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Butchery course


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I am currently very busy at work, but when I get a chance and a break I fancy doing a butchery course.


I was going to have a look around and see if there was something I could get booked onto / into.


Now then, I know there are some serious butchers on here and I don't think I'm a alone in my desire to learn a bit of choppy choppy from people in the know.


What about running a PW course? We would need a butcher, a venue and a few people to fall in and turn up.


As for dead stuff to work on, well, I'm sure we can scratch around and find something :lol: .


Any ideas or views?


Failing all else can anyone recommend a course.


Cheers all.

Edited by Mungler
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if someone could arrange a venue i am a butcher and would be willing to bring some tools over and show anyone how to do what ever is needed, ie teach you what you like if that helps also free of charge wouldn't want paying just plenty of cups of tea (its a butchers thing)



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i guess we just need an idea from Colin what he requires location wise, i have a mate with a pub who might be up for letting us have his kitchen on a quiet night?

I'll second that. Good pub as well. :good:


I'm up for this but what do we do about the stuff we're going to knife up? Bring along what you want or split the cost and get a load of carcasses in?

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This is some thing that i have disscussed with a few on here before, i miss being in the game and jump at the chance of going back to a job i enjoyed doing for so many years. The venue would need to be local,the price well, fuel for me and the car :good:

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I'd be up for this as well, sounds like Herts is about central and as for dead stuff buying it in :blink: surely someone can clobber a few muntjac to order, though a roe may make life a little easier.

Like a few I'm an amateur at it but wouldn't mind getting a little more proficient as it gets like a bug trying to get the cuts right.

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