first because they represent your own free choice and are the core of what makes you who you are. Your job involves following someones elses beliefs. If the two don't match up then you know which one will give first. You can't make yourself believe something you don't, and your beliefs affect your judgement, and your judgement affects your actions.


Well done for your self restraint in not smashing up the deli counter, I know how you feel, but because the rules say we can't smash it up we find other ways to deal with it - we still both discriminate against it in our own way by avoiding it, complaining about people who buy from it etc, etc. and that in itself is more subversive and sinister than just smashing it up becasue nobody else is aware of our subtle unconscious prejudices against the deli counter.


Send the deli counters and their strange foodstuffs back to Harrods where they belong! They smell funny!

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having had a look round their website a lot makes sense and should be very popular on here, where they have an issue is with the extremists that want to act on their beliefs and drag the party into ill repute. Were it not for them I reckon as a party they would be gaining in popularity faster than they actually are.

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The problem as I see it, is that the BNP would have us believe that they aren't racist - they just don't want uncontrolled immigration, and there's nothing wrong with that. I am also opposed to uncontrolled immigration, but that doesn't make me racist and it doesn't mean that I support the BNP. Any thinking person can see what life in this country could get like if the BNP really got their feet under the table, but they would deny it vigorously and I can't prove that it would be like that.


So, with the cards that are on the table, we just have another legitimate political party and I still don't feel comfortable that anybody, including police officers, are not allowed to support that party. With things as they are, their support would (could) just mean that they want immigration curbing (so do I), they want illegals deported (so do I), they want the human rights tripe looking at (so do I). They don't have to be card-carrying SS officers to support the BNP. Where it gets interesting is if they got into power, God forbid. Then we might rue the day we let it happen, the joys of democracy :hmm:


I quite like haslet :good:

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