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Well he's gone.


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Well today ive lost the best friend a man could ever have,shooting just wont seem the same anymore without him .I dont reckon i'll ever love anyone quite as much as him i really would happily give my life for him as would my wife.

Yep my lad has flown the nest today and starts his university life today,we've just got back from dropping him off at his new home for the next 4 years or so in Newcastle,bleddy hell its quiet without him though.

Just where did the hell last 19 years go ?

Mighty strange feeling which i'm sure many of you will have experienced.

Edited by Jega
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Well I suspect the fridge has breathed a sigh of relief!

The time will go really quick, as will the money you'll spend helping him out! But he'll be back and the shooting times during the holidays will be treasured. Mine is just about to come back and we are already saving for the food bill.

On the other hand, we helped out daughter move in to her flat today..... that feels a bit more permanent.


They drive you up the wall when they're around but you don't half miss them when they're not.

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Just dropped my daughter off at UEA Norwich this weekend. It was hard to say goodbye but as she is training to be a children's nurse and put something into the community its something I am quite proud of. She will be missed around the home but its always been her mission in life to look after sick children. As sad as I am at the moment I will be proud of her once she gets her degree and once qualified she is promised a job. The people of Norfolk will gain a great and caring nurse.

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I'm sure he'll be back often enough, if only to dump a few loads of questionably stained bedsheets and very well used underwear in front on the machine.


It's surprising how much time us students get off in between exams and the start of term, so you'll have him around for most of the summer unless he is otherwise occupied. Big step to take going to university with the current fee rate, and I wish him all the best.

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my mate has just arrived..he has just dropped his lad off at the army camp in harrogate today to start a new career in the army...he is worried sick,especially about the ied threat...looks like its time to get the jack daniels out.......




my daughter has just walked in..had a row with her other half and asked if she can have her bedroom back.......................................no you cant......get on the phone and sort it out......



Edited by mikky
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Just got back from dropping my Boy off at edge hill uni in ormskirk,he was the youngest and the house will be quiet without him, but his brother has dropped round and is staying the night.

I don't think i need to worry about the youngest ,he sent a text saying his block have all ordered pizza and are having a laugh in the kitchen.


It was soppy dad who had to turn away after the good bye hug,something in my eye,dust i think :whistling:

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Cant get rid of the youngest , he is 25 been working since he left school at 16 so I am proud of him in that respect and he cooked dinner for 6 of us today , as he is a builder he"s pretty handy to have around . We just had the grandson ( 2 ) for the weekend ( awake at 5.45am this morn ) and his new sister is due in 3 weeks so we dont see a quiet life ahead .

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Oh yes, very quiet for a short while. Then the trips back and forth with the car full to the brim, bank account going down when it should be going up but mum knows nothing about this :no:


Know the feeling well ...... Three kids .....Car knew its own way to ...Bradford ...Leeds ...Sheffield. ....To anyone new to this way of life ...Warning do not post any money to your children .....Thieves very active ....I learned the hard way.

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Yes its one of the big wrenches, espescially after all the build up before hand. Suddenly deathly silence. My son is in his final year at Bristol University but he loves it so much that you can only feel happy for them. Then, if plans go to form he's got another three years at Bristol Royal Infirmary after that.

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My oldest boy turned 19 yesterday,I don't know what's more depressing

That his all grow up or the fact he has a beard !!!!

His still very much at home and we have gone past the stage now where we could drive too the middle of nowhere and abandon him (he knows his address now)

But his in full time work and has just passed all his exams

So I can put up with dirty clothes and the waking me at 3am to tell me his home from a night out drinking.

Am just glad his happy and doing what he wants

and his not sitting on his backside wanting an easy life.

I think my job of bringing him up is now done ;0)


And so now I move on to my 15 year old son and start getting him ready to let go of my apron strings:0)

We start this week looking at the colleges

can't believe my boys are now becoming men !!!


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My oldest boy turned 19 yesterday,I don't know what's more depressing

That his all grow up or the fact he has a beard !!!!

His still very much at home and we have gone past the stage now where we could drive too the middle of nowhere and abandon him (he knows his address now)

But his in full time work and has just passed all his exams

So I can put up with dirty clothes and the waking me at 3am to tell me his home from a night out drinking.

Am just glad his happy and doing what he wants

and his not sitting on his backside wanting an easy life.

I think my job of bringing him up is now done ;0)


And so now I move on to my 15 year old son and start getting him ready to let go of my apron strings:0)

We start this week looking at the colleges

can't believe my boys are now becoming men !!!



scary is'nt it


my nephew is 25, in the RAF and has been all over the world

1 niece is married with child

1 has been in the RAF, left, expecting and waiting to go uni next year to study childrens nursing

1 has just passed her driving test today


only seems like yesterday they were born



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Never forget standing on the platform one in 86 iwas 18 just, heading to Winchester to join the army my mam girlfriend (wife now) and my late dad bless him i cried nearly all the way there and the twenty weeks training, my dad was the same never went back home to live but never failed to phone to here the voices especially when I got posted to northern Ireland for two years

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Worse part of the job being a parent

you want them to go out and enjoy being young and free

to see the world before they become boring old flumps like us ;0)

We hoping that Joshs job will open these doors for him.

But at the same time if I had a big roll of bubblewrap

all you would see of him is a little bit of hair.

Am already worrying about the dark nights and him out on his bike.


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