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Dispelling a myth about shooting into the air!

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some years ago in the states a guy worked out the ft/lb required to kill wildfowl it takes 3ft/lb of energy for a shotgun pellet to penetrate sufficiently far into the ducks body to be fatal, he tied live ducks spread eagle fashion to a post and shot them with different size shot from different ranges



Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey did similar tests to the American Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, but the Americans used 2,010 mallard, guided, flying, along a precise course with electronically fired guns so precise centreing of the pattern was ensured. The stipulated ft/lbs to cleanly kill a mallard was 1.5ft/lbs. While Burrard suggested that for a medium sized game bird three pellets each having a striking energy of at least 0.85ft/lbs was needed, while a large bird (goose) needed 4 pellets each having a striking energy of at least 1.5ft/lbs.


I still can't get past this muppets water/ice /lead comparisons. Why has he not been deleted?



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Bullets usually fall sideways if dropped from a great height, like leaves falling from a tree. This changes their BC and reduces their terminal velocity.


On the other hand, bullets, unlike leaves, are made from lead so fall much faster. So straight up is less dangerous than at an angle as the bullet is more likely to be going pointy end first if fired at an angle. However, another analogy is to say it's less dangerous to smack someone in the face with a hammer than it is to smack them with a sledgehammer. Both are a pretty silly idea though. :blink:

Edited by Tank
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**** off you gormless little *****. You've shown the entire forum that you know **** all about anything, let alone guns.


You're just a piece of ****.


You are a sad little fantasist tosswad, who can do no more than dream and try and impress with nonsense. Go away and try and impress the airsoft boys, they enjoy a good Walting session.



you really must learn to open up and say it as it is :blink:



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Haven't quite got the patience to read the whole lots of these tripe but i have to wonder about the 'pro' shooting in the air guys.


Am i right in thinking that you believe it is acceptable to shoot into the air based on some nonsense from geeks desperate to prove their 'intelligence' with waffle about terminal velocities etc because it might not be fatal? What about non-fatal injury's to people & animals, or perhaps property damage?


How about instead we use some common sense and caution on safety instead of trying to push the boundaries of what you might think is acceptable based on ******* MythBusters or what some **** on the internet said.


Just my 2p. Continue...

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OOOOOOOHHHH i'm liking that al4x..............i want it :good:


(Oh yeah, nearly forgot. Shooting a rifle into trees, at any angle is ridiculously stupid and should always be followed by a swift and severe beating :blush: ).



Pfftt...rubbish, I've been shooting into the air with my LapMag for ages and never had someone come over rubbing their head complaining....

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Jealous of others having an education and some intelligence?



Don't make the mistake of linking intelligence with education, I have worked with more than a few well educated idiots,

and some of the cleverest men I have ever met did not have a 10 meter breaststroke cert never mind a give away A level.



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OK ladies, lets get to it !!

Im frankly getting so tired of hearing grumpy old men telling people you are an idiot for shotting a 22lr into the air, its unsafe bla bla bla.

You are an idiot for shooting into the air, it is unsafe..... and you haven`t given any angles have you ?

Time and time again i have heard people jump on others for shooting vertically pigeons out of roosts.

Ah, here we are, vertical !

its not something i have done since i got a shotgun which works fine for that job but it made me think about it and if this is just another British load of bo!!ox that we seem to dream up. you only have to look on american forums and there are people shooting things with a 223 out of trees.

Vertically ? are you sure ?

Im sure you all heard about that man that got killed from a 22lr bullet from 1.5 miles away who got hit in the head? - yeh that old wives tale! the one where the details change every time you hear it! and coincidentally the distance matches the warning on the side of a 22lr ammo box :rolleyes:

Not vertical then ? Come on don`t mix things !!

