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If you were to give up shooting?


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There are a few beaters on the shoot I beat for who are retired shooters. They get enough enjoyment from just being part of the day, which I can completely understand.


I stopped shooting (as in recreationally) while I was in the army and then picked it back up again. If I were to stop now I'd probably get back into fishing. I have no plans to stop any time soon though.

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I'm giving serious thought to packing it in for the time being.

I havn't fired the .243 for 5 months, I've been on the same brick of .22lr since the last scone gamefair and I've lost a very large permission recently.

These facts put together with the date that I'm going to ITC Catterick have made me think "why bother". I must have a good few grand s worth of shooting equipment pluss an 05 vitara that costs me more to insure, run and tax than a bloody transit van.... I think I should sell it all and get a fast car and take it up again when my life settles.

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Do more sea fishing and beach combing for mussels cockles etc, and get more into foraging, But as many have said " it's in yer blood," I love the sport and got the bug 30 years ago when the old fella got me an air rifle (my father shoots also). I would rather be out and about in the country side, lakes, mountains, beaches in my spare time than boozing etc, Dont get me wrong though theres nowt better than after a day in the feild stopping at a country pub on the way home for a couple of propper ales in good company etc ( Please note I dont drink and drive my brother in law is teetotal so he drives us home if Ihave a pint ha ha ,, Cheers Mark top man ha ha ha )


ATB Flynny

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I'd probably go back to cars/bikes, and falling out with the missis.. She knows shooting chills me out after a crazy week at work, and it's 100% safer than a superbike.. So as long as I don't take the **** she doesn't get on at me. (no dear. I diddnt come in at 630 sunday morning, it must have been a dream....)


Same as mate


ATB Flynny

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I'm giving serious thought to packing it in for the time being.

I havn't fired the .243 for 5 months, I've been on the same brick of .22lr since the last scone gamefair and I've lost a very large permission recently.

These facts put together with the date that I'm going to ITC Catterick have made me think "why bother". I must have a good few grand s worth of shooting equipment pluss an 05 vitara that costs me more to insure, run and tax than a bloody transit van.... I think I should sell it all and get a fast car and take it up again when my life settles.


I try not to shoot in the summer so that i get the 'feel' for it as the autumn approaches - then, when the air starts to take on a chill and i hear the distant call of a pheasant that old instinct to get out with the gun comes back.

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I stopped all shooting for around 6 years and then got back into it, I missed it terribly and am glad to be part of it again - even though I struggle to find the time to get much shooting done, I love my deer stalking and sitting in high seats of an evening - it's so relaxing that I hope to keep doing it.


I'm also lucky enough to have a friend that runs a shoot and puts up with me helping "when i can" which is fantastic.





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I'd emigrate. Its the guns which keep me here if I'm honest - the thought of giving them up and battling to get them back if it didn't work out, or struggling to restart my shooting in a foreign country. Guns are a huge part of my life and so they're also a tie.

If I was giving them up anyway I'd be off, and if I couldn't get shooting again in my new country then, like many others I'd look to rediscover fishing. And with that in mind I'd make sure I chose a country to move to that actually had some fish in its rivers and seas.


I think that might be Ack-Ack's problem. Its not him or his kit, its this exhausted country. We've stripped it bare.

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yeh the sea inshores been raped annual seafishing trips to brixham ,paignton padstow theres not much left down there and round here all the knockbacks cos its syndicated shooting well depressing .and a lot of its clikky clickky been here 3 years still look at me like im from neverland .but when i do get out you cant beat the anticipation of a good days shooting

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ive only taken it back up in the last 3 years , but i also love my kayak fishing, fly-fishing videoing, photography, music ..so don't really get bored with any of them..always nice to photograph the wildlife then shot what is required for a nice meal,


i am very lucky with the fact my farmer lets me do what i want, being mainly cattle there is no pressure to cull everything in sight

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I think I'd divide my time between a definitive study of single malt whiskys, sea fishing and creating the perfect tomato for the British climate( which would have real flavour, be as big as Bramley cooker and produce so much fruit the main stem would be like suspension wire.


However, I'll be giving up when I'm unable to do those things !

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Think I'd rekindle my love of scuba diving, just as expensive and equally dangerous. Still have a couple of wetsuits, mask, snorkel and fins, sold the rest to finance shooting. Only thing is, everytime I get in the water I hear, da da........da da.....dada dada dadaderrrrrrr

Some thing I've always wanted to do

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I dont do much live stuff these days, but love shooting clays.


Doesnt matter if I dont hit them all, I just like the Sunday morning at the club, the craic and then back for a drink (I only drink VERY rarely) to discuss how we all missed them.


The odd weekend away on the clays is also a good part of it. (PW charity shoot included)


If I HAD to stop then the money saved would probably get me to the British GP once a year, havn't been since 2007 used to be an every year man but the prices started to get silly



Edited by shaun4860
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Reading posts on here and other forums it's interesting how important shooting (or any other hobby/sport) is to some people.

Because I have always many and varied interests it really wouldn't bother me if I gave up shooting, I would just do something else.

Like others in this thread, I am bit off shooting at the moment anyway but it will come back in time I know that.

In fact I didn't shoot a roebuck I had in my cross hairs the other morning because I had done the hard bit getting into 10 yards of it, and to be perfectly honest I couldn't be bothered with all the faffing about afterwards :blush:

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Reading posts on here and other forums it's interesting how important shooting (or any other hobby/sport) is to some people.

Because I have always many and varied interests it really wouldn't bother me if I gave up shooting, I would just do something else.

Like others in this thread, I am bit off shooting at the moment anyway but it will come back in time I know that.

In fact I didn't shoot a roebuck I had in my cross hairs the other morning because I had done the hard bit getting into 10 yards of it, and to be perfectly honest I couldn't be bothered with all the faffing about afterwards :blush:


Interesting, i've not been clay shooting for a few months because of cash flow, while i miss it i don't miss it has much as i thought i would the day i realised i'd have to knock on the head for a while.

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Really interesting to hear all the different views. The more I've thought about it, I'm probably in the 'pushing up daisies/emigrate' bracket. I do some fly fishing but it's not visual enough for me,(maybe chalk stream stuff would suit me better).


I think I would probably go down the falconry route but that's almost the same concept as shooting :lol:

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