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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Electronic signiture, tick the box and press continue.
  2. Apparently the paper ones are taking a few months longer to process than if you do it all online. I put a variation in online a couple of weeks ago and it was very quick and straightforward.
  3. I did a paper round whilst at school and usually got as much in Christmas tips as four months wages. In fairness I made the mistake of working for the same place for three years straight without attempting to renegotiate pay and discovered shortly before I left a competitor were paying near triple the amount per house. On the rare occasions papers were missing from the bag the ones who tipped best never lost out. These days i just get the occasional bottle of wine, though not just at Christmas. The better half gets an annual bonus around Christmas depending who she is working for which tends to be about 10% of her annual pay. If if we had a regular postie I would definitely tip him, this year I left a case of beer for the porters where I currently work. In eighteen months here I don't think I have ever seen the bin men, clearly they do a fine job given I am not drowning in refuse.
  4. Wb123


    Aigles wether wet or not. I have a summer and winter pair I have more or less stopped using leather boots as i find my Aigles comfortable and low maintenance. Keeping leather suitably looked after to last seems vastly more labour intensive for no gain in my case. Even just nipping to tesco i tend to grab my wellies as they just slip on and go.
  5. I don't think I have ever even wondered how fast my shot flies. I buy whatever is cheapest and occasionally consider if it makes a subtly different bang.
  6. Progressive taxation is a ******. If I pick up extra I pay 40% tax, 3% ni, 9% student loan, approx 8% indemnity, then usually about 4% travel costs. Colleagues with kids have an even worse time with thresholds for losing child tax benefits and a few others with losing extra childcare entitlement plus the 60% rate. Unless they can charge like a wounded rhino it makes no financial sense to take on extra work when stuck in paye. Whilst i I appreciate the logic behind progressive taxation it seems to ramp up far too quickly in the U.K especially when you look at child benefits and become a barrier for many doing a bit more.
  7. Given how often he reminds me my opinel is illegal i suspect it being something uk legal is important to him. Personally I never use non locking knives, i have seen the results of folders vs fingers too often.
  8. Many thanks everyone, i understand he shoots at targets made of compressed rubber that the arrows easily pull from. The better half is looking to spend anything up to £150 for something he can enjoy for many years to come. I shall try and find outnexactly what use he has in mind though we think it is some form of trimming/adjusting arrows. The buck solitare rosewood looks nice.
  9. The better half's father wants a small buck knife for Christmas, intended use is something archery related. I know nothing about knives beyond quite liking opinel carbon blades for out and about, and japanese steel in the kitchen, but an opinel would seem a bit cheap for the circumstances. What would people reccomend?
  10. If just pootling along i rarely use the clutch once going but struggle to get clutchless shifting to feel like i am not abusing the thing if riding hard (this bike much more than my last one). I have never got the hang on clutchless changes in the car.
  11. Went for thee days about two years back and tried to keep it cheap. Thought we just managed it for a grand until the car hire people added another grand to the credit card a month later.
  12. To be fair I would be arguing for a special case or independent city state were i a Londoner. The financial sector makes huge amounts from europe and supports London plus half of the south. He only has to answer to his constituents and i reckon most of them gain overall from the EU. The rest of the country is in a more nuanced position, hence the vote overall to leave.
  13. Apply for both! I would have thought you could put together a case for a 22lr or hmr, plus a slightly more powerful airgun, and get a shotgun for the pigeons on the wing if you wanted.
  14. Fair doos, around here last minute childcare is available but means paying £250 a day, significantly more at weekends or nights. When i worked in Yorkshire similar availability seemed to exist (to be fair in Leeds). For colleagues who have had to use it it is not cost effective but has a role in stopping ones career going down the pan for having kids.
  15. Send it to HR. Childcare is always available but not necessarily cheaply, unless the demand is due to a huge loss of other care in which case extra availability may be exhausted. The only times i have had colleagues encounter such problems is with sudden school closures due to severe weather in which case one parent did the morning and the other did the afternoon.
  16. PM sent, that would be perfect assuming the seller approves.
  17. Even if there were a covenant i understand in most contexts they are essentially unenforceable. In the context of work vans they boil down to "no work vans until the developer has sold all the houses".
  18. If i have any idea what the gun is doing i tend to miss. I would say lasers are very useful though. One really helped me get my mount more consistent, once the mount became relatively consistent everything else started to get easier and the temptation to try and aim the gun started to fade.
  19. Fun stuff. Assuming this would be for more of the same a used mig set up with some pub gas should suffice. Gasless might be ok if you avoid thin body work or are handy with a copper heatsink. If only welding up crash frames and anchoring to thick stuff the buzz box might be ok as it is. You could consider wether arc brazing with it would be appropriate for tasks you couldnt stick weld (remember brazing generally isnt very strong).
  20. Realistically i dont need it till September 2018. I am in Northern Ireland, everything goes of a firearms certificate, and everything needs a variation to add or remove except certain swaps. What i want to add is a section two shotgun which on the mainland goes on a shotgun certificate but here needs its own variation (by serial number) on an fac.
  21. My limited experience of gassless mig has been that if offers nothing more than mma but at a significantly higher price. You wont be able to convert a buzz box but you should be able to convert an inverter to scratch start tig. Cost wise once you look at consumables i suspect a used gassed mig running on pub co2 will be cheaper and easier than making and using a scratch start tig (on the assumption you are looking at gasless mig and buzz boxes due to a low budget and a single project). It will also sell on at about what you paid if need be once your project is complete. What does your project entail and what is your previous experience?
  22. I have been looking out for a particular gun for some time and one has finally become available at an excellent price, but the seller has no rfd they can get to handle a transfer. Were i on the mainland with a shotgun certificate i would simply take a long drive but as i am in northern ireland and must buy the gun, lodge it, and have a variation processed (hopefully successfully) before being able to pick it up. I would then have to fly over, get to a fairly poorly accessible place by public transport, and then fly back. Variations are taking at least eight weeks to process and i feel it would be taking the **** to expect the seller to hold on to it for that long as clearly they want rid of the thing. I had hoped my prospective brother in law who lives nearby would be able to collect and lodge it in his cabinet until the variation went through then rfd it over but sadly he has let his sgc lapse. Is there any way for a courier to collect from the seller and take to my rfd? Alternatively assuming no legal barriers is there anyone near kingslynn who would be able to oblige for a suitable fee?
  23. Interesting but again I had not heard about this.
  24. Study for professional exams and wish I was outside or made better career choices.
  25. Does it make any difference other than reducing velocity once you are at cylinder choke?
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