There is a very accurate scientific formula that can work out the terminal velocity of a object depending on its weight and aerodynamics. its pretty complex but basically the long and short of it is..


if you shoot a 22lr at 90 degrees the bullet will travel vertical till it starts to fall and tumble 40 grains is about 2.5 grams and even at best this could generate about 10ft lbs of energy. but according to a test carried out on a penny weighing in at 2.5 grams it only generated 4ft lbs of energy due to wind and air pressure.


to put this into perspective some hail stones in this country weigh more than this and travel from higher up and are also much more dense than soft lead.


Now if you shoot at 45 degrees this can have some very serious issues since this is just about optimum for distance and speed and retained power. - This is a very dumb thing to do and could result in serious injury.

Can we then strike out what you call an "old wives tale" above ??

i think people get the two things confused (Yes it was you wasn`t it ?) and its being really annoying me lately. i have heard people go off on some about shooting vertical when they happily shoot their FAC airguns into trees with 30 grain pellets at 45 degree angles which in my opinion is far more dangerous than vertical shooting a 22lr.


what is your genuine opinion on this matter? i dont want to hear politically correct answers just what you think.

Genuine opinion ?....... you are indeed a ..........


a little more science and less story telling wouldnt go a miss in this sport.And when will you start ?


i have a habbit of wanting to shoot things which are further away than my calibre can manage, Gen 3 night vision really does cause me this problem lol.


17hmr can do 200 so what can a 223 do? kill a fox for eg.


......but i am a junky for speed and power!


I would have shot him in the feet and claimed i dropped the gun and it went off




As Bruce Lee once said - Cant stand cant fight


You are a real bonus to the shooting fraternity :/:yes::no:

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Don't make the mistake of linking intelligence with education, I have worked with more than a few well educated idiots,

and some of the cleverest men I have ever met did not have a 10 meter breaststroke cert never mind a give away A level.




Quite! That's the typical reaction from ******* students (no offence Paulos, i realise it's just a gag in your case), they do a higher level of education on ONE subject and think they are intelligent, then leave Uni with a false sense of superiority at the grand age of 22. Just goes to show how ******* stupid some of them really are!


Having said that i take my hat off to anyone who wants to take on further education to help enhance their specific career prospects. Anyway, sorry for the off-topic rant. :good:

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(no offence Paulos, i realise it's just a gag in your case)



Trotsky's going to be our future Gruppenfuhrer Primo Ministero :yay:


So doff your cloff cap and let him win on the clays. He might be able to do you some big favours when he's in office.


Or we could wheel out those compromising photos and sell them to the press for an undisclosed 7-figure sum :good:

Edited by Chard
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Favours?? :lol: I won't need be giving "favours" :cry1: My rule will be supreme and absolute, I will command with an iron fist and god have pity on anybody that protests! :good::lol:


As for compromising photos....they are nearly all tagged on facebook so they shouldn't be too hard to find :good:

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I notice that Pandamonia has not been on the forum since stirring up a bit of hornets' nest. Despite his "scientific" claims it could well put someone's eye out if hit by a falling bullet. The man is clearly a muppet with little between his ears, although he does have a high opinion of himself.


Personally, I thought he was a disgrace to shooting and a bit thick. :good::rolleyes:

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There was some killed quite a few years ago in this country. By some shoot tree rats.


Bullet ricoeted off a tree and a walker about 800 meters in the neck, and bleed out still died of being shot. read about to in an old shooting times. Where they covered the same sort of thing. dangers of shoot 22lr into tress.

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Chard you are just a grade A Cock thats all.


Why dont you get out the house more, rather than sit at your PC posting on a forum all day.


by the looks of your post count you must be a bed ridden cripple.




He is never in the house, always on the clays. That why i have to go round and service Mrs Chard wearing a Chard Mask :good:



I post at the start of these threads, and never really come back to them. When i do, they have turned into complete destruction. :rolleyes::lol:

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He is never in the house, always on the clays. That why i have to go round and service Mrs Chard wearing a Chard Mask :good:



I post at the start of these threads, and never really come back to them. When i do, they have turned into complete destruction. :rolleyes::lol:


Yes she told me a funny man with a small winkie turns up on the doorstep now and again :P:drinks::lol::yahoo::lol:

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