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Making a Gunning Punt and Punt Gun


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There is one further back in the thread, a couple of pages or so, February date perhaps.


I ve judt looked through all your photos and iam in ore at the punt and boat house truly stunning .. but we need a finished shot or video of you punting cheers

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Will you just give it a rest!!!!!

Not only do you write possibly the best thread we have ever had on here,

You build your own gun/punt/cartridges.

We now find out you designed and built your own jet bloody engine!!!!!

We members are starting to feel just a tad inadequate

Just saying.......

Not jealous or ANYTHING!!


:lol: Sorry!

I just can't stand sitting in watching the drivel that frequents the TV, I'd rather be out in the 'man cave' keeping my brain active and learning new things. My parents always brought me up telling me 'there is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it' and I've stuck by that. So far it seems to have turned out ok. :) The jet engine was tough but stood me in good stead for future projects!

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Well done yet again an interesting read, how's the 8 bore plan going.

The 8 bore is on hold at the moment as the plans I drew up for my extension got approved last week, so I've got this week off to start building it! So unfortunately no new guns for a while!

I have also started on a new project, even bigger than the others, which hopefully I'll be able to post about on here soon!


Yep sorry ive just found the video .. iam mazed at the skill of the wildfowler and his tolerant wife mine would have killed me by now . Ive just read all of this thread this morning while the kids watch a dvd .

Many thanks for your posts... I'm pleased you've enjoyed the thread! And yes, I'm lucky to have a tolerant wife! :lol:


:stupid: +1


Wildfowler, have you had the gun proofed yet? I expect that will be yet another fascinating tale?

Not yet as it is too big to proof in the proof house, they will have to come out and do it so I'm waiting to make it worthwhile! ;) Edited by Wildfowler
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  • 5 months later...

No, no problems, but thanks for asking.

Whilst this forum has less morons than most, unfortunately, as a lot of you will know, it still has it's fair share and I was finding myself encountering them at an ever increasing frequency, so decided to have a break... Hopefully after a bit of time away, some of them have been ousted!

Having said that, I've also been fully absorbed in some other non shooting related projects, and it's the wildfowling season! So I've been out on the foreshore or afloat in the punt every spare waking hour I've had.

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