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Ironically, I was part of a serial guarding the Victoria Dock lock gates in North Woolwich because the arms exhibition was on at the Excel centre.


We all crowded into a little canteen and watched it on a portable tv and I can still remember the shock I felt. Still gives me goosebumps now.


My mates brother flys for AA and he flew the second plane before it was taken over by the next pilot.



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Didn`t know anything untill well after the fact, I usually work at home on the computer with the internet radio on but had just grabbed a load of CD`s and downloads and listened to them. After lunch I switched over to tinterweb and heard it and then watched it unfold on TV.


I watched this weeks programmes and the hardest to watch/listen to was about the phone calls/messages. Absolutely heartbreaking.

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I was working on site building an extension. I watched the plane hit on the customers TV and thought of all the NORAID tins filled in those streets. Not saying it wasnt an appalling act but it took that day for americans to realise what terrorism means. Dried up the IRAs cash flow somewhat did it not ? Suddenly slightly backward New Yorkers realised " freedom fighters " were actually terrorists, not little leprechauns with pea green costumes playing games.

Brave new world since then.

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I was working on site building an extension. I watched the plane hit on the customers TV and thought of all the NORAID tins filled in those streets. Not saying it wasnt an appalling act but it took that day for americans to realise what terrorism means. Dried up the IRAs cash flow somewhat did it not ? Suddenly slightly backward New Yorkers realised " freedom fighters " were actually terrorists, not little leprechauns with pea green costumes playing games.

Brave new world since then.



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I was running the hop harvesting on a farm down in Hereford at the time. We were due to have an evening meal with 2 of the Elders from the Mormon Church that evening we were both from the States but one of them phoned me on my mobile nod afternoon and said that they would not be able to make it as there had been a "Plane Crash" in the States and they thought that some of the people caught up in it might br friends of theirs. They were pretty traumatised and gave us very few details so we (The wife and I) did not find out anything about it until we got home that evening.

When I saw it on telly that evening it looked so surreal, just like something you would expect to see on a horror film. I felt so saddened for the innocent people involved that it almost reduced me to tears then, it still does now whenever I hear of any of these act of atrocity by mindless cowards that class themselves as "Freedom Fighters", and I prey to God that I, My Family and My Friends will never get caught up in anything like that!

The day that happened bought it home to ALL THE WORLD that we need to stamp out terrorism. I raise my hat to everyone that is involved in trying to bring peace to the world.

This life we live is far too short to have it snatched away in acts of violence!

While we remember all of those unfortunate victins that lost their lives in the 9/11 attack let us not forget all of the others who have suffered in similar terrorist attacks along with those who are prepared to give their all and if necessary pay the ultimate price in the name of peace!

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I was working away in Soham, got back to the B & B I was staying in and watched it with the owner. I remember saying to him at the time, very soon the name Osama Bin Laden is going to crop up. Sadly a year later Soham was all over the news because of another murdering **** called Huntley.

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The day that happened bought it home to ALL THE WORLD that we need to stamp out terrorism. I raise my hat to everyone that is involved in trying to bring peace to the world.

This life we live is far too short to have it snatched away in acts of violence!

While we remember all of those unfortunate victins that lost their lives in the 9/11 attack let us not forget all of the others who have suffered in similar terrorist attacks along with those who are prepared to give their all and if necessary pay the ultimate price in the name of peace!


AMEN to that :good: Rob

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I was in the Rugby Club in Neath at the time when one of the girls came in and said the news.I could`nt believe it when she said but it did sink in when i got home and saw it on the News.I remember i went into work that particular night but i felt sick and sadened at what had happened.I felt anger as well at the people responsible.I really cant believe that there are people in this world that want to kill each other.WHY?:good:?:yp:?:lol:?:lol:?:lol:

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