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Sounds like a great day in the offing, any chance to borrow a gun since I've not got one at the mo?



Major, we will be able to sort something out mate. Mungler owns most of the guns in Essex :yes:

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Yeah that's what you Northern boys are into :yes:


I guess it's because it's black and white up North, raining all the time and because there's nothing else on telly apart from Coronation Street.


we have holyoaks as well you know. is brookside still on the box? Cant wait to have some jellied eels and pie n' mash. which of you dresses as the pearly queen? :yahoo::good::oops::lol:

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Only ten pounds goin to charity i would rather send them a tenner why isnt the shoot ground stumpin up some of their profit after all its promoting thier venue :yes:


Hi Rigwallet,


This day is a fun gathering as well as doing a small something for a worthy cause.


I already negotiated with the ground to get the fees to what they are. (AND to include a little tea / coffee and a bacon sarnie thrown in) This is considered by many to be the best shooting ground in the country, compare what this costs to a posh pheasant shoot or a round of golf at the Belfry and it doesnt seem that much really.


For many shooters £50.00 will leave a dent in the finances, so I wasnt going to charge people more either. It has to stay affordable for all.


We are getting amazing support in the form of donated raffle prizes from PW members and I have every confidence that the day will be well attended and a

nice "lump" will go to charity.


If you have any other questions please send me a PM as per the opening thread.






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only ever having the odd blast at clays when at the gamefairs and whatnot, how does this work? do i just stand there and they chuck clays up? and how many? and what if i hit one? is there a prize if i hit one? :yes:

not on par with MC, Magman, Chard and the rest but im still having a go as its for r2_highlights_l_1.jpg "CHARIDEE MATE!"

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See how us northeners are basically keeping quiet on this... no whooping and hollering.... :good:


its a ploy....we will do our talking on the shooting fields..... :yes:


is there anyone from the TRUE north of England going?




Will your horse and cart make it to the event on time???

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See the poll has changed :good:

My thoughts are for March as May seems a lifetime away and think it would all faze out if left to long :yes:



I agree. I've just looked and I couldn't actually do 20th March


I've got some work on on that day and it's also way too close to the Cheshire Shield Police Shoot which a lot of the Northern lads are shooting (also at Hodnet) on 25th March :oops:

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Yes, I've gone for 13 March as I may be shooting in France on 20th, it would be a shame to miss it.. :good:


The 27th is also out for me as I've got a Company Do to go to that night right "darn sarf" in tosspot country. :yes:



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Men and women of the North...This is a battle cry :oops:


It looks (all in good fun) as though us men and women from the north have been challenged to around of the clays by are counterparts, brothers in arms, fellow pigeonwatch pals in the Grim south.


Come down from the Chimneys and up from the pits, stop beating the wife and put down your pints. Its time to clean off your shotguns and don your flat caps.

Its going to be like a scene from Braveheart, Raising are guns over are flat capped heads and lining up on the border to the south shouting the battle cry


:lol::yahoo: VICTORY TO THE NORTHERN ALLIANCE :yahoo::yahoo:


(P.S this is only abit of fun, I know the day wont be about beating one another and all that so dont get your knickers in a twist :yes:)

(p.p.s the wife beating bit was a joke aswell).................. :good:.


I was thinking of maybe we should have a pigeonwatch bring and buy on the day :lol: Bring in your unwanted shooting equipment and sell it, or auction it with the money going into the Charity Kitty :lol:


Or sell it here on the for sale section and send the money to the Charity :lol: I have got a few bits and bobs that I have never used that I will sell for the cause :yahoo:

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Im 18 on the 11th so no doubt I will be out enjoying my first ever alocholic bevvy on the night of the 13th and will most likely be entertaining the family during the day. So that days out for me, I voted for the 27th as hopefully I should be able to come, but if it goes ahead on the 13th ill send 10 bob down for carts GOSG anywhoo! :yes:

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I really want it to be the 15th May so I have more time to get money in etc...


The lady at Hodnet is away now until mid February which might cause problems with getting her the money in time.


I will try to talk to her tomorrow but it might have to be 15th May only...



Also I have worked out that ANYONE can vote in this poll so even passing members who have no intention of coming can vote.



Dont get too worked up about the dates yet chaps..... :yes:

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