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Cats vs dogs


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I spend my weekends in kent and the working week in london. My dog copes fine with this but a cat simply wouldn't adapt to this lifestyle !(though he really gets the hump if we don't head back to kent for some reason at the end of the working week.)


I second the proposal to put moggie on the general licence!


If you have rats- get a terrier. A cat will attack a mouse/rat and either let it go when it gets bored or eat half of it and stach the uneaten bits somewhere about the house. With a terrier you get a pile of dead rats with broken necks laid out for your approval and a terrier with a swagger in his step for a couple of days!

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It takes one hell of a cat to tackle an average rat, most aren't up to it and just pretend they're hard.


Also, dogs come when you call them. Cats, you leave a message and they get back to you.


Dogs for me, but I do have a cat!



I used to have one that killed squirrels for fun, at 17 was still trying to get the odd whole pigeon through the cat flap, she was quite a cool cat. I don't have neighbours cats in the garden, they know its dangerous and all have been educated in a natural way so have no issues with cat mess in the garden so really they do me no harm and the odd one does keep vermin down

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I've always been a dog or cat man, although I can't stand how dogs are just let out to foul the local park and play area and savage young children. I just don't get the point of dogs as pets rather than for working, it just seems they are for people that want a pet simply to intimidate other people (and cats). :) I know that's not everyone.



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Rather ironic you are posting on a site where most of the posters are killing wildlife -- fox/rabbit/pigeon/parrot etc - not that I object but if you put it like that then what's difference between a cat and some of the posters here ?? :yes:


Now if you want to kill pimps then I am all for it.



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Not a fan of cats TBH

Ask your friend who picks up her cat **** when its been out all day



No worse than a badly trained, behaved dog or one of those 'trophy' pitbull type dogs owned by some rat faced thug, or one of those owners that let their dogs foul everywhere TBH. It's all a bit of give and take IMO.

Edited by mick miller
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kinda have mixed feelings about cats, we have two and i caught a bartonella bug from one of them while i was having chemo. a year later i was in papworth having a valve job. they do keep the mice and rat numbers down tho which is a good thing as both my neighbours either side have chickens, since they appeared we've noticed quite a few rat parts around the place so they do kill rats.

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Everyones being rather restrained Zapp so i could be proved wrong! :lol:




i'll try and help :good:



death to all cats :yp:



















































only joking we've got one :angry:

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With all due respect,TheDuncan-you,re rats will not all be gone-the majority will have dispersed when the chickens left the "homestead" but some,depending on available foodsource,will be living with you quite happily.Cats leave dead birds and discarded foodstuffs all over the place and roland thus thrives-i have seen rats and cats feeding from the same bowel in a farmers kitchen-the farm cats hunted young rats all night but rarely tackled a fully grown one.As a footnote-we used to use semi auto 9mm garden guns fitted with laser sights and lamps to shoot over a hundred rats most friday evenings-most impressive sight was if you shot one down from the rafters into the pig pens-they were promptly eaten alive as were any that were shot on the run but managed to make it back amoungst the colony.Redarding which pet is the better-my spaniel sleeps for 10-12 hours without getting up and spends the rest of his day either eating or producing odours-maybe i should get a moggy after all.

Well, my cats must be exceptional then - between November and December, corpses of rats would be found in various states of 'disrepair' scattered across our front lawn, some juveniles but mostly full sized adults, several per night.

The chickens had been gone for 18 months before the cats turned up (and I was pedantic about clearing away food etc as I am aware of the fact they attract rats).

They have taken a blackbird (not very happy about that) and I put a stop to this by installing a high bird table beyond the cats reach, seems to have sorted that issue so far :yes:

Sounds like those farmcats were lazy pussies to me :lol:


As for dogs producing odours - my ridgebacks could be used for riot control! They'd clear buildings with their noxious emissions!





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I have a german sheperd and am soon to get a lab,i love dogs,but i love cats,mine was run over out the front of my house,very upset and buried him at top of garden,my mates cat got run over by the bin men,he was not upset and just threw it in the skip,we are all different :blink:

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i got a 10ish week old feral cat of the farm where i work last summer and its the most stupid animal ive owned the daft thing wont even eat raw meat but loves sweetcorn god knows what its mum use to catch for it when it was wild



:lol: Vegetarian ferals!!


At a stables I used to manage many years ago, the eccentric owner took in a really wild,angry feral cat for vermin control. It was so wild she worried about it scratching guests and attacking things it shouldn't.


Soon it mellowed and after a couple of months would barely leave the house. Lounging on settees, eating when it wanted - what a character change! :lol:

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