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What's everyone drinking tonight?


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I did a bit of a bender around Nelson column and down the strand mostly drinking 12 yr and older single malts.... I gave up at 2.30 but one lass went on till 5AM and had to work the next day !!


Does anyone know the name of the port bar just off the lower side of the Strand? We could not find it :blink: :lol: it is either gone or we were a bit :P:P:rolleyes::bye2::w00t:;)

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Yup, a peaty, smoky single malt which slips down nicely at the end of a long day :P



:bye2::lol: :blink: :w00t:;):sick: :sick:



i feel very cheated, as i have this new found love affair with Scotland, yet i cant stand the stuff.

My friend keeps telling me to try it every few years to see if my pallet has changed, but i aint got the stomach for it. Been round all the different ones, yet i find them al the same and tasting like battery acid :rolleyes:


now, i love Vodka! no coke, lemmonade,tonic...ect..... just good quailty CHILLED vodka, and loads of ice.



Oh yeah,,, and Gin, Rum, and Brandy.... BUT NO WHISKEY. :P

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:bye2::lol: :blink: :w00t:;):sick: :sick:



i feel very cheated, as i have this new found love affair with Scotland, yet i cant stand the stuff.

My friend keeps telling me to try it every few years to see if my pallet has changed, but i aint got the stomach for it. Been round all the different ones, yet i find them al the same and tasting like battery acid :rolleyes:


now, i love Vodka! no coke, lemmonade,tonic...ect..... just good quailty CHILLED vodka, and loads of ice.



Oh yeah,,, and Gin, Rum, and Brandy.... BUT NO WHISKEY. :P


have you ever tried a Black Bush? :P :P

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