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log burners


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There is a farm with Yurts as holiday homes near me canvas covers complete with stainless steel flues from solid fuel appliances. Wooden herring drifters with steam boilers, ditto wooden boats with solid fuel stoves . There must be plenty of wooden houses with wood burners, so its not exactly rocket science, having a woodburner seems quite possible if you carry out the correct installation procedures.



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Installed a homemade woodburner into a 32x10 static caravan many years ago. It had a non insulated steel pipe as a chimney going through a silicon gland in the roof, and then around the back and one side I fitted 1.5mm galvy tin spaced off the wall with 1" baton and 2" gap at the base. This not only protected the wooden wall behind but also created an ambient airflow as hot air wood rise behind the tin and circulate around the room. Spent the big freeze of 2008/2009 in there and the snow never managed to settle on the roof. Never underestimate the output of woodburner........

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Just finished building a large summer house for customer and they now getting the wood burner fitted,its on brick hearth,against brick/flint fire place,fire board over mantle,1 section of enamel pipe then into a minimum 4m of twin wall,smoke alarm and monoxide alarm all fitted.

Rather sleep in a shed with wood burner than a thatched cottage with open fire.

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We bodged 1 into the shoot caravan, old static caravan and put the chimney into the old flue pipe from combi? boiler, so no twin wall flues.

It sits on a slab with a sheet of corragated tin behind it and we ripped the ceiling off round about it so no insulation or timber too near.

The heat it puts out is amazing, keeps stocked up in morn and any other time pass the caravan, so will burn all day. No problem so far and ours is in very roughly


We've dome it very rough but works fine sure folowing a bit of common sense etc will not be a problem. Loads of foreign log huts will be eated by log burners

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No problem at all.


I have a 16ft x 10ft shed with a large log burner in (steal off ebay) It sits on two layers of concrete blocks (more so to give it height) then I put a large council slab on the rear wall and sat the burner about 250mm away from it.


I then has 1 meter of single skin connected to 1.5 meters of double skin chimney pipe. The double skin passes though the roof were it is sealed with a proper flexible roof shield (bough off ebay) with a top hat to top it off.


I have had some large fires and got the shed nice and toasty with no problems at all. Would quite happily do it again if I needed to.


It makes sitting in the shed reloading, sorting shot game or escaping from the wife a great experience.


But I would never leave it unattended for any thing more than 10 mins or so as you never know.




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