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Gun safety


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Today myself and a friend called in to a regular shoot we go to on a sunday,standing behind the firing point just watching some of the lads shooting ther was a guy behind me with a semi auto,dont know why i turned round maybe just a bad feeling,i watched him feed a cartridge into the chamber,drop the bolt then feed another one in the tube, wow somthings telling me this is not right,i said to him have you got a round in that,his reply ya,followed by a look of to me,whats your problem quite franky i was stunned as to how selfish he was not only bad manners but total disregard for your fellow shooters am i over reacting to this or not would appreciate your views.

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Thats just 100% not on. Semis get enough stick as it is, people pulling stunts like that really don't help. Don't see the need to load outside of the cage personally......


It only takes a trip/slip and someone could lose a chunk of leg or worse.

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You should only load cartridges into a gun when in the stand especially with a semi. Before you leave the stand the gun should also be empty.


With him slamming the bolt shut the gun is in a unsafe mode even if the safety catch is on. If he was to slip or drop the gun its in a position to be discharged which could easialy result in a injury to some one.

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No, thats out of order and downright dangerous. I'd have asked him to unload it and then reported him to the shoot organisers tbh. No need for a gun to be loaded unless your in the stand about to shoot.

As was leaving i spoke to the guy who runs the shoot,he said he would speak to him.

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the bloke is obviously a complete ****hole what he done is unforegivable,how can any respectable shooter stand there behind other people with a gun loaded and unbroken? unfortuneatley hes a prime example of someone whos allowed a license when he shouldnt have and has shown this by showing his ignorance when you challenged him, people like him ruin this sport!

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No over reaction at all....unfortunately you do get these sort of people,with that sort of attitiude especially when there's a newbie(I'm not suggesting you're a newbie)in the cage.My nephew was once in a cage at a local shoot I took him to when he was relatively new to shotguns and clays.I was supervising him and he wasn't doing too bad,but then missed a pair which were shot by a **** who was stood behind us waiting to shoot!Him and his mates thought it was hilarious,but I came extremely close to losing more than just my SGC.Needless to say that was my nephew finished;wouldn't shoot anymore that day,and he's never returned to that shoot.The incident was reported to the club officials,but the plonkers are still shooting there.

You did right.I admire your restraint to be honest.

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What kind of shoot was this, a local club, CPSA ground or just a bunch of friends ?

Whatever,if I or any of my friends encountered such behaviour the shooter would be more than informed of his actions and would be told, in no in certain terms that this is not acceptable.

When I first read this post I wondered if it was a joke or a possible Troll.



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What kind of shoot was this, a local club, CPSA ground or just a bunch of friends ?

Whatever,if I or any of my friends encountered such behaviour the shooter would be more than informed of his actions and would be told, in no in certain terms that this is not acceptable.

When I first read this post I wondered if it was a joke or a possible Troll.



its a local shoot we visit every sunday and to be fair nothing like this has happend before needless to say if it happens again some sort of action has to be taken.

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You should have told him to unload his gun instantly and if he did not comply, I quite honestly would call the Police. He needs his ticket taking away pronto.


I assume you told the organisers what had happened, what was their reaction? By not doing anything positive you could contribute to someones death, honestly he is not a responsible person, is he?

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You should have told him to unload his gun instantly and if he did not comply, I quite honestly would call the Police. He needs his ticket taking away pronto.


I assume you told the organisers what had happened, what was their reaction? By not doing anything positive you could contribute to someones death, honestly he is not a responsible person, is he?

i did have a word with the owner he said it was not on and would have a word with him.

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i did have a word with the owner he said it was not on and would have a word with him.


Not on is not enough in my book. He needs banning, full stop and I would still inform the Police. We have to be safe with each other and this bloke is obviously not safe, therefore get rid of him before someone gets hurt.


Honestly, you cannot mess about with guns.

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Not on is not enough in my book. He needs banning, full stop and I would still inform the Police. We have to be safe with each other and this bloke is obviously not safe, therefore get rid of him before someone gets hurt.


Honestly, you cannot mess about with guns.



I think educating this chap into the correct behaviour may be more appropriate than calling the police.

If he fails to listen then removing him from the club/shoot would be in order.

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