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The forbidden Land no more - but I am no Eccles.


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When I posted a couple of weeks back that I had been given a one-off opportunity to shoot over peas on the Forbidden Land one or two PW members said that they thought that it might lead to further opportunities there. I had my doubts until yesterday when the farm manager of the land called me to ask if I would go and shoot the crows getting into his peas. It sounded unlikely but when I got there this afternoon there were a lot of crows and even more Jackdaws helping themselves to the pods and shelled peas.


Conditions were perfect for summer shooting, a good strong wind and lots of shade for my shooting companion and I (he being the one who attracts Horse flies) and the choice of hide positions was easily made - either side of the only sitty tree along the hedge line. What was noticeable, along with the corvid damage, was how much more damage had been caused by badgers and the fifty strong herd of fallow deer which comes out of the nearby wood.


I set up my rotary with two pigeons, hoping that a flight might develop and my companion set out some flock coated crow decoys. Our hides were 40m apart. Within minutes we had two carrion crows for the second rotary and once this had been commissioned the corvids went mad and we had some pretty hot shooting. I kept the pigeon score and he kept the corvid score and after exactly 1 hour and 40 minutes we had 100 on the clickers, mostly Jackdaws. This was a dead bird/minute, something I have not achieved in a very long time.


We packed up exhausted after three and a half hours and we spent another hour picking up to achieve a total tally of 124 corvids and 32 pigeon for a bag of 156 head.



Edited by JDog
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Well done JDog and your mate. :yes: cracking bag. :good: Not been out myself for months lost all interest in crow shooting. Not done a lot of any shooting in fact but for quite a few foxes.

Better get out on the crows soon don't want you shooting them all . :good: atvb Terry

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Well done JDog, it's nice when they phone you and you can show them the result of consulting with experts. Great result , I'm yet to be convinced with crows on a magnet as when I've tried it they shy a way. But you certainly proved it will work. I see you were concerned with spelling mistakes this just proves you are mortal and not one of the gods .

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Well done JDog, it's nice when they phone you and you can show them the result of consulting with experts. Great result , I'm yet to be convinced with crows on a magnet as when I've tried it they shy a way. But you certainly proved it will work. I see you were concerned with spelling mistakes this just proves you are mortal and not one of the gods .


I try not to make spelling mistakes, but 'two carrion cows' was just too much. As Lord Geordie intimated it must have been a hell of a rotary to take that weight.

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