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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. No, you'll have to push them in manually, they work tho, done it on all my air rifles if they were going to be stored for any length of time, spring and pre charged..
  2. i know how you feel, my days usually start off quite well and then go downhill fast after missing a few, does this sound familiar? i'm going on a lesson next week just to help things along. you're probably over compensating but dont panic, you're also probably pricking quite a few aswell. pigeons aren't like clays where one or two pellets will break a clay, they will not usually down a pigeon.
  3. You're telling me! darenot go out on mine at the moment, its fully legal but because it was originally a full blown motocrosser and now on a Q plate it draws a lot of attention and is a pain in th A hole to start. they're everywhere! spoke to one and they're doing a clamp down on car tax, insurance, mot, and the like. I got pulled over last year for a "chat" while in my van and had an "interview" with someone from dept work and pensions.
  4. Do you know the extra slim filter tips for roll ups? soak one in oil and fire it down the barrel. take the mod off first tho
  5. there was some disscussion on the matter when he finished his tour. Ithink the FEO was just peeved about the whole situation/ wasted journey. I don't want to speculate on the specifics chaps, needless to say he kept his ticket once matters were sorted.
  6. i'm not too sure of the exact details steve, maybe he contacted them first [ his parents] as they are the occupiers of the property. And maybe there was some confusing factor involved, but it happened nonetheless.
  7. i had a 2nd hand 10/22 and had nothing but grief, chopped it in for a 525 anschutz in the end which was much better behaved. I did hear that they've stopped making them now but still plenty of 2nd hand ones about. Other than that i've heard good things about cz also, like you i'm looking to get another 22 semi but not sure what to buy. What's your budget?
  8. don't know too much about them but what about the shot filled 22lrs? they're filled with no9 shot, will they do? whats the range on them puppies?
  9. a timely reminder, thankyou! just a quick story for you to peruse, a friend of mine, who's in the army keeps his guns at his parents house. an FEO popped by to examine his gun safe and check his guns off against his licence. Unfortunately my friend was away on"business" in ireland at the time and his parents explained as much to the FEO. Now this FEO who shall remain nameless kicked up a real stink because he couldn't gain access to the guns, my friend nearly lost his licence over this when it came to his renewal.
  10. £20 a month, every month, for the last year and a half for med forms on loan insurance, £10 a month for the last 2 years for pre payment prescription card, although this has saved me £26 a month in prescription charges, but if i was diabetic i'd get my scrip free.
  11. was gonna say "nigh on a tonne" we moved one a few years back, had to get a crane in to lift it cos between 4 of us we couldn't budge it. know anyone local with a forklift? you'll need one buddy
  12. you should pm a chap on here called LeeinVA, he has one of these puppies. they run at about 200ft/lbs from what i can remember.
  13. if you've got vermin control on your condition for the shot gun then you're good to go mate, otherwise just dont tell them..
  14. if its textured then i'd try to strip it GENTLY. If not then try taking the top layer of vinyl off and paper over it, use some polyfilla to even up the joints first. steaming it should work , cos it's dissolving the paste under the wall paper, just go easy tho...
  15. hi, the details are in the "meet up" forum under essex meet. come along there's loads of us going, the more the merrier. looking at a 10 am start.. PS. dont worry about missing stuff, i couldn't hit water if i fell out of a boat!
  16. does that swear filter have a delayed action? like 10minutes? LOL
  17. i dare not leave anything lying around, the owner of my permission keeps highland cattle, he'd string me up if he found any cases or plastic wads on his land. ther's no excuse for it, like someone here has already said, " they weigh far less on the way back than on the way there"!
  18. check with your feo first mine told me that although my cert said .22 rimfire, if i wanted a WMR it would have to be stated on the licence, otherwise i would be breaking the law. no reason why not though, some police might be a bit funny about having so many small calibers to kill the same prey, i cant say for sure what your feo will say, but here in norfolk i was told that because i had 22/250 down for fox/muntjac they didn't see the need to grant me [a] a.243 for fox/muntjac, and a .22 WMR for vermin/ fox, as i already have 3x 22lr's and a 17HMR. however, if you are a member of a target club then this opens things up quite a bit as they dont seem to mind what you have as long as its permitted at the club. hope this helps and dont jump on me if its wrong, this is just what i was told ok.
  19. I'm thinking of going into business building fox proof pens, sounds like some people need some help, LOL!
  20. no, the christmas shoot at high lodge, still coming aren't you? i might need to borrow your gun :( lol
  21. the only stories ive heard with licences being revoked is for disorderly conduct[ scrapping, drink&drugs] that sort of thing, most people with facs seem to have a bit of sense so dont go upsetting the land owners or their neighbours. the only way you'd get caught is if you draw attention to yourself.
  22. wash my mind out!!! filthy thoughts!
  23. norfolk sporting guns usually have a good selection, failing that how about cooper sports in woodbastwick? he reckons he's got everything!
  24. Not bad mate, seems strange tho, a couple of years ago you could have picked up virtually the same gun for a tenner, goes to show they're a bit more popular now. Cant find one under a hunnerd now.lol :(
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