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shot in the foot

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I bet that stung but seems you will be OK -- If you want to see how bullets expand have a look at Fieldsports TV at bottom of forum page - quite an eye opener for me as I have never been rifle shooter.


Did I miss


Do you live around West Midlands as a shooter shot himself in foot at our shoot a good few years ago - I heard two toes went with the shot - left a good sized hole in pallet he was standing on. :huh:



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Takes a lot to fess up to such an act. Whatever caused this accident (personally i feel the stupid muzzle resting trick clay shots do is a major cause of this accident). Muzzle awareness at all times when a gun is loaded or not will prevent injuries in the event of a negligent discharge.- Hey we all do daft stuff, its only like getting a fork out to eat your cornflakes etc. just a lot more serious consequences, thank goodness it wasn't someones head

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When i was a little fella i had my airgun a weirauch hw77 .177, now this gun went every ehere with me and i loved it. It was fitted with v sights and a special trigger because it was atarget shooter gun(i swapped the target sights) any how the trigger on it was feather light and i mean feather light, any how i went shooting over my cousins farm and we did a gun swap i used his bsa meteor after another unsucessfull shooting trip(shot out ferreted out years ag by ourselfs!)

i was sat on a gate playing with his gun, with the barrel resting on my big toe(i know) i was touching the trigger feeling the freeplay when twang oops the guns gone off! looked at my trainers to see a .22 sized hole and blood start to ooze out yes i shot my big toe right on the knuckle and the pellet was wedged in the joint, after a bit of cutting and digging by my dad with his knife it came out.


Lesson learned! never messed with guns since always respect them! Although i have been shot in the face with 56g no 1 shot but thats another story and another lesson learned!

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Man,that's nasty. :oops:


Hey,all it takes is a lapse of concentration for one split second,we all make mistakes,but most of the time we get way without any serious consequences.It's happened to me,same situation as yourself,but thankfully I only tagged the door of the auld boy's jeep. :yp: I'm now verging on OCD everytime I handle a gun.


Well done for posting and hope you make a speedy recovery. :good:

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Damn, that gixxer link is nasty, I've had my share of accidents and you're up there with me :rolleyes:



I stupidly managed to walk through a glass door 1 hour into a holiday, ended up in hospital 20 mins later with glass in my foot and leg alongside a lacerated patella tendon and my leg sliced straight across the knee down to the bone, must admit though I was seriously intrigued by how the body builds layers up under the skin hahaha, 6 hours later and out of surgery for months of rehab :angry: must say though Singapores medical service is excellent (don't reckon I'd have been as well taken care of in the UK with the NHS)




Good luck with the recovery mate :good:

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