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Strange request for humane dispatch GRAPHIC WARNING!


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So, i thought id have a few hours on the geese tonight. As i arrived, the farmer came out and asked if i had my pistol. I keep it in my bag, as i check my traps when im there. I told him id did (its .177) and what was i needed for. He took me into one of the sheds, and showed me a carrier box. "One of our MEERKATS had been savaged by the pack. Its got some pretty bad injuries. Can u dispatch it for me, as i dont want it suffering!" :o A bloody meerkat!!! Im my few years of shooting, ive never been asked to deal with something like that. The poor little guy had massive neck injuries, and was gurgling bloody. They had spoke to the vets, and they advised to dispatch. I did feel bad, but glad it wasnt suffering any more. Anyway, it was done quick. :yp: not having done this on one before, i went for the back of the head and a clean, point blank shot worked.






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  On 04/10/2011 at 21:16, holly said:

did the farmer give any inclination as to why it was attacked ?



no mate, it can happen at any point. if one gets the hump with another, they all join in according to the farmer. half of its throat was missing, poor little sod.

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Hells bells Martin, you've just shot Alexander, and you didn't even give him a chance to put his clothes on first! How the hell are they going to make a new TV advert now? :rolleyes:


On a serious note - If it had to be done well done for doing a good quick job! :yes:


Edit: Could you not have got a photo of another live one so we could "Compare the meerkat dot com"?

Edited by Frenchieboy
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