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What are your views on PPU factory ammunition?

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We were at Blairadam Range on Saturday and one of the shooters was using factory PPU 303 ammunition.

It was fine at the 200 yard firing point with the sights set for that range but when we went back to the 500 yard firing point the sights had to be set at 1300 yards to get on target.


The Lee Enfield mk4 had a new barrel installed about 2 months ago so that ruled out a worn barrel the shooter commented that in his opinion PPU factory ammunition does not have the puff to do more than 200 yards.


I have use this ammunition on the same range at the same distances using another Mk4 using the sights set at 200 and 500 and hit the targets without a problem.


What are your views on PPU factory ammunition?

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PPU ammo is usually pretty good and accurate too.I've shot factory 303 at 600mtrs and it hit the mark every single time.I then switched to my homeloads which went a little higher so there isnt much in it.


The only time i've seen dodgy PPU was couple of years back someone was shooting 308 (Privi match).He opened the box and almost all the bullets had dropped inside the case and was sitting on the powder! Needless to say they went back to the shop.

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Depends on gun/circumstances. According to the salesman 3 days ago, Marlin don't recommend loading lever action carbines with Privi, something about more frequent jamming when trying to chamber the next round. Heard lots of good things otherwise though....

Edited by Bloke
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We were at Blairadam Range on Saturday and one of the shooters was using factory PPU 303 ammunition.

It was fine at the 200 yard firing point with the sights set for that range but when we went back to the 500 yard firing point the sights had to be set at 1300 yards to get on target.


The Lee Enfield mk4 had a new barrel installed about 2 months ago so that ruled out a worn barrel the shooter commented that in his opinion PPU factory ammunition does not have the puff to do more than 200 yards.


I have use this ammunition on the same range at the same distances using another Mk4 using the sights set at 200 and 500 and hit the targets without a problem.


What are your views on PPU factory ammunition?


No doubt there was an issue to address, my thoughts are towards the sights or user error. Not enough puff? not very likely IMO.

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Tried some 30wcf at a range last week end and had one split from top to bottom! Another 30wcf user then commented the same thing happened a year ago in their carbine!


Only tried 20rds at 50 and 100m on stock irons Win 94 trapper and they weren't too bad. Felt quite consistant and mild recoil. Most of them would of got the deed done!



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Funny you should mention case splitting.


I loaded up a batch of .44 for my Henry using PPU cases, I've had a few start to split around the rim after firing (mild load, 5.4 TiteGroup 240gr lead) but my son had an unfired jammed round, taking it out we saw the case had split almost the complete length.


Edit. - Just remembered we still have the case,



Edited by phaedra1106
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I use it in my .243 and have no problems whatsoever with it! I guess it is like many have said already, some rifles are fine with it some are not. Mine will give me sub 1 inch groups at 100 yards and I can constantly hit tennis balls (Roughly the same size as acceptable the kill zone on a fox or a deer) with it at 200 yards so for deer or foxes that is plenty good enough for me, especially at £11.55 a box compared with well over £20 per box for many other makes of .243 ammunition.

As for shooting out to anywhere around the 400 to 500 yard ranges I can't comment as I do not shoot anything at those sort of ranges!

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PPU is generally regarded as the best .303 ammo on the market. Some would say S&B has a slight edge but it is not lacking in power.

We were using it at 900yds at Bisley on Sunday afternoon in a .303. the results were not that good but a 60 year old standard service rifle at 900yds with a heat haze what do you expect? The ammo is good though and very much better than most of the rifles are capable of shooting. Ignore the thing about the sights and being set at something other than what it should be. Thats old news. You don't know the history of the rifle and whether it ever had the correct foresight blade fitted. Sounds to me like it hasn't. There were a range of foresight heights for the armourer to regulate the sights. Its not a floating barrel, once that rifle has been taken to bits and a new barrel fitted everything is going to have moved.

Edited by Vince Green
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And my 6.5x55 loved it...


The .243 on the other hand patterned like a shotgun which suggests it all comes down to whether or not your rifle likes it? It seems like ok ammo to me.

My :good: 243 hated it as well, got into reloading and have never tried it through my 308, though I doupt if it could match the homeload accuracy or price :good:

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My Remington 700 SPS .243 loves PPU ammo, had clean shots to over 200+yds, dont do anything much more than that distance.....and at £75 for 100, it's the reason I'm not reloading...yet..:) So far, I've tried, Sako 6.5g 100gr, Federal 100gr, and the Privi in 100gr 6.5g, and 90gr 5.8g, and the Privi compares very well to the expensive stuff...No complaints from me at all..:)

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