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Just not ment to be

deputy dog

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Well lads iv come to conclusion that im not ment to buy my first centre fire after all.

After 9 and a bit years me an other half has split up and i had to move back into my flat what id been ticking over to keep my guns there, as she wouldn't have them in her house hence not moving in properly so to say.

All set up with the money i had saved and go down Sportsman GC to buy a combo.

But bad luck has struck for a 3rd time, as my bloody fridge freezer packed in an my cooker gave up the ghost and iv had to go a buy new. And has you know these things dont come cheap even for a half decent one, so between a new cooker an fridge freezer along with a lot more things that took money to sort out, iv spent half of the 2k i had saved. And im reluctant to spend that on a gun as now im on my own i'll most prob need it for some thing else.


So i think my shooting has to take a back seat for a while or at least buying a new rifle. Till i get myself sorted and settled in to life on my own.

Fingers crossed i may get it before i get to old age sets in

ha ha only 2 half years off 40 see haha.






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Sorry to hear about that bud. If you were closer I could have gave you a fridge and dishwasher as I am in the process of replacing them. Nothing wrong with them just old. Hope your luck changes soon.


As for 2 years off fourty I am past 40 and dont plan on slowing down unless my body forces me to. Plenty older lads splash out and enjoy it.


Lad at the locsl club is near 70 and just bought a EELL and a 20g SP loves every minuet.

Edited by Lord Geordie
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Hope things settle down for you mate, I was in the same position this time last year (wife of 13 yrs left for another bloke) and had to sell my shotgun to pay the mortgage.


It has taken me until now to get another one, but worth the wait and things have started to turn in my favour now, so just hang in there and it will all come good :good:

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Sorry to hear your bad news. Shooting and other luxuries might need to take a back seat for a while until you address some higher priorities and get yourself sorted. It doesn't have to be forever though, keep your dream rifle in mind as a focus to work towards - it (or an even nicer one) will still be there when you're ready. Don't be worrying about the big four oh either, I'm a good few years the other side and doing more shooting than I've done for yonks. Chin up fella :good:

Edited by Blunderbuss
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Cheers lads, 9yrs is a long time, but if its not working then

there's no point flogging a dead horse is it.

Just get my head down an concentrate on myself for a bit

and get my ***** into gear.


As for shooting, well i still got my shootgun an HMR here, so not to bad on that side. As for my centre fire well they say good things come to those who wait.




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