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Everything posted by PPP

  1. In all other bars ‘happy hour’!?
  2. Why not try to wrap them with the self catching (kind if like Velcro I guess) camo fabric tape? I have done thin on my air rifle to avoid glare when sneaking up on rabbits and it works well...
  3. Probably the best comment I have read on the matter
  4. I had a genuine pad fitted for exactly half that and felt hard done by.....
  5. I can only assume there is a huge difference in game speed 410 loads and subsonic Eleys or similar (which I had assumed op would use through moderated gun)
  6. PPP

    Horse fly bites

    It’s is rubbish... luckily the swelling not as mad as last time when I ended up with bulging crusty hulk arm , looked like steroid over use or as it was only one arm too much time alone...
  7. Cheddar and honey sandwiches were a childhood favourite of mine..
  8. If using Eley four long or subsonic (even mag) I’d say 20-25 MAX on pigeons, ideally less, ok on static rabbits at 25 (the ideal use in my opinion) I had a baikal and sold it, it didn’t gave a big enough role in my shooting.
  9. PPP

    Horse fly bites

    Tried that, swear by it usually but no impact.. Jungle Formula bite relief also no use.. Was using boots equivalent but picked up some jungle formula for next time...
  10. PPP

    Horse fly bites

    Suggestions please, this is driving me flipping nuts.. ice works temporarily have taken clarityn but no change just taken ibuprofen to get swelling down... i now have one giant Kent Everett hand.....
  11. Mikes ones are great value but I find they do need treating regularly, loon stuff is good
  12. Hi, this is in Suffolk border, I think this is brood 3, all does carrying lots of kits too so farmer is keen i get on them because they have really multiplied and we don’t take the small babies The one that the HMR deflected into the body cavity was launched pretty high into hedge.. I’m wondering if I mis identified, it was a 5 am rush job... pretty sure I didn’t though...
  13. That’s brilliant, thanks!
  14. It wasn’t in any kind of sack and the inners hadn’t ruptured as I use a carpet blade to unzip, just in the cavity generally as it were... it’s also weird that it was also in the buck, all bunnies were launched Imediately (still steaming)
  15. Woke up later than hoped but still managed a quick 1.5 hr stint bagging 6 rabbits in the process (I paunch as I go so i have a little less shooting time) I did my usual, head shoot, squeeze the wee out, split belly and remove contents BUT 5 of the 6 rabbits ( 1 discarded as looked ‘wrong’) had a milky like fluid inside. 3 were does carrying embryos but two were bucks, I haven’t seen this before, what the hell is it and I can I still eat the rabbits once washed in the usual manner? thanks
  16. I wonder how many people who answered hold FAC? To be honest, safety aside, shooting anywhere near the public isn’t worth the aggro. if the pub wasn’t there, and it was livestock in the field behind, having experience of HMR anc how difficult it would be to miss at 50M and assuming like my farmers the land holder asked me to smash the rabbit numbers ...I’d take the shot
  17. It’s difficult because in the heat of the moment most people would do what they need to do.... After the event, head butting someone in case they threw a punch at you would probably be seen as overly aggressive especially as it’s difficult to punch someone if you that close to them and unfortunately this is all a fao or similar can make a call on. Although it doesn’t feel like it, the outcome could have been worse
  18. Decent breeze for pigeon shooting too! Stupid work....
  19. PPP

    Alan Sugar tweet

  20. I’d suggest Boker too, the magnum range are great value for money and go very sharp
  21. They did die, but not as instantaneously as lead, I hate seeing birds flapping about
  22. Nope, birds were hit very heavily indeed but just didn’t have the killing power of lead.
  23. Exactly our experience, tried everything up to 36g no4 Gamebore Mag Steel, the amount of decoy range birds poke axed but not dead was crazy, the only conclusion based on how hard they were hit was the shot goes straight through .. As a result, I don’t beleive in steel .. Many people we have met say the same thing but it’s not popular.
  24. Frustrating as it is, you couldn’t pay me enough to be a copper...
  25. PPP

    Pump or Semi?

    Hey, unfortunately it has to be one or the other to be on one license or another otherwise your idea would be great and I’d just switch mag tube as needed... however your idea is way to sensible so our licensing overlords won’t get it ( and the elongated spring in +8 mag is a ****** to fiddle with) Thanks for your advice, I think I gave landed on a cheap wildfowling pump 20 quid here as I still have old tube but a pita to keep switching...
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