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slings on shot guns .


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In all my years of shooting I have never seen any body use a shot gun with a sling attatched . Since joining this forum I have seen several mentions about slings on shotguns . I have a beretta selfloader that came with attatchments for for a sling . Does any body actually use a sling on their shotgun and why ?.


Harnser .

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In all my years of shooting I have never seen any body use a shot gun with a sling attatched . Since joining this forum I have seen several mentions about slings on shotguns . I have a beretta selfloader that came with attatchments for for a sling . Does any body actually use a sling on their shotgun and why ?.


Harnser .


I don't currently but have historically on a previous 12g.


WHY...Clay is one thing and Pheasant is another, and rough shooting is another ballpark altogether, just like on rifles, slings on a shotgun can be very useful for a full day in the field!


If this is your type of shooting you will soon notice the benefit, otherwise possibly not!!

Edited by Dekers
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My Beretta Urika always has a sling on it. Much easier to sling it when you're walking over fields with all the rest of your kit. I suppose I could put it in a gun slip, but I like to have the gun at least semi-ready when making my way to the hide position.


Tend to just leave it on for clays, too.

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i have a sling on all my guns. i shoot on my own alot, and some of it is very rough ground. its simpler to unload the gun and sling it over my shoulder than trying to get through a hedge/copse/bog/river, etc, with it in my hand, plus its useful to sling it and have both hands free for other tasks at times.


also useful if you bump into members of the public. i dont like standing with it in my hand incase it turns out to be an anti ("oh officer he swore at me and had a gun in his hand" :shoot:) so slinging it over your shoulder solves that, and also solves the problem of leaving it lying on the ground where someone could lift it, etc.



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2 little points with regard to slings i failed to mention before..


1,if 2 identical guns are on a shelf next to each other<same £>the un slung gun will sell 1st..never understood that but its a fact


2,i shot a cpc comp with a spas12 18" barrel n cutts welded on to make 24" just for amusement really as there was gun snobbery afoot last time id entered with a cheap gun & shot well....... i was told my sling was against health&safety rules as i may get tangled up and kill everyone on site :good:




Edited by hookbones
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I have not got one myself at present, but when out Wildfowling i keep thinking to myself i must get one, just so i can quickly put the gun over my shoulder if i want to move .


I noticed in the past that Avalon guns do a slip for the beretta which slides over the stock and the other end fits to the screw cap, i did email them to ask if this would also fit the cap on the escort semi but never got a reply......

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I recently purchased a Beretta AL391 Urika 2 Black Synthetic and I saw the impressive and igenious easy fit/release swivels that came with the gun and decided for the first time to give a sling a try. I bought the comfy Butlercreek neoprene type and it's excellent. I don't know why I never tried it before because it's very useful being able to sling it over the shoulder and have both hands free. I hunt with my GSD dog and occasionally when I need to hold the lead it makes life a lot easier.

My only dilemma was whether to fit the sling with barrel up or down? :)

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In all my years of shooting I have never seen any body use a shot gun with a sling attatched . Since joining this forum I have seen several mentions about slings on shotguns . I have a beretta selfloader that came with attatchments for for a sling . Does any body actually use a sling on their shotgun and why ?.


Harnser .


I have a sling on my Marlin P/A, and one on my B/A .410


Both have slings because of the amount of walking I do when out with them.

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