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Everything posted by -Mongrel-

  1. Anyway, as asked earlier, please tell me exactly why people shouldn't offer an opinion (see above for the longer version)?
  2. No they don't, not reliably anyway, well mine doesn't. Mine wants 70mm+.
  3. Ebay is a different proposition, any sane human knows Ebay is full of blaggers and theives and as such would treat the transaction with far more suspicion.
  4. Why exactly should people NOT offer an opinion on this OPEN forum which in all other aspects encourgaes comment and debate? If you don't like it, don't post stuff for sale on an open forum surely!
  5. None taken . This isn't a site dedicated to selling, it's a forum. You aren't playing by the same rules on here as say Amazon. I would of course have a look elsewhere, but why should that stop someone else giving me a heads up? Looking at the post that's brought this on, there's one guy saying his broke, and another saying his has lasted for two years, that doesn't seem unfair to me. All that may do is make someone do a little more homework.
  6. Just to play Devils advocate, surely if you choose to advertise on an open forum, then comments be they positive or negative are to be expected? As a buyer I'd consider someone has done me a favour if they point out an item is overpriced or c arp. Maybe if you don't want to risk these sort of comments you should stick to Eblag or Gumbush?
  7. Chrome or Firefox appear unaffected, this is the short term fix until MS 'fix' it.
  8. I'm with Zapp! I pulled an odd, contorted face and my skin crawled at the thought of how you did it, told the missus who also pulled a face and said "it's made my teeth go funny!". Errr...get well soon!
  9. Be interested in what the settings were for the camera as for something hailed as the latest bit of kit, the quality is distinctly underwhelming. The subject matter however is great!
  10. Agree on all of the above, the biggest problems being the chunks blocking filters and the amount of water in the oil. Even if you use WVO as fuel, you always heat it to drive off the water and filter it down to 1 micron before even thinking of putting it anywhere near the tank! I speak from experience! This time of year it needs to be cut with diesel or petrol as the low temps make it thicken too much and in extreme cases it virtually solidifies. I ran a Pajero on it for over a year, and a further two years on biodiesel. So, to get to the OP's original question. There are some engines that just don't like B100. A search across the bio forums will soon tell you but I'm pretty sure the 3.1 Isuzu diesel is good on B100. You may initially suffer from clogging fuel filters, bio tends to break up some of the crud deposited by mineral diesel, these naturally end up in the fiter. Carry a spare and the tools to change it for the first 1000 miles, although mine was running clean after 400 miles. Other than that it was no different to running on mineral. Slightly lower MPG, but thats far outweighed by the cost saving. I had no issues with any pump or seal deterioration.
  11. Well said, couldn't agree more. It's a shame some members on here appear to have a sack of spuds on their shoulder.
  12. Great offer fella and one I'd love to take you up on, but a minimum of 200 miles each way makes it impractical. Hope somebody get's a great day though.
  13. Totally unecessary to post that pic, I would ask that you delete it. If that's not ammunition for you-know-who, I don't know what is.
  14. Very educational video, and to be honest when you work the figures it beomes somewhat more obvious! Just readjusted my thinking though!
  15. Great shot as usual, beautifully done. Regarding using your shots as PC wallpapers, I do hope you don't mind as I'm still using the Drake Mallard in flight shot probably a year later!
  16. About a box full, but I keep them in resealable bags in batches of six, normally 4 bags... ...there's always another box secreted away in the car though!
  17. Definitely be booking this for a weekend in the new year. I'll be in touch shortly.
  18. I use the Jack Pyke, works for me but only in its first season. Plenty roomy and a few pockets for odds and **** as well as hide pole straps.
  19. This cyclical thing happens mate, I too have had a resurgence in interest for the fishing this year and it has been my main effort with my spare time and will continue to be so for a while....especially if I do buy that sea kayak I have an eye on or, if I change my mind about selling the boat and stick her back in the water!! But, in due course the call from the gun cabinet will become stronger again and I'll start spending more time shooting and the fishing will take a back seat for a while. It's all slowly revolves, go fishing, enjoy and the, when you feel like it, come back to your shooting.
  20. Very predictable. Not my humour that's for sure. ^_^
  21. The most common cause of sudden nose bleeds is dry nasal membranes. Living in dry or cold climates increases your chance of nosebleeds. Heating indoor air in the winter can irritate the nasal membranes more; use a humidifier to add moisture to indoor air. BUT... Sudden nosebleeds could also be a warning sign for a more serious condition. High blood pressure, blood thinning, nose polyps, neck or head cancer, and nasal obstructions all cause nosebleeds. Sudden, reoccurring nosebleeds should be reported to your doctor. For peace of mind I'd go and visit the quack. It's probably nothing, but just go and make sure.
  22. Indeed, child benefit (£25/week per child) is paid to everyone regardless of earnings. Child tax credit is what I refer to (as stated in my first line) and THINK the OP is also referring to. Edit: Just reread Gixer's OP and I'm still not 100%, but, I am referring to tax credits.
  23. Child benefit? I assume you mean tax credit? What's that then? Oh yeah, we got that about 10 years ago! The Benefits office then decided we'd been overpaid and stopped us any futher benefits for 2 years....then apparently we received another bulk payment of £5k. We didn't. We have to prove that we didn't receive it rather than them showing we did. They can't even tell us which account it was paid into! Odd that!! Net result, in the last 10 years we have seen less than £1000 for 3 kids. 10 years worth is something in the region of £15000 ...and people want to have a pop at me for pocketing a couple of cash jobs! They can take a running jump with that idea! Charity begins at home nowadays as far as I'm concerned.
  24. Couldn't agree more, which is why I recently bought that same rifle.
  25. +1 to all of the above. Working on that theory, where does that put me? I'm not a special forces professional, but nor am I a lowlife, gun toting scumbag. So, if I get a handgun and get caught, maybe I can get a reduced sentence, and certainly a lesser sentence than the aforementioned scumbag?
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