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Scum pure an simple

deputy dog

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Hi all


Had a phone call this morning of my x partner who was coming across rather distraut as best i can put it.

After telling her to calm down a bit, she eventually procceded to tell me how her daughter who is 21

was walking home from an house party an got glassed by a 16yr old girl off her tits on drugs n drink.

Apparently she walkied past an said good night to the girl who was with her boyfriend on the corner

shop in our local village and the next thing she knew, she was on the floor after being hit hard around

the head, with what is know known glass drink bottle. She is now on her way to Morristons Hospital in Swansea

with servier wounds to her hand an expected nerve damage from protecting her face an head from being cut

by the broken bottle, which shattered on impact to her head. She has two black eye's, multiple bruising to her face

an body and a very busted up lip.

The police has arrested the couple in question an their currently being held at the loacl nick till further



I'l let you know more when i find out whats happening, but i personally hope they will throw the book at them.

But knowing this soft justice system, he's be let of scott free an she's have a slap on the hand or at worse

a community care order because of her age. Mean while her victim as to go through months of trauma trying

to recover from this vile attack. And she is in one hell of a state i can tell you.




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Sorry to hear that and I really hope they don't get any freedom for a long time. However I cant help but think you are correct and they will get a severe telling off and sent on their way, only to do similar again.

I hope your young one recovers quickly physically and doesn't suffer to much anxiety afterwards. These people are utter scum who leave a trail of destruction behind them.

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******** mate, we're surrounded by them.


I nearly got into a spot of bother last night myself.


Went for a quiet night with the mrs, on the way back there was a drunken guy falling all over the place a looked a bit lost, when I asked him if he was ok and tried directing him to the taxi depot he turned on me and ad said he was going to 'bend me in half'


It's strange what alcohol does to some people, luckily I know who this guy is, and he happens to work in the office round the corner to me.


Therefore I will be paying him a visit on Monday morning to see if he still fancies trying to 'bend me in half' if he still fancies a pop, then may he rest in peace.

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I know first hand that my X's daughter can be a mouthy little so n so when she wants and iv had my fair

share of trouble with her when i was seeing her mother. But even after having a few run ins with her myself

in the past, i will never condone what that girl did to her last night. I'm not hamming it up by any means, but

i seen her before she went to make the trip to Morristons Hospital and she is in a right mess fair play.

Apart from the servere laserations to her hands she has the footmarks on her face an upper body where

the her attacker was stamping on her after hitting her with the bottle. 2 very balck eyes an bruised face

along with a busted lip. Apparently she was very lucky a couple of her friends were getting out of a taxi

in the village coming back from a night club. They rushed over after seeing what was happening an mangaged

to drag the girl off her as she was in a crazed state after being on the drink an drugs. And what makes

it worse the girls boyfriend was stood a few yards away lauging an say going on give it to her, he's about 19

years old, which is intersting. How could he stand back an see that unfold in front of him, with out thinking whats happening is very wrong an try stopping it. I know i'm not with her mother any more but i'm

furious, tamping to be honest but have to keep my cool, as i would love to catch up with him.

What is the world coming to.





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This just gets my goat and boils my ****, these ******* and smackheads should just pure and simply be put down, they are educated enough to know whats right and wrong, yet they still decide to get messed up on whatever they can inject, ingest or smoke, they have no place on this planet to be allowed to breath.


I do hope they get what they deserve, be it through the legal system (doubtful) or in some other way.


I do hope her recovery is full and fast.



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Hope she makes a speedy recovery and that the scum that attacked her get what they deserve. Hopefully the police will look at a GBH/Wounding with intent but knowing how the CPS work they will probably plea bargain an ABH and a softly softly sentence :angry:


Don't know where it happened but I popped into Swansea 2 weekends ago with the Mrs while I was back in Wales seeing the parents. By 10 Wine Street was full of vile, aggressive **** heads so we decided to call it a night and go home. Not a nice atmosphere at all.

