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About yates

  • Birthday 20/02/1962

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  1. Sat in the cab at the side of our 4th road traffic accident this evening, waiting for crash team assessor's to complete their assessment. I quickly glanced at the PW gastro section whilst thinking of the now burned pizza that I will eventually be returning home to(late again), and must confess that I am truly envious of your creativity. Well done that man
  2. 100% correct, plus starter for Christmas Dinner. The fat in my pudding trays has not been changed for 40 years, just topped up when required
  3. You beat me to it☺️
  4. Looking good Ditchie, apart from that pale cabbage. I'd have to replace that with greens or kale but even so thts my kind of winter food🙂
  5. Hi Minky, i can understand this as I know a couple who emigrated to Australia but returned to the UK a couple of years later. We have been to Arran several times at various times of the year and experienced mainly positive things but have also had a couple of negative issues. I have chatted to locals and business owners to gain a balanced opinion of what to expect if we do proceed in this venture. It's horrible to negative about my own part of the world but it is rapidly going down hill
  6. yates


    Sorry to hear this. Whilst she is still living in her own home you should look at something called 'The Herbert Protocol'. This is something that you put in place in conjunction with police and other agencies etc for when a vulnerable person goes missing. My brother in law who suffered from dementia went missing overnight and was located because the Protocol had been activated. A member of the public heard of his disappearance on the local radio and was able to alert the police Has she been assessed as to whether she has mental capacity?
  7. yates


    Couldn't agree more with this point of view. People will not touch game of shape or form around us.
  8. yates


    Must be the area. Had very similar experiences in Turnballs butcher in Alnwick and Carter's in Bamburgh. I wish I taken photographs
  9. Ideally looking to end up on Arran. It's something that SWMBO and myself have discussed in depth quite recently. Biggest emotioal hurdle is we have a 20 month old Grandson on the scene now
  10. Sorry but the UK, all four countries is rapidly detiorating. Increasing cost of living,crime,excess population,pollution, loss of countryside and the staggering rise of young Muslim extremists in many of our towns to name but a few reasons not to live here.
  11. yates


    Looks okay but I couldn't eat two big meals like that in the same day anymore
  12. Great news for the officer concerned. I wonder if the victim was white if heather officer would have been charged in the first place. Little mention of the car he was driving was used in an armed robbery the day before too. What a shameful society we live in
  13. yates


    Unfortunately all the local pubs around Bamburgh are geared up for the tourist trade hence the inflamed prices, the food in your photos look great though
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