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I can't believe this!!!


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This sort of **** makes my blood boil... CLICK


That bloke lives in Britain, with British laws, serving in the British police force yet we're paying out because of some stupid farcical religeous belief.


Hasn't anyone got any balls in this country anymore???

Edited by Toombsy
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No the amazing thing is that no one went and checked the policy after he raised the issue. I know this is going to be an unpopular thing to say , but perhaps if GMP had applied some common sence to this at the begining it could have deen avoided.

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I sort of agree, but surely the barrister should have applied some common sense too...


What would happen if Singh didn't wear a helmet while on riot duty, was hit on the head by a house brick and ended up his days with a brain disorder? His family would have to look after him and the taxpayer would have to fund the family for the remainder of his selfish life, simply because he put his religion and his teacloth before his and his families welfare.


Basically, the bloke's a ******* idiot. And so is the barrister.

Edited by Toombsy
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No the amazing thing is that no one went and checked the policy after he raised the issue. I know this is going to be an unpopular thing to say , but perhaps if GMP had applied some common sence to this at the begining it could have deen avoided.


It's not as if he's the only Sikh in a police force... Shouldn't have been to hard to check up what other areas/countries do in this situation.


It really shouldn't have had to go to a hearing at all...

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This country is a joke..... :hmm: we roll over to whoever and whenever they want......since the romans and vikings people have just kept coming...


We'd be as well putting a sign up on all ports -


"Give me your robbers, scumbags, free loaders and anyone else you need rid of"

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"Give me your robbers, scumbags, free loaders and anyone else you need rid of"


This chap remains a serving officer in the GMP. he is putting back into his community, our community. He is not a thief,scum bag or free loader. Yes perhaps he is not suitable to undergo riot training, but riots in manchester are quite unusual these days, and I am sure there would be plenty of other jobs he could be doing other than standing in the front line.

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I've mixed views on it, If it is because of religious beliefs and lets face it you can wear a turban on a moped rather than helmet I believe so why not have this exemption. There are only 3 turban wearing officers in the GMP so you would have thought they could accomodate them.

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Perhaps it was a safety turban.....I've got some steel toe cap flip-flops for when i working on the beach........Seriously tho...theres so many loop holes in employment law when it comes to religon and race...you can practically get compo for anything nowadays...Story doesnt surprise me at all.....

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surely then he cannot fulfil all requirements of his job, and should be transfered or dismissed. how many men do you see wearing a turban on a building site? answer none, because the job description will entail that you must wear a hard hat! if because of his religous beliefs he cannot carry out all of his duties, he's no good for the job, simple as! :lol:

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surely then he cannot fulfil all requirements of his job, and should be transfered or dismissed. how many men do you see wearing a turban on a building site? answer none, because the job description will entail that you must wear a hard hat! if because of his religous beliefs he cannot carry out all of his duties, he's no good for the job, simple as! :lol:



Spot on, i dont believe for one minute that he wasnt advised during his training that at some point he would be expected to remove his turban. I think he has just played the system and won :lol:

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Its worth pointing that cops have to VOLUNTEER for public order training.


This officer would have known what was expected before signing up to the further training.


The more cynical might say he saw a 'nice little earner/greivance' and put the complaint in...



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