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Your biggest regret???


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Biggest regret was coming back to the UK after a few years living and working in the US. I was offered the chance to live like a king in South Africa but I was a little worried about getting my money back out so didn't take it.


Stupid, stupid, stupid :oops:


Coming back from Egypt as I had a good life as an instructor/dive guide…..




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I would have loved to have done some travelling when I left Uni.


I loved Uni, both the degree, the placement year and the social side. I made some very good friends and we still are today. When leaving Uni I got a job and met Mrs G, and we have three lovely kids as a result so cant complain, however I really fancied the idea of travelling for a year or so, but it didnt happen.



Edited by jgguinness
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Not doing anything for my resettlement, other than mooching around the house in my pants drinking cheap lager and watching Trisha for 3 months.


:w00t: That sounds like most of my weekends this "summer".


I regret not buying up cheap properties during the last recession. I remember losing sleep about whether to buy our first house for £41k or a different one for £58k. In hindsight I should have taken easy mortgage after mortgage and bought the whole frigging street! In the future our kids will be amazed that people used to own their houses let alone that you used to able to "self certificate" your own mortgage. :whistling:

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Can't really say I regret anything, made a few dodgy decisions in the past, but I'll put that down to experience. Like a few others, wished I taken well meaning advice, travelled a bit more and finished a degree. Hey life goes on, married to a lovely women, have 2 great children and life is generally sweet. Oh and I wish that those 6 numbers on the lottery I had a few moons back weren't spread over 3 different rows, didn't even win a Pavarottii :cry1:

Edited by Brown Sauce
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Mostly very happy with where I am but-

I would have liked to make the grade as an airline pilot when I was 18, rather than going to Uni to be a civil engineer.

then there are 3 ladies, gorgeous, all of them and married who in my late teens early twenties and early fifties should have been 'close friends' but then I wouldnt be who I am now would I (or would I?)

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It's not something that keeps me up at night but I'd have liked to have done a small stint in the armed forces when I was younger.

I did when I was 18 went to Ireland for the first two years , one year in blackpool, then got out thought I should have stayed in but then I wouldn't have my four kids , should have took shooting up when my dad was alive

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Not joining the USMC when I was 18 years old when I had the oppotunity . If I had survived vietnam I would proberbly be living in the states as a retired veteran with all the benifits afforded to heroes . Mind you I wouldnt have met mrs Harnser and had my two kids and my grand children . Hind sight is wonderful ,but does it really mean anything .?



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I've got a great life, and an awful lot to be thankful for. I have no REAL regrets, but a few things I might have changed in hindsight: Gone to university; got to know my Dad better when I was younger; sown a few more wild oats before I married; played with my kids more (and worked less) when they were younger; not given up shooting for 12 years after the pistol.ban. And like a few others, done something useful with my resettlement! Prince2? What was I thinking!! :(

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should have took shooting up when my dad was alive


Same here. I only took up shooting after dad died and left me with a few "toys". It was six months later before I started clay pigeon shooting (which is what dad did) and - something that he would've *loved* - PSG.


I now shoot PSG less than a mile from the farm where he shot clays.


If he'd have known about CAS, he'd've thought that he was already in Heaven...


So guys, go shootin' with yer dad while you can - you never know when he won't be there anymore.





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I regret not buying up cheap properties during the last recession.


Jesus! Me as well! I paid 31k for my first flat, should have bought a load of buy to lets....last time my flat sold it went for 186000 English pounds! Ten of those would have done me!


Also managed to blow most of just over 40k a few years later, with almost nothing to show for it now! :no:

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