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wrong thing in a snare

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As long as its sets correctly, the correct type of snare and not near a public footpath. They cant do anything but have a go at you. I run fox snares, and am constantly worried about catching someones dog as they seem to let them run everywhere around here.


Alex :good:


Pretty much right. You can get into legal do-dah if they can prove that you have had continued incidents and have not attempted to alter the snare to deter non-target quarry, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is snaring the only option you have??


If dogs work in the area then dont use them, Ive known a few spaniels suffer quite bad injuries to their muzzles moving through cover and getting caught in the snares.


There are always better options, the only time I would use snares are along cliff tops where ferreting, or using dogs could be dangerous.


The PM

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If this is a concern then consider using stops or breakaway clips, preferably both if you want to ensure that non target species are unharmed.


You can wind an extra eye into your rabbit snares to act as a stop and you can buy breakaway clips for rabbits and fox snares.


Just use comon sense really. :good:

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however cats are peoples pets and this is a public forum, its the best way of winding up people arround your shoot and getting compaints made, if it is a habbit you like to have it soon becomes obvious to people round which is pretty unwanted attention for our sport.

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  • 1 month later...

thanks for the coments and advice sa it hapens i only had one field of grass to look after icaught 29rabbits i used to snare fence lines and hedges when iwas aschool boy with not much luck ive since followed glen waters method you can find it by googling iwsh i had read it forty years ago works like magic

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  • 1 month later...
how do we stand if one day when checking rabbitt snares there was a cat in one even worse what if a member of the public found it


Would hope you would stand pritty gutted not a fan of them tbh, then again I know little about them

I do have worries about them tho when out whith my Vizsla

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As long as its sets correctly, the correct type of snare and not near a public footpath. They cant do anything but have a go at you. I run fox snares, and am constantly worried about catching someones dog as they seem to let them run everywhere around here.


Alex :rolleyes:

catching dogs doesnt generally turn out to be to much of a problem as dogs dont struggle like a fox as they think they are on a lead and after a while just lay down and wait ive caught two of my local packs fox hounds all that happened is they spent a night asleep under the stars till i checked my snares in the morning cats are a nother matter i was arrecsted and charged with shooting a cat but was never prosectued as when i shot it it was inside a pheasant pen and there fore i guess it broke some tresspassing law if id shot it on a open field i would of faced jail

Edited by bjlfishing
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  • 2 weeks later...

i dont think the public understand how many feral & pet cats are out there ,when i worked my terriers high on the high peak moors in deep snow i often bolted cats (if they didnt they never came out ) miles from any homes (they didnt get far),then i deepest cheshire it was not unusual to have several cats in fox earths ,ive even bolted them ferreting alongside the a1 in yorkshire, i hate cats :good::good::rolleyes: merry xmas everybody

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Well as for your laws 1 and 2 you can ram them because if you run a cat over in your car then you donot have to report it but if you run a dog over then you do so in other words dont let your stinking cat out or if you do be it on your own head (tough)PUT IT ON A LEAD AND TAKE IT FOR A WALK :yes:

you're so dumb it's a wonder you can remember to keep breathing!

it's this kind of attitude that makes life harder for everyone else with a vested interest in shooting sports. Do yourself a favour and belt up.

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When it comes to snares, if you are that close to the general public/footpaths/dog walking areas/housing estates then I would always err on the side of caution and NOT use snares.....for large vermin I would use catch alive type traps and dispatch/release as required........for smaller vermin use body grips set in tunnels/warren entrances or some other method of control.


Be responsible......you may like using wires (and I love the wires) but sometimes you have to use your head.



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