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Hi Gareth sorry to hear this mate.There are some real nutters about these days.A few drinks and they think they are really hard. :hmm: Hope she gets better soon,but it will take her a long to get over it.I know she ain't your daughter,but when you have lived so long with your partner they always feel a bit like yours :good: All the best bud Terry

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these people are as said pure and utter scum !!!!!!!!!.

please make sure she presses charges against them .


same sort of thing happened to my nephew a few years back while he 15/16 yr old same scenarriow [spelling ?] he was walking home passed an older lad 19/20yr old again off this planet on drink/drugs stopped my nephew to ask time and head butted him in the face breaking his nose ,glasses knocking his front tooth out and cutting his face .

turned out this guy was well known by the police for violence while drunk/high .

thankfully he was caught on cctv this time and got 8 month in jail and ordered to pay compensation at a ridiculosey low ammount per month .

i really hope she isnt hurt to bad .

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National service for both sexes or a military boot camp..


Teach them some discipline...


And the parents... :yes:

.............. and the parent would say "No, my little angel wouldn`t do that" :no:

Hopefully the law will follow up on the pubs or off license (if they sold her the drink)that allowed a 16 year old to buy alcohol.

Hope she`s ok mate and she`ll make a full recovery.

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Makes you wonder why they dont ban alcohol the damage it causes . Hope the girl is OK mate ,society owes these people nothing and should refuse to pay benefits to criminals in these types of cases...or stick them on a island away from the rest of us

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I am sorry to hear about this and hope that the law has changed since it last happened to me. Smashed over the head with bottle by one young drunk and drugged up lad while the other one was sticking me in the back with an already smashed broken bottle , I at first thought he was punching me in the back , he wasnt and as I put my arm up to protect my face he cut my arm/elbow open ,out pops elbow joint . This was all down to one lad goating my wife as she waited until I took a leak in an alley way , when I came round the corner the bottles came out and I stood up to him , he then shouted several of his friends over. Two of them ended up geting charged for it and after the police had told me they would go to jail if I pressed charges as one of them was a bit of a known thug and bad family. Even after several threatening visits from his family members and offers of money I went ahead with the case. They got TWO YEARS SUSPENED SENTENCE...........Dont ffing figure does it , should of took the money eh.

Anyway that was about 7 years ago and maybe ( I doubt it) the law might of changed somewhat.

Hope she gets well soon.


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Sorry to hear what has happened ,There is a lot to be said and done at the moment but having been in a similar position in the past, time is a great healer also i find it helps to believe there's always a bigger fish maybe not next week or next month or even next year but eventually time runs out for these people and when it does you'll get to hear about it and the satisfaction is memorable! chin up

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sorry to hear about the trouble, you just need to remember to keep a calm head and not take things into your own hands, no mater how much you want to, i caught a guy burgling my house for the third time and showed him the error of his ways, he then went to the police and i was arrested, evidentally, he wasnt responsible for his actions as he was off his face on crack, I wasn't on crack so should have known better, just keep yourself calm.

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Don't know what makes people react to alcohol this way,it happened to me a couple of years back,whilst out in town with my brother,after a couple of hours my brother had had enough and decided to call it a night ,so I thought I'd walk home,while passing a que to a local night club(****hole) I felt what I thought was a punch to the back of my head,me being me carried on walking ,but one scrote the one who had hit me with a bottle decided it was hillarious and followed me round the corner gobbing off,I suddenly turned rond and grabbed hold of him and took him sightseeing down an alley between a pub and an Indian,needless to say after a few minutes there was only me coming back out looking for a taxi :D

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I hope she is ok m8 :o It saddens me to say but you are right the victim always does get the ****ty end of the stick ..... But hey what goesround comes around :good: It happened to my m8 Chris ( nicelydoesit)just before Christmas again no witnesses :hmm:

Wish her well from me m1 :good:

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