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If they were told that this is a white country and to get lost back to whereever they were dragged up from then there would be uproar...but the other way around next to nothing happens about it.


They are an embarassment to the moderate law abiding majority of their religion and should be added to the general license with no close season.

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it'll be interesting to see what history makes of the last labour government


Problem is people have too short a memory - they will forget that labour destroyed the uk and its identity and the rights of indigenous people and will vote then back in as they don't like the measures the conservatives have had to take to try to sort out Labour's mess.

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it'll be interesting to see what history makes of the last labour government

lets look at the Labour Government 1974–1979 as an example.

  • Winter of Discontent
  • disruption of oil supply
  • borrowing £2.3 billion from the IMF
  • the dead not being buried
  • rubbish not being collected
  • general strikes
  • massive inflation


so not looking good really.

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Using the Guardian's report of this story, it reports that they where turned in by their own local Mosque.


''The East London Mosque has condemned the actions. It said in a statement last week that individuals claiming to be 'Muslim patrols' have been harassing members of the public on the streets of east London late at night, including outside the mosque after it has closed, and that it had contacted the police to alert them to the presence of the individuals and video.''


So, it was the Mosque that turned them in. It's important to remember that this the actions of a few, stupid young males, and not a reflection of an entire community.

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Sorry to say it is time to round them up and send them back to the areas that are really Muslim, the lands where they and their families before them originate from. Then they can then shout as much as they like at the trespassers to the Muslim areas and one thing I can guarantee is it won't be me!!!!


I'm not racist by any means, but it is time they learned that if they want to part of a multi-cultural society then they need to act appropriately in accordance with the way they would like to be treated. If not then jog on back to the country where your family had its roots!


Rant over.......

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Using the Guardian's report of this story, it reports that they where turned in by their own local Mosque.


''The East London Mosque has condemned the actions. It said in a statement last week that individuals claiming to be 'Muslim patrols' have been harassing members of the public on the streets of east London late at night, including outside the mosque after it has closed, and that it had contacted the police to alert them to the presence of the individuals and video.''


So, it was the Mosque that turned them in. It's important to remember that this the actions of a few, stupid young males, and not a reflection of an entire community.


Your level headed and tolerant remark has no place on Pigeon watch!

Please delete immediately and replace it with a sweeping generalisation or cliché.


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Using the Guardian's report of this story, it reports that they where turned in by their own local Mosque.


''The East London Mosque has condemned the actions. It said in a statement last week that individuals claiming to be 'Muslim patrols' have been harassing members of the public on the streets of east London late at night, including outside the mosque after it has closed, and that it had contacted the police to alert them to the presence of the individuals and video.''


So, it was the Mosque that turned them in. It's important to remember that this the actions of a few, stupid young males, and not a reflection of an entire community.

:good: well said that man :good:
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Sorry to say it is time to round them up and send them back to the areas that are really Muslim, the lands where they and their families before them originate from. Then they can then shout as much as they like at the trespassers to the Muslim areas and one thing I can guarantee is it won't be me!!!!


I'm not racist by any means, but it is time they learned that if they want to part of a multi-cultural society then they need to act appropriately in accordance with the way they would like to be treated. If not then jog on back to the country where your family had its roots!


Rant over.......

Who exactly are you wanting to round up?
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These stories do the rounds all the time. Islam is a very nice religion but it does attract its fair share of nutters - About 7 years ago they were putting stickers up all around Whitechapel, Stepney Green and Aldgate proclaiming them as Sharia law zones - funnily enough it didn't happen. This will be one or two over zealous followers of the faith geeing up the local teenagers who can then whack it up on YouTube. Do you really think the local Asian businesses want people to stop eating, drinking and buying stuff in their area?


Isolated idiocy.

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I believe the clue is in the word Muslim !!! had you read the whole of the first line you would have spotted this :hmm:

No, you are putting words in his mouth, unless you are he?

its not isolated tho is it,,this sort of thing is happening all over OUR country,the only difference now is that it was recorded


Not happening here...

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