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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. It seems rather heavy handed, especially given the lack of any suggestion to my knowledge that the food was anything less than safe to eat. For context I have heard allegations of a much better known brand frequently washing and repackaging meat with later sell by dates to reduce the amount of stock lost by going past its sell by (but with no means to tell how many times this has been done to a single item) supposedly known to the foods standards agency but investigation kept quiet for fear of wider impact to the brand.
  2. Good work, I hope you have a long healthy and highly enjoyable retirement.
  3. Well now the landrover wants to work again, I wonder if a common earth connects the issues as there should be nothing in common on the live side.
  4. A good few colleagues have income protection policies although there is huge range in cost and cover. Some only pay if you cannot work at all, others that will pay if you cannot work in your profession, or cannot find work in that line. Apparently premiums are pretty exhorbitant unless you go for a delayed start needing 6 or 12 months unemployment first. An aunt was essentially retired off on a better net salary than i will likely ever see by such a policy at 30 after rheumatoid knackered her hands.
  5. Wb123


    Probably best to resist the temptation to dig in for a fight, be as charming as possible, remove and deliver it in person to their offices (cleaned), and try to get on with the ******* or else they can make the whole thing drag on for years. Gearing up for a fight can only make the whole process more time consuming and expensive for everyone involved. Edit: I see it may be a bit late for that now.
  6. Yesterday the multifunction unit on the disco died, the temperature gauge mysteriously shorted to ground, and half the lights on my trailer stopped working (trailer level fault not Landrover). This morning the starter solenoid on the other car died. I am starting to feel like I should be sending for a young priest and an old priest.
  7. It's absolutely worth trying, I came unstuck with a similar but lower value claim I was trying to backdate as they wanted a letter from the employer confirming they would not provide said kit and that it was essential for the job. Larger value items I understand sometimes they will only write down as capital expense over seven years. In my experience hmrc are very easy to deal with by phone.
  8. Ive not seen any for sale but unless the shorter case makes them a good bit cheaper I'm not sure what the point would be. 19 and 21 gram clay bashers with very low recoil are already the cheapest you can get and unless on a section one the impact on magazine capacity is meaningless, though perhaps It would be of use for the practical shotgun lot if they reliably cycle well.
  9. Because those are subjects for threads about plated shot coatings and extra superdoopha highspeed 1450fps cartridges, not these super soft recoil 1350fps ones...
  10. They have tempted me also, but my better half tells me they are less warm than her aigles, much less grippy (the soles wear through seems to be the common complaint), but unlike a set of Wellies the soles are good for riding in. Thinking more about how often she slips in them at the yard I'm not that tempted... Toggis, dubarries, and Dublins are apparently more or less the same thing at different price points. She got five years from her first pair of Toggis but reckons her current set might only last three.
  11. Did you get the job done keeping all the appendages you started with?
  12. They seem ubiquitous among my better halfs female horse riding chums. All rate them highly, though my better half uses Toggi canyon boots at a third of the price but the same expected life, those who use them every day suggest three to five years life from a set. I would be tempted if they weren't ladies wear in my mind, the only chap I have ever seen in a set was a fabulously gay dressage instructor. Edit, a second thought, if she is going to be going into fields or anywhere vaguely slippy it is notable my better half then uses her aigles.
  13. Now that sounds good, for me it has always been an extra demand of the job though the better half gets time in lieu (one month as far as i could tell she was abroad for one week then had the rest of the month off).
  14. I live in fear of my Aigles wearing out and having to find a quality replacement. I borrowed an old pair of scottish made hunters once and they were very nice but Ive not heard anything that would encourage me to buy the current stuff.
  15. Interesting point, i (public sector) and my better half (private sector) will often end up sleeping whilst at work but as we are salaried (likely to an overall higher hourly rate) I doubt either of us would be eligible for any back payment. I hate sleeping whilst potentially having to jump and run at any moment, you end up sleeping with one eye open and even after a good six hours i often feel barely rested, or alternatively when things have been more manic you get to bed and sleep so deeply nothing will wake you up. The idea of only being paid for it if you are woken seems like madness to me.
  16. A chap in the village I grew up in had one. Apparently his son got it while contracting in the Middle East, an interesting thing with all sorts of factory specced curiosities like twin spare wheels and I think fully locking diffs. He loved it very much and said it was like a rangerover of the same era in use just much more expensive to run, service, find parts for etc... If i had money sloshing around I would take a rangerover 300tdi or 3.5v8 over one though.
  17. Wb123


