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Advice on a 17HMR

paul hart

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should put the cat amongst the pigeons but to sum it up if budget is low then a CZ will do the job can get them cut down to 16" as well, otherwise if budget allows then go for the Anschutz or if you want to faff about changing barrels then the sako quad

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Get a Sako Quad mate its the ********. Bascically it is a rifle that accomodates four different barrels for different rounds (.22lr, .22wmr, .17m2, .17hmr) so if you upgrade your ticket you can upgrade your rifle for the price of a barrel (about £100).


Just make sure you get quick removable mounts for the scope (ie the ones you can unlock and slide off in a second) so that you can change the barrels quickly.


Have a look on Guntrader (.co.uk) for some good deals - most stuff for sale has pictures as well so you can see what your buying.

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Get a Sako Quad mate its the ********. Bascically it is a rifle that accomodates four different barrels for different rounds (.22lr, .22wmr, .17m2, .17hmr) so if you upgrade your ticket you can upgrade your rifle for the price of a barrel (about £100).


Just make sure you get quick removable mounts for the scope (ie the ones you can unlock and slide off in a second) so that you can change the barrels quickly.


Have a look on Guntrader (.co.uk) for some good deals - most stuff for sale has pictures as well so you can see what your buying.

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How much do you want to spend ? The HMR is such a good round it doesnt really make a big difference what gun you get! From what I have seen there all deadly accurate!


The CZ is very popular, its reasonably priced and shoots well. You can get it with Open sights, American (With no open sights ) Fullstock , Bullbarrel / Varmint Barrel and Silhouette!


Also you can get it in the 16" Model so you dont have to get it cut down! Very nice Little Rifle.

Also if you want a fancy stock you can buy one after market to whatever you need!

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Anshutz Paul i will stick it in the motor for you to see next time im over your way..

They are the dog's nuts.. ;):lol: :lol: ???


Mine's the same as webbers thumbhole stock i also have it in .22 and the stocks can be changer over saves having to buy 2 thumbhole stocks..

Edited by hawkeye
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Can't get on with my brothers annie. The bolt handle (rather than ****) gets in the way 'cos its humongous and I frequently subconciously knock it partly open. Ejected shells frequently hit the scope and bounce back in. The bolt is the noisiest I've ever used - think clunk click every trip I kid you not, and it has a lot of "travel". The safety echoes round the field when applied/removed. All the above are exageration but you get the picture. ;)


My Quad synthetic has a small discreet bolt/**** that don't travel very far and does it very quietly and has a certain comforting "snug" down at the end of it's locking action. The spent shells eject more sideways and never bounce back in. The safety is super quiet and is exactly where your thumb would feel for it.


Quad downside is I think the bolt claw is the culprit for occasional ejection failures if you use it for a .22lr. I don't think it grips the smaller rim as well as the HMR rim. but for strictly HMR it will give you an immense sense of satifying quality.

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I have the Anschutz 1517 with the thumb hole stock. I can only describe it as brilliant, and worth every penny thay I spent.



;) go with the annie (Anschutz) . got the 1517 HB 16inch barrel, came from Anschutz screwcut the best rimfire you can buy.. as said worth every penny... go on you know you want it :lol:

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Ive had a quad then an annie with the annie being miles better, thought i wouldnt match it then i bought a cz varmint 16" and within a few clicks it was giving top notch groups.. I always buy the best in all items i buy (mayby thats why im skint :lol: ) but the annie is in no way better than the cz performance wise. Some may disagree its just my opinion. Hope this helps ;)

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I'm happy with my CZ. With a trigger job it shoots just as well as Dirty Harrys Sako Quad. Why buy something posh, it wont out shoot the CZ.


Say you have a grand to spend....Buy the cheap gun then spend as much as you can on a posh scope. That way you're not wasting your money!

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Vote for the CZ. Bought it second hand off Dangermouse - shortened barrel, screw cut with mod, trigger kit and 2 mags. It was a couple of hundred quid and it's the gun I use the most. Cheap enough I don't get precious about it and accurate enough (.17hmr being a nice vermin all rounder round) to be used all the time.

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Most Hmr's will do the job :lol: Seems strange but i got a cz 16" barrel and it come with a nice peace of wood on it ???

Worst thing that could of happened as i will be sick as a parrot if i scratch it :lol:

Go with what takes your fancy ,if it was me doing it again i would buy second hand as the more its shot the better it gets ;)

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my hmr is the savage thumbhole laminate stock, it looks good and shoots good, i think you must have realised by now that all the makes in 17hmr seem to shoot well and i,m sure you will like this cal too and with no problem with how much you pay then do the same as you do when choosing a girlfriend wife or dog......go for looks.

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