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ghosts...spirits etc


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I've had one or two 'experiences' with an ouiji board when I was younger. The things that happened could be put down to coincidence I suppose, but things DID happen.


I have a friend who could scare the bejesus out of you with the stories of what's happened to her and her family in the past.

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I had an experience years ago, I was about 10 and staying at a friends house, which was attached the village hall, his mum was the live in caretaker and post office sub master, all housed in the same building.


We used to play in the hall when it wasn't booked, and the toy cupboard that had all the bits in for users often had strange noises coming out of it. Ben and I were convinced the place had ghosts.


Anyhow, we were sat in the hall playing with those 'pull back and go cars' and there was a bang from the cupboard, the door opened and a cane hula hoop thing rolled out, now we were sitting adjacent to the cupboard as this thing rolled over the floor, Ben said something along the lines of 'look at that' or something and it changed direction, no wobble, firmly changed direction towards us, for about 6 feet and then spun to a halt.


Whether it was a coincidence or not I don't know, but it **** the life out us.

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I do a lot of night fishing for sea trout, 3 instances in 23 years:

Saw who i thought was a local farmer check his fence line, only after fishing did i remember the poor chap had died 3months earlier (there is a rational explanation here, could of been somebody else wearing the same old type of light brown army great coat? In the middle of summer???)

Said "shw mae heno" (Welsh for good evening) to a chap wearing a flat cap and carrying a walking stick. He was there one minute gone the next. Trick of the light??

But one occasion walking back from a stretch of river i knew well, i felt really uncomfortable, had to have the torch on all the way home. Kept checking behind me. Was there anything there? Don't know, went back the following night, felt fine.

Me i'm open minded was there anything paranormal? Did my mind play tricks? :yes:

Don't know, but i still love night fishing, and i love fishing all night, in a secluded loation on me own! So it aint put me off that much. :good:

Tight lines


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I don't believe in the old 'floating bedsheets' or traditional 'ghost' either, but like gloker, I am a retired health professional and believe me, walking the corridors of a huge Victorian 2000-bed asylum at night makes you doubt your own sanity, let alone that of others ! I have had some of the most sane and rational of staff almost gibbering with fright over something they thought they saw/heard. I truly believe that they really thought they saw or heard something, but in a lot of cases, tiredness and the sheer nature of the silence in the small hours of the morning can make you hypersensetive to anything and misinterpret what you see (Hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucinations :yes: ).


Having said that, I have seen and heard things I cannot explain by rational means (Not just after 1/2 bottle of Jack, either ! :good: ), so I try to keep an open mind.

Edited by Bloke
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had a few nights like that aled! never seen anything,but felt like something could have been around..had a few nights with the gun too where you almost feel someone on your shoulder breathing.


stayed in a hotel in rugby not so long ago and the wife came out from the toilet claiming she had heard the toilet flush but nobody else in there, also a knock knock on he the toilet door while she was in there. without mentioning this to anyone else, two other people, (one being my mother), came out with the exact same story. i cant say whether i believe one way or another but couldnt find an explanation for it!?


Had the TV come on in my house recently when we were in bed, full volume on a channel that was not the last channel we had watched, i put it down to some sort of static/electric surge causing the tv to come on but wasnt as convinced as i made out!

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Last night I saw a woman standing by the sink in my kitchen doing dishes! :yes:


I had to look twice, thought it was an apparition......................but no it was the Mrs, couldn't believe my eyes :good:


Never seen anything myself, but have an open mind

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Think that might be a bit like playing with a ouija board. PW might become haunted with the ghost of a little girl! :good:


Or we might all start wanting to wear frilly shirts, woollen Peruvian peasant hats and laying on some impromptu street theatre.


The forum gay-o-meter is now pushing 7.5

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I'm the biggest sceptic going but must confess with this last house i've done up a few of us have had the idea a cat moved accross the room. Strange when we do have cats but you then realised you could see them, not just me either weird as it used to have a batty old couple with loads of them

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I'm the biggest sceptic going but must confess with this last house i've done up a few of us have had the idea a cat moved accross the room. Strange when we do have cats but you then realised you could see them, not just me either weird as it used to have a batty old couple with loads of them


Wow that is amazingly para normal.


I would get on the blower to Living TV right now.

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I'm the biggest sceptic going but must confess with this last house i've done up a few of us have had the idea a cat moved accross the room. Strange when we do have cats but you then realised you could see them, not just me either weird as it used to have a batty old couple with loads of them


Spoken like a true skeptic.

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I’m undecided.


We’ve had a few things happen in our house. For example, bayonet lightbulbs coming out of their fittings or being left in the shade. People walking past our window that you can see from the corner of your eye but when you look round, there’s no one there. Lights turning on and off.


People who have stayed with us always think someone has been walking down the stairs at 4 or 5 am when we know it wasn’t us. An acquaintance of ours who reckons herself as a bit of a medium saw 2 people on the stairs before we told her about the footsteps.


Strangely, our house is built near a disused railway cutting where local folklore has it, 2 people we’re hit by a train.


I’ve stood in the hall before and asked out loud for ‘them’ to stop and it’s been quiet for a while now – however, it could all be coincidence and explained logically – stairs cooling and contracting for example.



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I’ve had a few experiences in my time but nothing to write home about.


The most recent and it still happens only happens when I’m in bed. I get woken up by what can only be described as someone pressing down on my pillow almost like its sinking and only happens at the top of the pillow. At first I thought it was the cat (but he’s not allowed upstairs and the doors are always shut) when I looked there was nothing there...


This will go one for a few days then it will stop and just when you think it’s in your head it starts up again, the worst part of it is that when it starts you rationalise it as nothing but then you get the feeling of a cold sweat come over you.


Strange I know and yes the meds are working.....

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has anyone had any ghostly encounters??? iv so do tell!!!

My cousins girl died very young (22) and was buried in a woodland grave in her home county of Suffolk. I went down there and visited the grave. While there I took a picture of the grave with it's pagan type offerings(she was a free spirit) for my mother in law to see. When we processed the picture there was in evedence a small cloud like apperition with a face of a hatted man in it. PM me and I will dig it out and send it.

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I’ve had a few experiences in my time but nothing to write home about.


The most recent and it still happens only happens when I’m in bed. I get woken up by what can only be described as someone pressing down on my pillow almost like its sinking and only happens at the top of the pillow. At first I thought it was the cat (but he’s not allowed upstairs and the doors are always shut) when I looked there was nothing there...


This will go one for a few days then it will stop and just when you think it’s in your head it starts up again, the worst part of it is that when it starts you rationalise it as nothing but then you get the feeling of a cold sweat come over you.


Strange I know and yes the meds are working.....



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