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What's your phobia?


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Doesnt really count as a phobia i suppose, because i can cope with the situation.

I hate being in seriously crowded pubs. Those of you who have been to Cardiff international day will know what i mean. When i lived in Cardiff, i'd watch the match, then high leg it out of the city centre back to the pubs on the edge of the city as quick as poss. Far quieter! Other than that i think i'm ok.

Did have a girlfriend once who had a phobia of penises...or was it just mine??? :good: LOL Anyway she's no longer my girlfriend. :good:



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Snakes......................yuk! :good:


I'm fine with mice, rats (Salop Sniper isn't he he big girl!) and anything else, although cockroaches did turn my stomach on holiday!


But snakes, I literally almost pass out, I'm terrified!


I can get a little spider out of the house safely, but a Tarrantula would scare the **** out of me!! :hmm:


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Heights.... but only up to 5,000 feet. Above that I'm fine.



Very strange.... but perhaps it was due to being a **** pilot and nearly totalling a Cessna a few feet off the ground.


Never could finish my pilots licence, as being just a few hundred feet up scared the **** out of me. Being at 30,000ft is fine.

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I get a bit panicky when midgets or dwarves run, i know its bad but it terrifies me! :yes:

I hate people walking behind me too - i have to stop and let them past.


I also absolutely hate walking behind people who are slower than me such as in supermarkets, and people who stop for no reason - not really a phobia though i guess but still ****** me off.

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I get a bit panicky when midgets or dwarves run, i know its bad but it terrifies me! :yes:

I hate people walking behind me too - i have to stop and let them past.


I also absolutely hate walking behind people who are slower than me such as in supermarkets, and people who stop for no reason - not really a phobia though i guess but still ****** me off.


Haha love it.


But yeh i hate people following me. or following people

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A bit like MC I dislike fixed heights. Had to help put up a stainless steel balcony railing on a third floor last year. Three steps of scaffolding involved which was fine, the worst was I was the "volunteer" to take the damn thing down, wasn't enjoying that much at the time. I also dislike ladders up bare walls, I don't mind them going up on roofs or sheds etc but just a bare wall for painting I don't like it, but I'll do both if I have to.


Caves are no good either, especially ones with water or the sea in them, no thank you.


I'm not a fan of people either, not being funny but I just don't enjoy things like pubs, clubs, parties etc. Rather be out!


I'll make a great grumpy old sod though :yes:

Edited by JohnGalway
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I'm scared of heights, but only if I suspect that it's not a "normal" place to be :yes:


For instance, I'm OK on top of a cliff or tall building, Eiffel Tower, flying etc etc, but if I'm out walking in the hills and find myself negotiating a steep bit, I get panicky as it gets steeper and steeper and I find breathing getting difficult. I can get myself into a situation where I feel that I can't keep going and I can't get back to where I started - horrible feeling.


I could never take up climbing or mountaineering or serious hardcore trekking at altitude. I just don't know how people do it.

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I know when it started too, when l was at Cub camp in Devon in the late 80's, rock-climbing holiday with all the others, then walked back down this path and there was a show on in the main arena, with people walking around the outside with very lage snakes around their necks allowing people to wear them, one of them stuck one around my neck (whilst l was facing the other way) its head came round and l froze, freeked, and never liked them ever since.


Reinforced later on in life by..........People having the larger ones as pets around where l used to live and were constantly letting them go along the rivers - where l ran into some African thing sliding along the bank (12 at this point) - never fished a river bank after that slithered behind me on the bank. This thing (no lie) was 4" across the head and over 20ft long.... Browny/green/zig-zaggy marks ....


I'd shoot every last one of them.



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strangely part of my business is pestcontrol and wearing protection I treat hundreds of nests each summer, put a wasp in a room or in the car when Ive not got a beekeeper suit on and ill be the fastest one out...... totally irational but I cant help it.

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