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Don't tell the Mrs!



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  1. 1. Do you tell your partner how many guns you own?

    • Do you tell your partner how much £££ you spend on guns and gear?
    • Do you keep it all a seceret?

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Here's one for you fellas.


When I applied for my SGC I was told by many of you old guys in here that my life was going to get expensive.... and you were not wrong, I **** you not!


Now for those of you who with better half's!

Are you completely honest with them?

Do they know how many guns you own?

and how much you spend on guns and gear?


The reason i ask is it took me a whole week to grow the balls to tell my bird that I had ordered a new shotgun, only a week after buying my first shotgun.

I couldn't help feeling guilty, until she told me that she had spent a fortune on herself whilst on a trip to Swansea... so i let it rip.


So for all you filthy addicts out there... lets see how honest you really are :D


Hedd the liar

Edited by hedd-wyn
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I'm with you on that one Red Beard, My Mrs always says why do I need yet another rifle or shotgun surely one of the 6 already in the cabinets will do, aswell as why do you need another camo jacket/another pair of boots/more decoys etc etc but I would prefer to be honest than sneaking stuff in the house.

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I've lied through my teeth to my GF about my shooting spending and I always will :good:


Mind you, she lies about the amount she spends on clothes and shoes. How do I know? Because I'm smart enough not to use the joint account and it's pretty easy to spot a £300+ shoe purchase! My other half is very nice to look at but she's as thick as **** :lol:

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I tell my mrs 90% of what I buy as it is a joint account..,but when she goes shopping she will spend hundreds at a time on clothes shoes bags ect...so a few quid here and there on my hobby is acceptable


Plus she is a anatomical scientist so she knows her way round a body with a scalpel so if I tell her lies I might loose something lol...

Edited by archie1234
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never in a million yrs, always halve the cost if I'm pestered - hope to get away with not even saying a dickie bird. When I kick the bucket and she sees what fishing gear I've got stashed in the garage she's gonna flip and I've only just got back into shooting!

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Theres a story about two shooting mates, been shooting togeather for years. One of them gets seriously ill and is in the hospital. His mate goes in to see him, the news is not good, his friend has very little time left.


The friend who is ill gets himself up on one elbow and says to his mate "You got to do one last thing for me, its very important, I have been really worried"


"Of course" say the mate "Anything, you know I will, What is it?"


"When I am gone" says the friend "For Christ's sake don't let my wife sell my guns for what I told her I had paid for them"

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i have 5 shotguns and 5 rifles so guns alone is easily 6k plus scopes and stuff and my wife knows exactly how much i paid, but then i work so she doesn`t have to.

As long as the mortgage & bills etc are paid and my daughter gets everything she needs no questions are asked, although saying that when i bought my daughter a .410 questions were asked seeing as she is only 5.

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We share a joint account and are quite careful - my wife doesnt do the normal expensive shopping for clothes etc.

Consequently I feel I should keep my spending on shooting under control.

Bit of a bloody nuisance really.

Still, birthday soon, and the £80 rifle tripod I bought for myself has been transformed into a present from her so I'm due some more goodies.


If I am really honest I keep my spending to a reasonable level as I find it hard to justify being as selfish as I might like to be !!!!

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All guns, regardless of calibre or gauge, walnut or synthetic stock, complete with scope where applicable, cost the standard a firearms rate of £100. FACT. At least that's what she gets told :yp:


Come unstuck a couple of times due to my in laws who also shoot and drop me in it. She just generally sighs now if I turn up with a new gun and doesn't ask.


Also came unstuck trying to sneak a .410 hushpower into the safe as the Mrs was entering the house. Man, those things are long! Thought it would just slot in and shut the door. Nope.

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