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news to rip your heart out

rusty dave

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Well there's no easy way to say it last week my wife of 17years has been told she has cancer

It's been one hell of a week emotions all over the place thoughts of anger denial and what the thoughts of what thehell have we done but we will get over this she says she wants everything to be normal I just want her better and to scream blue bloody murder ok rant over

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Sorry to hear the news your wife has cancer Dave. I know what you are going through, I went through it 12 years ago when my wife was told she had cancer. Twelve years on, all is good, she is still with us and has yearly check ups. Hope you wife makes a recovery and pulls through, just be there for her when she needs you.

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You have my sympathies, don't stop fighting, no matter how hard it may seem.


In May last year my wife was ill and then diagnosed with two different cancers in 3 areas. Major surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and rest have all played their part.


I have to admit, there were a couple of times when I checked that she was still with us, the cure was probably worse than the cancer. We are now a month or so past the end of the treatment; she is now showing some signs of recovery. This must be true, I'm now being told off with great regularity, almost back to normal. It takes time, good luck.



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Sorry to hear that mate.Know how you feel my wife had cancer a few years ago of the back passage.Had massive op,then 12 hours plastic surgery + treatments.Doing well now so hang in there buddy. :good: Just be strong for her but its bloody hard going though.Wishing her a full recovery.Terry :good:

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If you don't mind me asking, where has she been diagnosed with the cancer ? So many different types and problems under the one umbrella of cancer, hopefully someone here knows or someone who can offer practical advice and help, with an inspiring story, just keep positive, when I was ill medical advancements had improved so much from near 100% poor outcome before to 10 years later nearly 80% positive outcome.

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Well there's no easy way to say it last week my wife of 17years has been told she has cancer

It's been one hell of a week emotions all over the place thoughts of anger denial and what the thoughts of what thehell have we done but we will get over this she says she wants everything to be normal I just want her better and to scream blue bloody murder ok rant over


If you want a chat from someone that's been there pm me and i'll give you my number :good: Terry

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