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Procrastination is the thief of time


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Ok, so we had to cut short our Dorset holiday by leaving late last night after dinner instead of what would have been this morning after breakfast, because No. 3 son copped a raging temperature last night and we thought the best bet was to get home in anticipation of who knows what - mind you, the silver lining was that the hotel in sympathy knocked a whole day's dinner, bed and breakfast off the bill for all of us.


So, at a loose end today and the weather poo, I set about all the niggly jobs that I have been putting off forever and a day.


1. outside light (lantern)

2. outside light (flood light)

3. kitchen cooker hood light

4. kitchen under unit light (not sure if it was the starter or the tube, so got new of both)

5. getting an extra HDMI lead to the back of the telly (means getting it off the wall and moving other stuff and wires)


If the truth be known it took 20 mins including the trip to the shop to do the lot. Strangely satisfying and I don't know why I didn't do them earlier.


So, what little jobs are you all leaving off?

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And there's me thinking procrastination was a dirty word, never mind eh.

Anyway, fixed the wifes car yesterday, new front strut on a pug 206, sodding drive shaft pops out and starts leaking oil, so got that all topped up today, cleaned the cooker, sold some stuff that was cluttering up the "gun" room (spare bedroom), called this rather nice looking girlie about a business opportunity doing cottage crafts, tomorrow i'll be fitting the tank strap to the wifes car and then trying out the new caller courtesy of geordieh, cheers chap :good:

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The point here is that if you'd done all those little jobs as and when they came up it would be another added chore to your day. However, save them up and do them in one hit then, as Mungler says, you get an oddly satisfying glow about having done it. Then you stand back, light your pipe and admire your handy work.

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Ok, so we had to cut short our Dorset holiday by leaving late last night after dinner instead of what would have been this morning after breakfast, because No. 3 son copped a raging temperature last night and we thought the best bet was to get home in anticipation of who knows what - mind you, the silver lining was that the hotel in sympathy knocked a whole day's dinner, bed and breakfast off the bill for all of us.


So, at a loose end today and the weather poo, I set about all the niggly jobs that I have been putting off forever and a day.


1. outside light (lantern)

2. outside light (flood light)

3. kitchen cooker hood light

4. kitchen under unit light (not sure if it was the starter or the tube, so got new of both)

It must have been pretty dark round your house before then mung

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I have been pigeon shooting for six days, and foxing for three nights out of the six.


But tommorrow morning I will be working, I will be supervising someone who is coming to cut the hedge.


In the afternoon I shall go shooting again until around 7pm, where I shall then treat her indoors to a meal out on Gt Yarmouth seafront.

Nothing fancy though, going to avoid anywhere which has tablecloths- I have noticed it attracts a premium around here lately for a sit down feed.

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lets see - power hosing the paths, patio and concrete; weeding the patio, paths and dog pen; trimming the hedge; tiling the bathroom floor; chopping up and storing the branches i cut off the tree (last november...), making a new front gate; weeding/cutting back/covering in petrol and burning the one and only flower bed; having a general clear out of cupboards, etc, and finally somehow emptying a wheelie bin that is full to the neck of dog dirt that has been fermenting for two years :good:


thankfully i still have 3 weeks of holidays left to take :oops:

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Finally got round to changing my immersion heater last week after a month of cold water and boiling pans for a bath. I kept telling myself i'd do it the next day I had off work, but somehow ended up at sporting targets instead.


May seem like a trivial job, but last time I did it I ended up having to take the hot water tank out to do it. This time I got away with just taking the exhaust off the engine. Could only happen on a boat...

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sort the garage out. i can only just get from one end to the other. might need a skip. :blush:

Did that a couple of years ago.


Bloke from next door rooted around and took away a wheelbarrow load of things "too good to chuck".


He then had to clear out his shed to make room for my kit.


I rooted around and took away a wheelbarrow load of things "too good to chuck".


Brought his stuff home and, guess what?


Garage just as full as before but with newer, more interesting stuff.


Two years down the line and, guess what?


Garage is over full again. What to do?


Please don't suggest bloke next door!

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Trimming the hedges


Caulking the skirting in the hall


Painting the facias


Spreading out 50 ton of top soil and then seeding it.


Pruning the apple, pear and plum trees


Lay the loft insulation


Chop the logs that have been drying for a year


Service the mower


Fit marine speakers in ensuite shower


Rebuilt manhole foundation above septic tank


Clear out bund under heating oil tank


Fit other 2 gun cabinets


Fit extractor light in ensuite shower


Fit worktop end in utility room


Plane all newly fitted doors for the second time as they have now swollen up and are rubbing


Trim copper birch hedge


Fit auto drinker to dog run


Build wardrobes in master bedroom


Clear out all old mircobore pipe from foundation


Cut grass again


Clear gutters out as I am too late to fit the deepflow type this year


Sweep driveway


Walk dogs


Take dog back to vet to get ear checked


Rub down and paint garage door


Call double glazing firm to remind them to come and fix the new front door



I've just realised . . . . My house is a right s*!*hole! :oops:


And I still seem to have no time :blush:

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Carrying on with bathroom - already knocked wall down between bathroom and toilet so got one big room only to find floors ain't level -- lost interest then - but found it yesterday - keyed up started to remove toilet -would it budge - The dozy carp who fitted it must have turned it upside down filled cavity with cement -put board over it then righted it and moved it to right position and pulled board out - after smashing toilet I had a hill of concrete. levelled the floor then panic ringing for cheap loo - there is no such thing - I thought £40 for bog standard - they have gone up since 1989 - Last ditch called someone I knew - Bingo got one in garage -was fitted but woman didn't like it so it was removed and boxed -- spent all day fitting it - I don't recon woman didn't like it as I spent 3/4 of time trying to stop it leaking and getting flush flap to seat when water was in cysten.


Good job SWMBO has gone away for three days - don't think she would have been impressed with useing a bucket and chuck it from boat.


Shooting tomorrow yipeeeeeee!




ps quixer - I can fully vouch for a hydrolic log splitter

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Oh god, where do I start? I'm the most useless person in the world when it comes to getting things done. I am truely lazy! So...


-Hang a mirror for the Mrs in our bedroom

-Chase out a couple of walls so the sparky can fix the upstairs light

-Put a door on the cupboard in the utility room

-Add two more cupboards to the utility room and door them too

-Clean out the wood burner and sweep the chimney so it's clean over the summer (see what I mean, I'm so lazy!)

-Put a new AV bush on my chainsaw

-Change the oil in my woodchipper

-Clad the garage with timber (it's half done and has been for weeks)

-Empty the contents of the wooden shed into my new workshop (needed doing six months ago really)

-Prep the greenhouse for the Tomatoes and Chilli's to go in (oops, too late).


That's a start. The list is endless. Some of it's been waiting for me to do it for two years now!

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spray new side loading door for van and swap it for dented one...... all laid out in garage for 2 weeks but not got around to it.


change light bulb in kitchen downligter and one in lounge


Actually ree tile porch roof and ree doo valley...... had temporary visqueen and battens on for 12 months


Replace cracked window pane in garage


Paint walls on back of house


sort paperwork mountain...... perhaps tomorrow!!!

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The list is so long I don't know whats on it but two jobs I have been putting off are sweeping the chimney and chopping the firewood thats stacked in the back garden.


Oh and I must fixthe air blower on my car before I need to defrost/demist my windscreen.


Knowing me I will be using a cloth this winter because I doubt I will get round to it in time.


I did think about cleaning out the guttering on the house yesterday but that was as far as I got.



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