    Had me checking my shirt for a moment... I did see a chap on one that had been going suspiciously quickly getting his collar felt on my commute once, but he looked like a complete scrote so may well have been pulled for something else.
  18. Wb123


    If you have a car licence it will come under your existing moped entitlement p, am, or q category. You may or may not need to do a compulsory basic training course to validate it depending where and when you passed your test but if needed it validates up to the limits of the p, q, or am categories indefinitely. No L plates you have a full licence for those categories.
  19. Thats quite a claim, I would reply with something along the lines of "it would appear two attempts were made during production to fit the press stud, unfortunately the weakening of the structure from the resulting second hole rendered the press stud non functional as the material was unable to hold it in place. Given this would appear to result clearly from a failed stage in the manufacturing process I would be most obliged if you could kindly explain how this is not a Manufacturing fault". Make it very clear the two holes are as it was supplied, not an attempt to repair yourself.
  20. Wb123


    You essentially can albeit with the need for fairly minimal tax and insurance. I dabbled for a while with velosolexes, huge amounts of fun. Finding one old enough to avoid the mot and tax is useful (though the mot requirements are so low as to be pretty meaningless), insurance once registered is very cheap if you already have a motorcycle policy to add one to.
  21. You may be right, I would have to watch it again to check. Either way the take home message for me, if brutally honest, is that unless you are a vice, shooting in a wind tunnel, with top spec batched kit, aiming for head shots on rabbits at 50m will be outside what I if not most of us can do if we want to stick with the hitting a 30mm target every time as the treshold for humane on live targets. Makes me feel less like a **** shot though, I will stick with aiming for the chest where the bigger target can be more accomodating of the combined limits of my skills and kit.
  22. This was posted recently, better than 20mm to be fair (assuming edge to edge not centre to centre) but in a tunnel with the gun in a clamp. The best batches if i remember rightly were working out at about 15mm edge to edge over a 40 shot group at 50m. It would be interesting to see how non match grade non batched ammunition and a 'field' rifle would do in the same test.
  23. Wb123


    I quite agree, things seem to have got a little silly. I hope the case gets nowhere.
  24. I use bottles. Wash in soapy water, rinse, then stack in the oven to dry at about 150 degrees. Definitely improves with age. I tend to use kits but often with a little modification. Usually you can get a good bit more from them than the instructions suggest by using the malted sugar substitute and adding extra water. Currently I am drinking a raspberry wheatbeer that started as a wheetbeer kit but gained a few kilos of raspberries pressure cooked to sludge then added with a little extra sugar also. Next time however i will just add a couple of bottles of the raspberry syrup from the polish corner of tesco as it still needs a very small drop to get the flavour the better half wanted. Next will be a cider kit but likely with some elderflower cordial added, aiming for something fizzy and suffolk style but with the hint of elderflower. I have made from scratch before but i was never convinced the extra effort was rewarded (bar one year when i was given about sixty kilos of apples), lacking a press i essentially made apple sauce and worked from there to good effect. I have only ever used tap water.
  25. Wabbitbosher. That said i asked around at my club if anyone had anything suitable to try left handed, everyone scarpered to their cars and brought all manner of things back. A few minutes later i had an almost straight stocked browning on my left shoulder and within a few shots it was clear shooting left handed was for me, even though the gun was still slightly cast for a right hander. Borrow something if you can for a few shots before spending money. Edit: for me it was clear very quickly (2-3 shots) that shooting from the left with both eyes open felt so natural it was the way forward, but as others have suggested the £300 might be best spent on a lesson to explore different techniques, getting your stock bent straight or a little to he the left if need be, and the remainder on cartridges for practicing.
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